I didn't expect them to run in on their own initiative.


Xu Xi took the intercom and ordered.

The next moment.


More than 100 Gatling guns started to rotate.

The blacks outside Chinatown heard the sound of the machine and looked in the direction of the sound but saw nothing. They just thought they had heard it wrong.

The next moment.

"Da Da Da Da Da~"

Countless bullets poured out.

Countless blood splashed out.

The blacks running in the front were shot through directly, and then became incomplete.

This Gatling gun is not a bullet like a pistol that can only drill a hole. This is a large bullet that can even explode tank armor. It will directly make a big hole in a person's body. One bullet can tear a thigh directly.

Fernando at the back looked at this doomsday-like scene.

He was terrified.

Although their hands were covered with blood, there were many lives.

But when he saw his companions around him splattered with blood and felt the threat of death, he still felt a chill.

Even Fernando was terrified, not to mention the other blacks.

Now they had no idea of ​​robbing.

What desire to have a party.

Now they only had one idea, which was to run quickly.

They turned around and wanted to escape.

But this Gatling gun fired 6,000 bullets a minute.

100 Gatling guns means 600,000 bullets.

600,000 bullets poured into the area less than 5 meters wide and 50 meters in front and back in one minute.

It can be said that this area was completely covered.

You have to know that these blacks only have 50,000 people at most.

600,000 bullets, on average each black can get 12 bullets.

And this was just a one-minute situation.

What's more, these 100 Gatling guns sounded for 3 minutes before slowly stopping their rotation.

At this moment.

The whole ground was a river of blood.

There was not a single black man standing.

There was not a single intact black man's body.

The flesh and blood splattered on both sides, and all the black men became incomplete.

It was like a scene in hell.

Where had Situ Leisheng and Wu David seen such a scene before?


Wu David couldn't help but retching, it was too bloody.

The black men in the five cars of the black family Sisko family who came from behind witnessed the scene just now from a hundred meters away.

They didn't get here in time because of the roadblock, but it saved their lives.

They were so frightened that they couldn't say a word.

What happened?

What happened?

Just like that, all the people were gone?

All gone?

More than 50,000 people were gone?

It was only 2 or 3 minutes?

What happened?

They really couldn't believe what they saw.

It was too terrifying for them.

The next moment, they stepped on the accelerator, backed up the car, turned the car around and sped away in the direction they were coming from.

It was too scary.


Run quickly!

They didn't have any idea of ​​revenge.

Run quickly, they were afraid that if they ran slowly, they would end up like Fernando.

"Go to the police!"

Someone in the Sisko family's car said this.

"Yes, yes, go to the police, let those white police arrest those people!"

They finally remembered the police station at this time.

They quickly turned around and went to the San Francisco Police Station.

But when they arrived at the San Francisco Police Station, these white people saw the Sisko family's convoy coming to the police station.

However, in the eyes of the white American police, they looked like they were going to cause trouble for the police station!

Not only the convoy, but these vehicles have also been modified and can be seen holding weapons.

It meets all the characteristics of a white policeman's revenge against blacks.

All the white policemen in the San Francisco Police Department were mobilized and took a defensive posture.

"Chief Tom, the Cisco family is going to attack us!"

Renault ran into the office and broke in urgently.

"They dare? Get ready!"

Tom Smith was also facing a great enemy after hearing this, because he knew that these blacks really dared!

Roadblocks were quickly laid out.

The Cisco family's convoy was shocked when they saw the posture of the San Francisco Police Department.

"These white policemen are going to kill us!"

"Hurry up and take up your weapons!"

Orin Cisco, the head of the Cisco family, quickly ordered.

But the next moment, the white police saw Orin Cisco touching the weapon and immediatelyThe moment they opened fire.


These white policemen will not say anything about black lives. As long as blacks dare to touch the gun, they will not care about anything and will just shoot and kill these blacks.

In their eyes, blacks are synonymous with bad people.

If a black man points a gun at himself, it means he is attacking himself.

The tires of the Sisko family's convoy were directly blown up, and they tilted their direction and crashed into the police cars or houses on the side.

"Boom, boom, boom."

United States.

San Francisco Police Department.

Millie Sisko was dragged out of the car by the white police trembling.

God knows what they experienced tonight.

They originally came to help Fernando rob Chinatown.

Want to get a piece of Chinatown.

The result was that they saw a scene that they will never forget.

One by one, the blacks turned into red people in an instant, and then the red and black flesh and blood flew everywhere, like a scene of purgatory.

Then, they wanted to report the case to the San Francisco Police Department, but they were attacked by these white policemen before they even got to the police station.

The Cisco family, which originally had several more cars, now only had five people left.

"You can tell me now, what are you doing in the police station!"

A white policeman looked down at Millie Cisco and asked.



Millie Cisco was still in extreme shock and fear, and she didn't know what to say.

For a long time.

"Chinatown, Chinatown is full of blood!"

"Go over there!"

Millie suddenly finished the story in one breath, but the white policemen who just heard it burst into laughter.

"Little sister, are you high or have you drunk too much!"

A white policeman couldn't help but joked.

You know, it's usually only Nigo who bullies the Chinese.

Where have they seen Chinese really attack Nigo? Their only thought now is that these Nigo are high.

But Tom, who was listening, looked extremely gloomy.

He knew very well that what the black girl in front of him said was true.

At this moment, Chinatown is really slaughtering black people.

In the past, Chinese people might not attack black people.

But he knew very well that now Chinese people are led by Li Jun, and they will definitely kill black people.

Not only black people, but even white people like them will be shot by Li Jun without hesitation if they really provoke Li Jun.

But now he has the handle in Li Jun's hand, and he can't say anything about it.

The most important thing is that he still has to buy time for Chinatown.


Tom couldn't help but curse in his heart.

All this is the fault of the Seklito family.

Why did they provoke Li Jun when they could have provoked anyone else.

Now the Seklituo family is destroyed, and the key is that he was also dragged up.

On the other side.

Jack Wang, White Lee and others and all the Chinese in Chinatown were shocked by the scene in front of them.

Not to mention the blood flowing like a river.

The bodies of these blacks alone were piled up as high as the knees.


Brown Guo and White Lee couldn't say a word.

They felt mixed emotions in their hearts.

They didn't know whether Li Jun, who they invited to Chinatown, was a devil or a savior.

It was too scary.

All this was really too scary.

If they went against Li Jun, would they end up like this?

Thinking of this, the two of them suddenly felt a chill behind them.

Yes, Li Jun would definitely!

The two of them suddenly trembled in their feet, thinking of the bad things they had said about Li Jun before.

The two of them now thought that they hoped Li Jun didn't hear it and hoped that Li Jun didn't know these things.

The two even swore that no matter what they did in the future, they would do whatever Li Jun said.

On the other side.

Jack Wang looked at the scene in front of him, and his heart was also shocked.

But after all, he had already joined Li Jun and had long followed Li Jun's lead.

Such a scene now made him feel that it was a correct decision for him to join Li Jun.

The stronger Li Jun is, the more at ease he will be!

The safer Chinatown will be.

At the same time.

The thoughts of other Chinese in Chinatown are very simple.

"God of War, Jun brother, God of War!"

"It is absolutely right for Chinatown to invite Li Jun to come!"

"Why didn't you invite Jun brother earlier? Why didn't Jun brother come to the United States earlier!"

"This way we don't have to be bullied by these blacks!"

"Yes, I have to pay protection fees to the blacks every week, and after paying, I can onlyEat steamed buns!"

"I've been eating steamed buns for three years!"

Almost all the Chinese in Chinatown have been bullied by blacks. As long as they leave the Chinatown area, they may be bullied by blacks in schools, shopping malls, roadside stalls, or even in Chinatown.

Now seeing so many blacks being killed, they have only one thought, that is, they killed well, they killed very well!

"These blacks died well!"

"Killed well, very good, if I knew that blacks were killed just now, I would have joined in!"

At the same time.

Situ Leisheng pinched his nose and squinted his eyes, not daring to look at the bloody scene.

"Mr. Xu, how should we deal with such a big trace?"

You know, it's still night and no one is around. If it's daytime, so many black corpses will definitely shock the world.

"Feed the dog!"

Xu Xi said coldly.

"Feed the dog? "

Both Situ Leisheng and Wu David suspected that they had heard wrongly.

"Isn't this too inhumane?"

Wu David responded in shock.


"When they bullied us, did you, the Hongmen in the United States, say anything about humanity? Did the blacks say anything about humanity?"

Some Chinese people heard what Wu David said and immediately refuted.

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