When they were a little older, they were a nuisance. They started collecting protection fees from Chinese students in the surrounding schools and communities since elementary school.

When they were a little older, they committed murder and arson. They killed countless people and even raped many Asian women.

The crimes committed by the three were enough to keep them in prison for hundreds of years.

But they were never punished by the San Francisco Police Department. Even if they were caught, they would be released after two or three days at most.

"Fernando, let's kill tonight!"

Odiga said while making a black man gesture.

"I tasted Chinese girls when I was a child. Let's have fun tonight!"

Simos was also looking forward to it!

"Hold an Indian party in Chinatown!"

"Hahaha, and that Moses Li, we are playing with Chinese women tonight, do you want to join us? It's cool!"

Odiga looked at Moses Li with dreadlocks next to him and said.

Although this Moses Li is a woman, she has committed no fewer crimes than them.

"I'm not interested. The Chinese look short and look like they haven't grown up yet, just like the chopsticks they use!"

"Damn, they look shorter and thinner than my fingers!"

"Hahaha, those people in Chinatown look down on Moses Li!"

"I don't know what these Chinese are doing in this world!"

"I think we are really doing justice tonight! Those Chinese should thank us!"

"Let's go!"

United States.

San Francisco.

There are 50,000 black people in the ancient district.

They came out in full force, and the densely packed cars directly occupied the main roads.

Just like locusts passing through, everyone's eyes were on them, but no one dared to stop them. Even the police cars and ambulances had to stop on the side and wait for them to pass first.

The people in Chinatown naturally got the news at the first time.

What's more, Tom Smith called Xu Xi directly to inform her.

Blang Guo and others looked at Stuart Leisheng and Xu Xi with worry.

"50,000 people, 50,000 people are heading to Chinatown!"

"They are going to raze our Chinatown to the ground!"

"How can you still sit still!"

White Lee couldn't help but look at Stuart Leisheng and Xu Xi.

"I advised you to take down the black street lamp, but now, those blacks are going to tear down our Chinatown directly!"

"What should we do!"

"What should we do?"

Stuart Leisheng looked at Blang Guo and the others and said.

"You don't believe in our American Hongmen, you should believe in Jun Ge!"

"You keep calling us Li Jun and Jun Ge, but we don't even know what Li Jun looks like!"

"I only know that you want to destroy our Chinatown!"

White Lee said, feeling powerless and sat down.

"Don't worry, Chinatown won't be destroyed, there are only 100,000 people!"

Xu Xi said indifferently.

"White Lee, did you hear that? Mr. Xu said it won't be destroyed, so it won't be destroyed!"

Xu Xi said lightly.

"But let them start preparing now!"

Xu Xi ordered.

At the entrance of Chinatown.

One after another Gatling guns were placed at the entrance and on the top floor of the building.

These Gatling guns in the "Terminator" movie can be easily obtained in the United States as long as there is a gun.

Under extreme conditions, 6,000 bullets can be fired in one minute, and a tank can be blown up in three minutes.

A total of 200 Gatling guns were placed by 400 special forces, guarding the front and back entrances of Chinatown.

Next to each Gatling gun, there were piles of bullets as tall as a person.

As long as an order is given, these bullets will pour out like a storm, hitting every black man directly, enough to turn these black men into a pile of rotten meat within a minute.

The only trouble is the aftermath. After all, black lives are always precious in the United States. Now 50,000 black men are going to be turned into dead souls, which will surely cause an uproar afterwards. On the other side.

Fernando and others brought more than 40,000 black men.

These black men drove pickup trucks one after another, and there were five or six black men standing on the cargo box of each pickup truck. These black men either held AK47s or carbines in their hands, and the worst ones held pistols.

Some of them even carried rockets.

I didn't know which African warlord had escaped.

But the weapons of African warlords, apart from tanks, may not be as good as those black people in the United States in other aspects.

Fernando and others have seen from afarnigger street lamps.


"How dare they!"

"How dare they turn our brothers into street lamps? Even the white people in the United States dare not do this. How dare these yellow monkeys!"

"I can't stand it anymore. I'm going to go down and tear down these street lamps!"

Odiga, the first general under Fernando, couldn't help it. He stopped the car on the side of the road and called the nigger brothers in the car to get off and tear down these nigger street lamps.

"Brother, we are here to save you!"

Odiga walked to the front of the nigger street lamp with three niggers and reached out to untie the rope tied to the nigger.


The next moment, a violent flame burst out and a small cloud of explosion floated up.

Odiga's broken limbs and arms flew everywhere, and even the pickup truck he had just stopped on the side of the road was overturned by the blast.

All the explosives on these nigger street lamps were military explosives of the US military.

"Fuck his mother!"

Fernando and others were frightened by the explosion and stopped by the roadside.

Then they saw that only Audiga was blown to pieces. They were a little sad, and continued to drive forward as if nothing had happened.

"This Audiga is such an idiot!"

Fernando couldn't help laughing in his heart. He didn't expect that Audiga really believed what he said.

Fernando just wanted to use this as an excuse to rob Chinatown.

Arrived at the entrance of Chinatown, which was already covered with roadblocks.

Seeing that there was still 500 meters to go, Fernando had to ask people to get off and move these roadblocks away.

But he found that these roadblocks were like nails to the road surface. There was no way, he could only let everyone get off and walk.

"Those black guys are really obedient!"

Wu David looked through the telescope and saw that Fernando and others really got off the car and walked over as Xu Xi said.

"Isn't this nonsense? These are Jun Ge's men. Have you seen which of Jun Ge's men are not powerful! "

Stuart Leisheng looked at the telescope and said admiringly. In fact, he was a little panicked in his heart, but facing White Lee and others just now, he had to unconditionally support Xu Xi and Jun Ge.

More than 50,000 blacks, in his opinion, are simply invincible.

You know, let alone more than 50,000 blacks, even if there are only three or five blacks gathered together on weekdays, these Chinese Americans have to take a detour.

Now, he dared to watch more than 50,000 blacks walking towards Chinatown. Even so, Stuart Leisheng felt that he was awesome.

"Why don't Mr. Xu and the others give the order to attack?"

David Wu asked in confusion. According to his understanding, now is the best time to attack.

"I don't know, Mr. Xu's biggest help to him is to let us stay here quietly! "

At this moment, Xu Xi was counting the distance between Fernando and others by the fingers.

He wanted to get as many blacks as possible into the shooting range.

Eliminate as many blacks as possible in the first few minutes of the shooting.

But Fernando obviously noticed that it was not that simple this time.

They slowed down their walking speed.

"Moses Li, take those old and frail women to check, and drive those children over to see what's going on!"

If you look at these blacks according to the values ​​of ordinary people, you will suffer a great loss. Don't look at how well the movies and TV series are beautified. In the eyes of blacks, children are just tools.

They are primitive people, strength is king, and there is no concept of respecting the elderly and loving the young.

These little blacks have pistols in their hands, and many of them have killed people long ago.

United States.

San Francisco.


"Brother Sheng, look at those little blacks with guns in their hands!"

"These blacks are really cruel! "

What David Wu saw through the telescope really shocked him.

"Before, I also thought that it was too cruel for Mr. Xu to kill so many black ghosts. Now I know that if we leave these black ghosts in this world, it is simply cruel to ourselves!"

Stu Leisheng also echoed.

On the other side.

Xu Xi watched these little black ghosts getting closer and closer.

He asked all the special forces to remain silent. When these little black ghosts saw that there was nothing unusual and went back to report, they breathed a sigh of relief. But the little black ghosts who did not go back to report directly picked up stones and smashed the windows from a distance.

Some even saw the beautiful decorations on the roadside and shook them desperately to take away these valuable decorations.

"Okay, since there is no problem, let's go in!"Fernando was obviously relieved when he heard the report from the little black man, and now he seemed unusually happy.

"Brothers, let's go to Chinatown to have a party!"

Fernando didn't even raise his arms, but just said a word, and the black men behind him rushed forward excitedly.

These black men have long wanted to rob Chinatown.

No, it can't be said that it's just Chinatown. They want to rob everyone, but they don't dare to rob white people's things.

Xu Xi looked at the black men who were running and scrambling.

He couldn't help but smile slightly.

These black men really don't know how to write the word death!

Just now, I was thinking about how to lure all these black men in.

I didn't expect them to run in on their own initiative.


Xu Xi took the walkie-talkie and ordered.

The next moment.


More than 100 Gatling machine guns started to rotate.

When the niggers outside Chinatown heard the sound of the machine, they looked in the direction of the sound but saw nothing and thought they had misheard.

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