These resources are just money. It is not difficult for Li Jun to understand the situation, but it is difficult to snatch resources from these people.

Li Jun stood on the ship and lit a cigar.

Xu Xi looked at Li Jun and did not dare to speak.

"Go and see if there are any ambushes in this sea area first!"

He must completely remove the remaining obstacles to ensure that the next thing can be foolproof.

It is really difficult to send all this batch of goods out.

However, Li Jun had long anticipated that there would be such a day, so he was prepared.

Xu Xi nodded and took more than a hundred people to another ship.

The ship drove out quickly, and Li Jun threw the cigar into the sea, and the last spark could not be seen.

Xu Xi took people to the other side of the sea. Across the sea was a high mountain with an altitude of several thousand meters, and it was still in the dark, which was daunting.

Although he has been with Li Jun for many years, he is now more vigilant when he sees such a scene.

Xu Xi pointed to a group of his men and said, "We don't have much time left now. You should also know what this batch of goods means to us. Now you have to work hard."

After speaking, Xu Xi shone the ultraviolet red light at the foot of the mountain: "Everyone is divided into three groups, carpet search, find suspicious people, keep them alive if possible, if you really can't keep them alive, you know."

These people dared not have any objections and could only follow Xu Xi's instructions.

They knew better than anyone that Xu Xi's meaning was Li Jun's meaning. This batch of goods could buy their lives for three lifetimes, so they naturally didn't dare to delay.

The ship extinguished the fire and finally stopped at the foot of the mountain. More than 300 people jumped off the ship.

According to Xu Xi's instructions, these people changed into black clothes, blending into the night, and it was difficult to be discovered.

Xu Xi still stayed on the ship, waiting for these people to start.

Everyone was assembled, and Li Jun also saw the location of the infrared ray.

"We can start searching now. The people at the foot of the mountain are the biggest threat to us. The people on the top of the mountain can be temporarily put aside for a while. I'll give you ten minutes. Bring me some survivors."

Xu Xi gritted his teeth and nodded: "I understand what you mean."

Then, Xu Xi put down the walkie-talkie and monitored the movements inside.

These people went up the mountain and there was no movement, but the ultraviolet marking points were still moving in real time. As long as he saw these people still moving, Li Jun could be relieved. These men of his cost him a lot of money every day.

On the surface, these more than 300 people may not be many, but each of them has very powerful means. If there is really an ambush at the foot of the mountain, they can only seek death.

Eight minutes later, Xu Xi had not yet delivered any news to Li Jun.

Li Jun rubbed his eyebrows and picked up the walkie-talkie again: "What's going on on the other side? Why is there no news yet?"

Xu Xi heard that Li Jun's tone became a little wrong, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Before Li Jun sent him a signal, Xu Xi's brows were already furrowed.

But he still tried to stay calm: "Boss, I have sent them a signal now, and there will be a reply soon."

Fortunately, after Xu Xi finished speaking, a signal came from the other side: "Team reply, there is no suspicious sign here, do you want to change the search location? After the team reported, the remaining two teams also reported the same news.

Logically speaking, it is a good thing that there is no ambush, but Li Jun was a little surprised.

The appearance of these people just pounced on their food was still engraved in Li Jun's mind. How could they give up the sneak attack on them? This is simply too abnormal.

But now we can't waste time anymore.

"Bring the people back."

Li Jun just put down the walkie-talkie and received a call from Situ Leisheng.

It's already this time, why call?

Li Jun was confused, but finally picked up the phone.

The tone on the other side was a little anxious: "Where are you now? "

Asking this right away made Li Jun unconsciously more defensive.

"Some things need to be dealt with."

Li Jun wanted to think of an excuse to get away with it, but he didn't expect the other party to be so persistent.

"Tell me, where are you now?"

Situ Leisheng's tone became worse and worse.

The two of them were olive branches that depended on each other, and neither of them had blushed at the other, but today Situ Leisheng's tone was a little wrong.

Li Jun's current situation was special, and he didn't have time to continue with Situ Leisheng.Circling around.

"What happened?"

Li Jun sat up and became more serious.

The person on the other side of the phone sighed and said, "Are you transporting that batch of goods now?"

Li Jun was slightly startled. Only he and his people knew about this matter.

Li Jun's attitude towards Situ Leisheng has always been to keep it a secret, and he didn't expect Situ Leisheng to know.

"I don't want to beat around the bush with you. The situation is urgent now. You need to evacuate the coast quickly. Someone will bring a large number of mutants over soon. You are not their opponents."

Li Jun snorted in his heart again. No matter how many mutants come, they will not be their opponents.

He has no way to tell Situ Leisheng directly now, but now that she is so anxious, something must be going to happen.

This batch of goods must be delivered to the designated location today, no matter what he says!

"I have something else to do here. I'll call you when I'm done."

After Li Jun finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Situ Leisheng on the other side of the phone twitched his eyebrows and looked at the person on the other side without saying a word.

Li Jun was cautious.

Situ Leisheng's words could not be believed now. The relationship within San Francisco was complicated. He had a strong family behind him, and some of his actions were forced. He also wanted to find a way out for himself.

Xu Xi saw Li Jun hang up the phone and asked, "Boss, let's go now."

"Don't worry about anything else, keep moving forward, and the goods must be delivered to the destination within an hour!"

The ship began to accelerate. After driving for more than half an hour, a group of people suddenly appeared in front of them to block the road.

The people on the opposite side were wearing masks and were very mysterious.

Li Jun had already expected that it would not be so smooth.

The more than 300 men behind him had all returned to their positions, waiting for Li Jun to issue an order to eliminate the people on the opposite side.

"Who are you?"

Xu Xi asked standing in front.

The people on the opposite side laughed.

"It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is that you can't just think of getting out of here today!"

Li Jun sneered: "You want to snatch these things from me, it's just a fantasy. Get out of my way quickly and don't block my way!"

The people on the opposite side were also on edge, with no intention of giving in at all. It seemed that they were ready to fight to the death with Li Jun today.

Li Jun had also made preparations long ago.

"Since you don't want to give in, then we can only snatch it by force!"

After that, the five hundred people behind the masked man rushed out at once. These people were big and strong, and it was obvious that they had received professional training.

The chicken bumps made Xu Xi confused.

The people behind Li Jun were not vegetarians either. Each of them had a big axe that could chop off a person's head directly.

"Come on!"

The duel between the two sides officially began. Li Jun had enough confidence in his heart to extinguish the arrogance of these people.

He didn't spend so much money to train these people to let them eat and drink for free.

Sure enough, Li Jun's men quickly gained the upper hand, but many of them were also injured.

A loud noise came from behind the ship, and Li Jun turned around and saw that the three ships were about to be surrounded by them.

"Not good!"

Li Jun's heart sank, it seemed that he would definitely fight to the death with these people today.

What he wanted should be on these people.

The masked man took off his mask, revealing an eagle nose and a pair of piercing eyes, looking like a snake spitting out its tongue.

Li Jun knew this person, but he didn't expect Kaiya to come out in person this time.

It can be seen that they all attach great importance to this action.

The phone rang, it was Situ Leisheng calling.

Li Jun's mind was full of countless thoughts, and he suddenly felt that Situ Leisheng and Kaiya were in collusion.

But he lacked evidence now, and he couldn't just kill him with one hammer.

Now that it has come to this point, they can only fight hard.

Thousands of people suddenly appeared on the three ships, and their sizes were not much different from those just now.

Kaiya stepped forward, his eyes full of sarcasm, thinking that he was sure to win.

"I think you should stop struggling. The United States attaches great importance to this matter. You also know who I am. Let's not waste time. Give me the things and I will send you away. You can do whatever you want in the future. We will not interfere with each other."

Kaiya's attitude completely stimulated Li Jun.

Li Jun also stepped forward and was close to Kaiya. The height difference between the two was more than ten centimeters. Li Jun's momentum now directly suppressed him.

"Boy, you think too much about things.It's easy. You want to take something from me? I don't think you'll be able to do that. "

After Li Jun finished speaking, he raised his hand and clapped twice.

The ship he was on had an underground structure, and this layer was full of artificial oxygen, which was very expensive.

After hearing the signal sent by Li Jun, a man wearing sunglasses and a bulletproof vest came out.

This man was about two meters tall, and his aura alone suppressed a large group of people.

Xu Xi had never seen this man before.

Behind this man was a man who was very similar to him in size and height.

I thought it would be over in two or three, but more than a hundred people came out in one breath.

They all held special sniper rifles in their hands, and everyone present knew this sniper rifle.

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