Wang Jianguo was very angry after hearing what Obaluo said, but he just clenched his fists and stared at the pistol Obaluo threw at him in confusion.

"Young man, let's play Russian roulette."

Obaluo used his eyes to signal one of his strong men to play Russian roulette with Wang Jianguo.

The man's face was numb, without any expression.

Russian roulette is very simple, it's just to see who dies first.

There are six empty spaces in this pistol, but only one bullet is put in.

Those who participate in the Russian roulette game need to point the pistol at their temples and shoot.

If the gun goes off, they die.

If the gun doesn't go off, then the god of death will come to the next person.

If the next person's gun doesn't go off, then it's up to you to shoot.

In short, this game was doomed when it started.

Someone must die.

Wang Jianguo didn't understand why white people always like to play these violent and bloody games.

Besides, Wang Jianguo didn't see Obaluo put the bullet into the magazine.

What if Obalu is not happy with Wang Jianguo and puts the bullet directly in the first bullet hole.

Then Wang Jianguo is not doomed to die.

Wang Jianguo did not say much nonsense and directly grabbed the tablecloth on the table and pulled it down.

All the things on the table were pulled down by Wang Jianguo.

Wang Jianguo took a gamble and there were bullets in the pistol in front of him.

After Wang Jianguo got the pistol, he shot at Obalu with the pistol.

As expected, Obalu was shot.

The scene was in chaos. Some people went to arrest Wang Jianguo, and some were trying to rescue Obalu.

Wang Jianguo took the initiative and first saw the pistol of a bodyguard next to him. He punched the bodyguard hard and taught him how to behave.

Then, he snatched the bodyguard's gun.

He shot at the people behind him.

Seeing that several people fell down again, Wang Jianguo felt relieved and chose to escape by stairs.

At this moment, you must not choose to take the elevator.

Because the elevator is likely to be damaged by human beings.

When that happens, you will be in the elevator and no one will respond. You can only wait for death.

Wang Jianguo used his good physical fitness to successfully get rid of the people chasing him.

The first batch of Chinese arrived in the United States on the same day as the election meeting for members of the Legislative Yuan.

In order to show respect for the Chinese who came to the United States to make money, Li Jun decided to attend the meeting in formal attire on this day to welcome those Chinese who came to a foreign country with dreams.

However, if he welcomed the arrival of the Chinese, he would not be able to accompany Situ Leisheng to the election meeting for members of the Legislative Yuan.

If something happened on the scene and Li Jun was not around, Situ Leisheng's campaign would most likely fail.

Xu Xi assured Li Jun.

"You can welcome the arrival of the Chinese at home with peace of mind. I will accompany Situ Leisheng to the election meeting for members of the Legislative Yuan. If there are any problems, I will contact you as soon as possible."

Li Jun nodded, set a secret code with Xu Xi, and handed Xu Xi a Bluetooth headset.

Xu Xi would report safety to Li Jun every fifteen minutes.

If Xu Xi didn't report to Li Jun that she was safe within fifteen minutes, then Xu Xi would be in trouble.

Xu Xi and Situ Leisheng got into the bulletproof car and prepared to go to the election site.

The driver was Situ Leisheng's old driver. He had traveled with the Situ family all over the country and was loyal to the Situ family.

But Xu Xi keenly noticed that something was wrong with the driver.

The expression on his face clearly betrayed the driver, who was always looking back.

Today is an important day, and there must be no mistakes.

Xu Xi immediately chose to ask the driver something.

"Mr. Driver, what did you eat this morning?"

The driver was obviously stunned. He didn't expect Xu Xi to ask him this question.

"I was in a hurry to go out this morning and didn't have time to eat breakfast.

Xu Xi smiled coldly.

"Really? Then why is there salad dressing on your pants? "

The driver cried out inwardly, "Oh no, I've been discovered."

It turned out that the driver was stopped by someone before leaving the house, and the person also kidnapped his wife and children.

It was to prevent the driver from taking Situ Leisheng to the election site smoothly.

The person even arranged a way out for the driver, saying that after the success, they would arrange for their whole family to go abroad to enjoy themselves.

In order to conceal what happened in the morning, the driver lied that he had not eaten breakfast.

Situ Leisheng was not stupid, and he asked directly.

"Why don't you tell the truth?"

The driver gritted his teeth and told everything that happened in the morning.

"They said that I should get to a section of the road at 7:50, and then I would be gone."

Xu Xi glanced at Situ Leisheng.

Situ Leisheng obviously didn't expect that the opportunity he had used for decades would actually betray him on his most critical day.

Situ Leisheng was obviously still immersed in the feeling of being betrayed.

Xu Xi said directly.

"You have already told us about this matter, so your wife and children will be fine."

"You continue to drive and follow their plan, I will find a way."

Before reaching the campaign site, someone on the road was eager to kill Situ Leisheng.

The driver didn't know which family the other party was from.

Because the incident happened suddenly, even if the other party admitted that he was from a certain family.

The credibility was not high, and it was possible that they said it to frame other families.

Xu Xi already had a plan.

The car driven today could not be seen from the outside. If they wanted to confirm that the person in the car must be Situ Leisheng.

Then they would definitely send a car to keep an eye on it.

Xu Xi asked the driver to drive at the original speed, and then Xu Xi arranged a car in a short time.

And got off the car halfway on the way to the campaign site, pretending to walk into a high-end luxury store casually.

Quickly changed a car in a short time.

Then, taking advantage of the heavy traffic, the car kept changing lanes and successfully made the people following behind dumbfounded and followed the wrong car.

After arriving at the designated location, the driver realized what tricks the other party had played.

Unexpectedly, the other party wanted to kill Situ Leisheng from birth!

A large truck was coming towards the driver, and it crashed into the driver uncontrollably.

The other party was killing him. When the driver was hit by the truck, all the glass of the car shattered and pierced into the driver's brain.

The driver was dead and had no vital signs.

Then the police rushed to the scene, and the people who had been following the car, mixed in the crowd, saw that the driver was dead, so they hurried back to report.

They did not see whether Situ Leisheng and Xu Xi were dead.

The Galens family smiled when they heard the news.

The Galens family was not stupid. The eldest son with the best prospects in their family was assassinated.

This looked like a competitor.

After investigation, Galens finally locked the target on Situ Leisheng.

Situ Leisheng was fierce, and he had always been in the first place.

The Galens family, which had received support from the Pentagon, had just started the counterattack when their home was taken away.

Who could bear this!

Therefore, the Galens family would do anything crazy for revenge!

Because of the tragic death of the eldest son of the Galens family, the Galens family has missed the election meeting for this congressman.

The Pentagon also re-selected a family to support.

The election meeting started on time at nine o'clock.

Situ Leisheng held the speech in his hand, and he had read this speech for no less than a thousand times.

He could even recite it word for word, but Situ Leisheng still chose to memorize it carefully before going on camera.

Xu Xi sat in the back row and said coldly to Situ Leisheng.

"I know you are tired of your wife who is bossy and ugly, so you are attracted to Yao Na. The reason why Yao Na is doing well abroad."

"It's because Jun Ge is protecting Yao Na. If you mess up today, Yao Na and your son may not be safe!"

Situ Leisheng was shocked and looked up at Xu Xi. For a moment, he couldn't digest what Xu Xi just said.

Xu Xi said seriously.

"The lives of your family of three are in your hands. I'm not kidding."

Situ Leisheng knew what Xu Xi meant, that is, he wanted to put himself in a desperate situation.

Only when there is no way out can a powerful force burst out to fight the enemy.

Situ Leisheng knew this deeply.

"I know what you mean."

Situ Leisheng got out of the car and saw the flash in front of him constantly shooting himself, and the flash never stopped.

The media rushed to interview Situ Leisheng.

"Mr. Situ, what do you think about your temporary first place?"

"Mr. Situ, are you confident that you can win the first place today?"

The media kept asking questions, but Situ Leisheng just smiled and didn't answer any of them.

Garens Manzhonglun saw Situ Leisheng appear on the TV screen and stood up angrily.

"Wasn't he killed by the people I sent? How come he appeared again?"

All his men panicked.

"I don't know either. The people I sent back reported that he was dead!"

"Waste! A bunch of waste!"

Garens Manzhonglun was angry, because the matter was settled.

At this time, Situ Leisheng had arrived at the scene of the election for parliament unscathed.

No more tricks could be done.

At this moment, the phone in front of Galens Manzhonglun rang.

Garens Manzhonglun was very upset and didn't want to answer the phone at all.

The phone rang two or three times.No one answered, and then it stopped ringing.

Garens Manzhonglun continued to scold the good-for-nothing subordinate in front of him.

Suddenly, a noisy electric current sound came from the TV.

The TV screen also became dazzling.

Only ten seconds later, a person suddenly appeared on the TV.

This person was Kaiya.

Kaiya said directly and clearly.

"I know you are very angry now. If you want to kill Situ Leisheng, just follow my instructions."

Kaiya's expression seemed to tell Garens Manzhonglun that he had already won.

"Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. You just need to follow my orders. I will help you kill Situ Leisheng and let you get away with it."

Garens Manzhonglun was blinded by hatred, nodded, and said forcefully.

"You say it, I will agree to any request you make, as long as you can kill Situ Leisheng!"

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Kaiya's mouth.

Very good, the scapegoat has been found.

In the Seaside Park, Li Jun is playing Gobang with a robot.

Even though the opponent in front of him is a robot with intelligence that ordinary people do not have, Li Jun can still beat the robot in Gobang.

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