The current emergency is whether to continue attacking the Seaside Park.

"General Howell, listen to my orders. I order you to go to the Seaside Park with full firepower. I want to see Li Jun dead or alive."

Although Kaia Florenla is thousands of miles away, he can still feel the malice from Li Jun.

For this reason, Kaia Florenla chose to kill him, and there would be no bigger people in the United States.

General Howell looked at the Seaside Park and suddenly felt that he was driving a ship to attack the Seaside Park.

He was especially like the captain of a ghost ship.

At this moment, General Howell felt the danger emanating from the Seaside Park.

"General, the major general has ordered us to break through the Seaside Park, what do you think?"

Before he had time to count the casualties, the order from above was like a death sentence.

"Slow down! Be careful when approaching the Seaside Park! If you find something wrong, report to me immediately."

General Howell knows how to examine current affairs, and this is the effect that Li Jun wants.

Xu Xi made an OK gesture to Li Jun from a distance. Li Jun held a red wine glass and quietly looked at the behemoth in the fog.

Xu Xi and his men poured some oil on the sea surface and floated on the sea water.

When General Howell led his men to the seaside park, Xu Xi and his men threw the lighter into the sea.

In an instant, a raging fire broke out in the sea!

All of a sudden, the temperature went from a comfortable 20 degrees to 40 degrees in the center of the wildfire!

In this battle, General Howell failed to land successfully. If he could land successfully on the ground, he would be killed by the people buried there by Li Jun.

The leader of the Pentagon frantically issued an attack order, and he was not at the scene, so he naturally could not feel the horror of death.

Li Jun connected to the battleship's radio with his mobile phone and said clearly word by word.

"If you continue to move forward and exceed my tolerance range, an intercontinental missile will send you to the sky."

Li Jun was not kidding. There was really an intercontinental missile locked on the battleship.

As soon as Li Jun finished speaking, the person in charge of the radar survey system said this matter horribly.

"At the beginning, everyone thought that Li Jun had only a few people, but who would have thought that Li Jun was so scheming and resourceful!"

"General, we underestimated Li Jun this time. Why don't we retreat!"

The subordinates said to General Howell cautiously.

Because General Howell's face was very ugly, even so, General Howell did not give up attacking the Seaside Park.

"He threatened you, so you are afraid?"

General Howell ordered all the weapons of the warship to be opened to show Li Jun how powerful the attack power of this warship is.

"Fire! All missiles of No. 3!"

Under normal circumstances, a No. 3 missile can hit the opponent's warship and sink it, not to mention that it is just a building Seaside Park.

Li Jun saw that General Howell did not listen to good people, so let him go to hell!

"Xu Xi, don't show mercy. Fire them with full force."

Li Jun held a remote control in his hand, which could remotely control the bomb buried on the seashore.

As long as General Howell dared to come up, Li Jun would dare to detonate it!

The people in the battleship were in panic. This was the war with the greatest loss they had ever fought.

Before they got close to the enemy, all the submarines around the battleship were damaged, and the battleship was also locked by missiles. They could die at any time.

The battleship quickly came to the shore, quickly dropped anchor, and the soldiers got off the ship to form an encirclement of the seaside park.

Xu Xi led people to stand on a high place and mercilessly shot the people below.

At this time, Situ Leisheng's phone suddenly came in.

"Mr. Li, you have to save me!"

It turned out that the news that Situ Leisheng was going to run for a councillor had spread and was discovered by Situ Leisheng's one-night stand.

This was a critical moment and there could be no mistakes.

The one-night stand partner knew this, and took advantage of Situ Leisheng's weakness, and brought Situ Leisheng's biological son to ask for 80 million US dollars.

"I will handle this matter. Is the child really yours?"

Li Jun didn't want to know Situ Leisheng's romantic history. As long as Situ Leisheng could be used by Li Jun, these aspects were not a big deal.

What's more, a one-night stand is about mutual consent. Everyone has a short warmth together, and it is normal to go their separate ways after dawn.

Li Jun pressed the button on the remote control, and in an instant, the fire rushed into the sky.

It can almost blind people's eyes.

General Howell's battle plan ended in a complete loss.

On the other hand, the NSA was unconvinced by such a result.

"A battleship, plus ten submarines, and fifty personnel were all lost, but you tell me that Li Jun was not hurt at all?"

"HowellThe general survived by chance, but is still in the ICU ward of the hospital. The details will have to wait until General Howell wakes up. "

In the conference room, a man who was very angry at the content of the projection was cursing. As a subordinate, he could only stand by and be scolded.

The NSA organization is divided into three parts.

Management Department, Execution Department, Logistics Department.

NSA belongs to the Pentagon and obeys all arrangements in the Pentagon.

If we act at this time, the loss will be too great, and no one wants to take responsibility.

NSA and the Pentagon have coincidentally put the blame on General Howell.

Anyway, General Howell has not woken up yet. He has been so seriously injured that he may not wake up!

"Li Jun is listed as a red target and needs to be kept under close watch. "

As soon as these words were spoken, Li Jun's photo was shown throughout the Pentagon, and everyone remembered Li Jun's face.

On the Internet, the Pentagon directly monitored Li Jun as a fugitive criminal.

All news about Li Jun was automatically marked in red and sent to the Pentagon Information Processing Center, and then reviewed by professionals and reported to the leadership.

A battle between the Pentagon and Li Jun began.

Li Jun disposed of the bodies of Howell's men, and threw the dead ones into the sea to feed the sharks.

Those who were not dead were locked up in the basement and interrogated to get useful information.

Xu Xi came to Situ Leisheng's house with a check of 80 million US dollars from Citibank.

Xu Xi met the one-night stand object I was stunned.

So beautiful.

The one-night stand object is Yao Na, a Russian girl, whose long legs and plump breasts can make ordinary men fascinated.

The angel-carved face makes people feel unbearable.

No wonder Situ Leisheng has a tigress at home and still has a one-night stand. Who can control this?

Situ Leisheng's wife is said to have fainted from anger and is lying in the bedroom to breathe oxygen.

Xu Xi looked at the child brought by Yao Na, very beautiful.

Inherited the unique blue eyes of her mother, and the general shape of the face is very similar to Situ Leisheng.

Looking at the child's eyes that don't understand anything, Xu Xi just turned around and asked Situ Leisheng.

"What are you thinking?"

Situ Leisheng said hesitantly.

"Yao Na couldn't find me before, but now she has found me. I want her to live a stable life."

"Stop, you can't have your cake and eat it too. You can only choose one between your wife and Yao Na. "

Xu Xi didn't have the patience to listen to Situ Leisheng's nagging. He came to solve the problem, not to be a golden mediator.

Situ Leisheng was embarrassed, but finally said his wife's name.

No matter how bad Situ Leisheng was, his heart was still inclined towards his family.

A soft-hearted man would not give up his wife as long as his wife was willing to spend time.

Time is on his wife's side.

Xu Xi handed the check directly to Yao Na, but Yao Na went even further and asked for 200 million US dollars.

Xu Xi smiled. Sure enough, the more beautiful people are often the most dangerous.

"You are really asking for too much. Giving you 80 million US dollars is already a great honor for you. If you want to live a stable life, get out as soon as possible. "

While Xu Xi was saying this, he pulled up his sleeves, revealing the tattoo inside.

Yao Na had been in the lower class, and knew what the tattoo meant. She immediately stopped talking and left with the child and the check.

After solving this matter, Situ Leisheng slumped down on the sofa.

Maybe, they were in love.

Xu Xi warned Situ Leisheng.

"There is only one week left before the council meeting. If you do something wrong again, Mr. Li can't protect you! "

After saying that, Xu Xi left, leaving Situ Leisheng sitting on the sofa alone.

This matter was handled very well. Yaona took the money and immediately took the children abroad to live in a different place. She looked very honest and decent.

But Xu Xi had dealt with Yaona before. People are the most greedy.

Yaona might come back to blackmail Situ Leisheng and turn the Situ family upside down again.

"Brother Jun, Situ Leisheng was wrong in this matter. I don't know how to punish him?"

"The word lust is like a knife in front of him. He has to suffer a little before he can remember the lesson. "

Li Jun already knew it in his mind.

After the parliamentary election, Stuart Leisheng will get the punishment he deserves.

Eagle Country.

Queen Elizabeth is very disappointed with her eldest son, Chelsea.

Chelsea is caught up in an erotic scandal.

Although the prime minister is in power in Eagle Country, Chelsea's behavior is undoubtedly tarnishing the Eagle Country's royal family!

"What the hell are you thinking about! Do you have to make our royal family the same as the Western Midnight Royal Family?"

Queen Elizabeth satOn the throne, he questioned Chelsea angrily.

The West Midnight Royal Family was very unpopular, and their people actually gathered to petition for the abolition of the West Midnight Royal Family!

Queen Elizabeth has lived to this age, and naturally she doesn't want to see this century-old foundation destroyed in her hands

"I'm sorry, Queen, is there anything I can do to save this matter?"

Chels apologized very sincerely.

But only in his heart knew whether this apology was sincere.

Queen Elizabeth has been on the throne for so long, and he, Chelsea, has waited from an arrogant young man to a middle-aged man with a big belly. It would be a lie if he didn't have resentment in his heart.

"This matter fermented too quickly, and some people used it to make a fuss about the death of Michael in the United States. Our royal family must respond."

Things will not disappear just because you ignore it.

This matter is like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger. The only solution is to come forward to clarify the so-called rumors.

But when Chelsea heard Queen Elizabeth say this, his face was a little bad.


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