Only wealthy nobles can have the majority of votes.

And wealthy nobles can also buy votes.

Yes, in the United States, many congressmen's votes are bought.

In the black market, an election ticket can be sold for hundreds of dollars.

After taking office, fifty dollars will be returned.

It can be seen how great the competitive pressure in the parliament is.

"Brother Jun, the Chinese have not all migrated to the United States. It is not good for us to hold an election meeting in advance!"

Li Jun also knew it, but it was impossible to give up the migration of Chinese.

"How is Stuart Leisheng preparing?"

"It's okay, I'm already in shape."

At this moment, there are only nine days left before the election meeting.

The Oniru family can't sit still and buy a lot of votes on the black market.

The Oniru family sent the eldest son, Onifin, and the second son, O'Neill.

These two politicians are already very famous in the political circle. In the last election, they were only 10,000 votes short of Michael.

If Li Jun wants to gain the management rights of San Francisco, he must be ahead by a large margin in the election meeting.

Chief Tom brought Li Jun a lot of information about the congressman and some files that could not be seen in the open air.

These files were highly confidential documents in the police station.

But Chief Tom brought all of them to the Seaside Park at the risk of losing his head.

Li Jun's original words were like this.

"I need all the information about the congressman in your hands. If you don't give it to me, the video of you shooting and killing people will also spread."

There was no way, Tom could only bite the bullet.

After Li Jun opened these files, he selected some evidence to leave.

Chief Tom saw this and shouted.

"No! You can look at the contents of this file, but you can't leave it!"

Chief Tom knew very well that he was just a chess piece to Li Jun, and if he was a chess piece, he would be abandoned.

Chief Tom could be said to be worried about this matter all the time.

Li Jun took away Chief Tom's hand that was pressing on the file bag and said word by word.

"Director Tom, you and I are on the same boat. These evidences are not yours. If you want to keep these evidences, you have to think about it carefully."

"Can you still keep your head?"

Director Tom was deeply stabbed by the coldness in Li Jun's eyes.

Li Jun is a lunatic!

A sophisticated egoist who only uses others as a knife!

Director Tom slowly removed his hand from the file bag and could only sit back on the sofa honestly.

There was no way. All he could do was believe that Li Jun could break through the siege and win this parliamentary election.

Otherwise, he would die.

Either Li Jun would expose the murder case to consolidate his national popularity and win votes.

Or he would give all his resources to Li Jun, take all the blame, and Li Jun would do all the good things, and he would be hunted down by the big guys behind the scenes to the ends of the earth.

On the other hand, the NSA formulated a series of plans against Li Jun for General Howell.

General Howell led the firepower of an entire aircraft carrier to California.

On the surface, it was the annual patrol day, but what was the actual purpose?

Only General Howell and his party knew.

But in fact, Li Jun had received the news long before General Howell set out.

In order to fight against the United States, Li Jun also secretly launched a satellite into space.

There is no surveillance video in space. As long as some patrol devices and satellites are reasonably avoided, Li Jun's satellite can always work for Li Jun and never lose contact.

Li Jun named this satellite Yishengxing.

It means invincible.

Li Jun relies on voice messages to confirm the military movements of various countries.

"Brother Jun, the Howell team has arrived. What do we need to do?"

"Wait, wait for them to take action first."

Li Jun is waiting for an opportunity, a good opportunity for the fisherman to benefit from the conflict between the snipe and the clam.

Although Xu Xi didn't know what Li Jun was up to, Xu Xi did whatever Li Jun said.

As soon as General Howell landed in California, he took over the military of the entire California as the military commander-in-chief.

This is a convenient passage opened by the Pentagon for General Howell.

It can be seen how high the Pentagon's vigilance against Li Jun is.

After Li Jun knew about this, he said nothing. Xu Xi suggested.

"No matter if it's one carrier or two carriers, we will kill them!"

"Don't be impulsive. The United States is waiting for us to launch an attack first, so that they can legitimately issue a warrant for our arrest worldwide."

"Don't act rashly unless it's absolutely necessary."

But who is Li Jun? Li Jun is not afraid of anything, so how could he be afraid of a little General Howell?

Li Jun made a decision that night. Since the Pentagon has launched an operation, they will disrupt it.This trip.

Li Jun asked someone to get a few sets of navy uniforms and let several white people in Chinatown wear them.

Li Jun had only two requests.

"You go to Figi Xue Pier to cause trouble, the bigger the better, you make trouble as the Alante family."

These white people really lived up to Li Jun's expectations. In just half a day, they completely annoyed everyone at Figi Xue Pier.

They cursed at everyone they saw in Figi Xue, and even treated some boats that were doing normal fishing rudely.

What's more, they directly attacked people.

In this way, the effect that Li Jun wanted appeared.

Many people went to the police station to complain that the Alante family was rampant and domineering. At this time, Chief Tom came forward.

The incident was made a big deal, and various news media went to interview the victims at Figi Xue Pier.

For a time, the reputation of the Alante family took a sharp turn for the worse.

"The Atlan family is the most prestigious family in the Navy. Brother Jun is doing this to make the Navy unable to stay here."

Xu Xi guessed Li Jun's idea.

In the United States, if you use force, you have to consider the consequences. If you use softness, it's different. You only need to consider disgusting the other party and throw the pot on the other party.

"You should quickly arrange to send those white people to Fujian and let people take care of them. Don't leave any handles."

The Atlan family will definitely appear to clarify that these people are not from the Atlan family at all.

But sometimes, the people only like the results they see.

Therefore, unless the perpetrators of the Atlan family can be found, it will be difficult to save the Atlan family from the bad reputation.

The Atlan family's reputation of bullying the weak spread like this.

The people began to boycott all the products of the Atlan family as a demonstration.

General Howell also heard about this matter, but General Howell, like the people, thought it was really done by the Atlan family.

Until the Atlan family was wronged and found General Howell, asking to find the troublemaker.

General Howell then realized that Li Jun was playing tricks on him?

"Okay, it turns out that everything was Li Jun's fault! Tonight! We will attack the Seaside Park!"

General Howell's inherent belligerence completely broke out after knowing the whole story.

All his men were furious.

Damn it, he actually framed us in secret!

General Howell equipped each soldier with ammunition with sufficient firepower.

Seaside Park is by the sea, and General Howell plans to take a warship to Seaside Park and aim the cannons on the warship at Seaside Park.

Li Jun learned about General Howell's attack on him through Shengxing.

Looking at the sparks in the distance on the sea, Li Jun knew that this was a sign that General Howell was leading the army.

Of course, Li Jun was not afraid.

Li Jun had already set up a trap on the sea in advance.

This trap is a floating balloon on the sea.

There is a bomb installed in this balloon. The power of the bomb can only be maximized when General Howell drives into the attack range.

"Brother Jun, Howell and his men cut off all the communication equipment in order to attack us!"

That is to say, although the Seaside Park has now become a dead city!

Without the communication channel, they can't contact the outside world to spread the news!

"Are the organs in the Seaside Park able to be used normally?"

"All can be used normally."

"Very good, then let them have no return."

Li Jun is famous for his ruthlessness. If Howell meets Li Jun, it will be a disaster for Howell.

When the battleship was still more than ten kilometers away from the Seaside Park, the balloon exploded.

The sound of the explosion resounded throughout the sea, and the power of the bomb was not enough to damage the battleship.

But the submarines around the battleship suffered.

Because General Howell chose to attack at dawn, there was a thick fog on the sea at this time.

It blocked the figures of General Howell and his party, but also made it difficult for them to see who was around them.

The submarines were overturned by the bombs, and the personnel on the submarines fell into the sea.

Some were even blown to pieces by the bombs, and their broken hands were thrown directly onto the deck of the warship.

"Damn it! Li Jun is clearly waiting for me to attack him!"

The commander of the strongest brain sitting in the Hexagon said fiercely.

This person is called Kaia Florenla, and his IQ is over 200.

Even with absolute technological strength, he can't beat this person, so Kaia Florenla is self-righteous and thinks that no one in the world can defeat him.

But Li Jun appeared.

The appearance of Li Jun caused Kaia Florenla's strategy to make the first mistake.

"Major General, don't be discouraged. We were just careless this time! We didn't see clearly.Ambush in Chuhaili!"

"So what if Li Jun is waiting for us in the seaside park? There is an old Chinese saying, this is called the empty city plan!"

Kaiya Florenla's deputy general said attentively.

"How many resources does Li Jun have?"

Kaiya Florenla asked the AI ​​character on the screen in front of him, and the AI ​​character answered in an extremely cold voice.

"According to the global transaction data, the resources that Li Jun has are just a Hongmen in the United States and a few confidants, and there are no important resources."

Li Jun knew that the things in the Pentagon would be able to dig out who his parents were, so he had naturally disguised himself on the Internet.

Kaiya Florenla naturally did not believe the explanation given by the AI ​​and questioned.

"If it is true that according to what you said, Li Jun has no resources, then why does Li Jun have a bomb?"

This is a paradox, and Kaiya Florenla naturally knew that he could not argue with a robot.

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