A mellow voice came from the person inside: "Come in."

Li Jun knew that he was being called. The person had a mellow voice and did not sound old.

He deliberately lowered his posture and walked in.

The man in the cap also followed Li Jun, his eyes full of reluctance.

When he walked into the room, Li Jun saw the person sitting in the dark.

There was a candle in front of him, and there was a scent of sandalwood in the room.

Li Jun was a little nervous. After all, this Uncle Qi was a powerful figure in the past. People in the whole city wanted to have a good relationship with Uncle Qi, but he just didn't say this. Many people wanted to get close to him, but it was all in vain.

Li Jun walked in front of Uncle Qi and looked at a man who was about the same age as him sitting on a chair.

But the temperament of this person was completely different.

"547" exuded a different aura.

The man raised his head and glanced at Li Jun, and simply glanced from top to bottom.

Then he said, "Sit down."

The moment he stretched out his hand, Li Jun saw a full gold Rolex watch on his wrist.

The price of this watch can be said to be insignificant in the eyes of these businessmen, but this watch has been discontinued for a long time, and it is limited to one piece sold worldwide, which is a symbol of power.

When Li Jun saw this man just now, he still had some doubts in his heart whether he was Uncle Qi, but this doubt was completely dispelled after Li Jun saw the Rolex watch in his hand.

After the man in the baseball cap walked in, he raised his hand to turn on the light, but he suddenly remembered something in the middle of the way and suspended his hand in the air.

Uncle Qi raised his eyelids: "Turn it on."

The man in the baseball cap turned on the light, and the whole room was filled with bright light, so bright that people couldn't open their eyes.

When Li Jun regained his vision, he could see the person in front of him clearly.

The person in front of him exuded a kind of temperament from head to toe, a temperament that was hard to describe.

Uncle Qi's eyes were smiling, but Li Jun knew that this smile was also tentative, and he couldn't take it lightly.

Under the gaze of the two people, Li Jun spoke first: "Uncle Qi, I have heard of your great name for a long time. Today, I see that your reputation is well-deserved."

Uncle Qi heard what Li Jun said, and his expression did not change at all, and he still kept smiling.

After two or three seconds, Uncle Qi slowly said: "Have you brought the goods?"

Li Jun nodded, then clapped his hands, and the people at the door heard the sound and walked in with the goods.

Uncle Qi did not get up, but gave a look to the people around him.

The two men in black walked over and checked it carefully, and nodded to Uncle Qi.

Uncle Qi retracted his gaze and called the man in a baseball cap standing next to him.

"This is my youngest son, Zhang Ting."

Li Jun frowned slightly, he didn't understand why Uncle Qi said that.

Shouldn't the main thing this time be this batch of goods? Could it be someone else?

But Li Jun quickly adjusted his attitude.

"So that's how it is. This is Uncle Qi's son. Nice to meet you."

Li Jun is just being perfunctory now. What effect can such a cynical person bring?

This Uncle Qi is also a bit strange. Tonight was supposed to be the time for them to discuss cooperation. Why did he suddenly introduce his useless son to him?

Li Jun didn't understand, but he still had a smile on his face.

Uncle Qi smiled faintly and stood up slowly.

Only then did Li Jun notice that one of Uncle Qi's legs was broken.

The outside world said how powerful this person was when he was young, and he retired when he was old, but no one ever said that Uncle Qi was a disabled person.

This made Li Jun admire him even more.

"Didn't expect that I was a disabled person?"

Uncle Qi's tone became cold, and there was a hint of consideration in his eyes when he looked at Li Jun.

Li Jun was now extremely alert. His brain was working rapidly, and he said, "Uncle Qi, you are being too polite. I am delivering this batch of goods to you just to help you."

"Help me?"

Uncle Qi suddenly stopped and turned to look at Li Jun.

This look scared Li Jun a little. Although his eyes were clear, they were like a pool of stagnant water. It was hard to say that Li Jun was swallowed by it without paying attention.

Li Jun's hands naturally hung on both sides, and he shook his head and said, "Uncle Qi, you have been in this world for a long time. No one in San Francisco doesn't know you. I got this batch of goods just to reach a cooperation with you. I know you don't like to beat around the bush, so I said it directly...

After speaking, Li Jun looked at Uncle Qi's reaction, fearing that what he said was wrong.

He was very concerned about the importance of this matter.The degree of suspicion has reached a certain level.

Situ Leisheng is probably unreliable.

Uncle Qi stood there and looked at Li Jun without saying anything.

His youngest son Zhang Ting also didn't say anything.

In a vague way, Li Jun even felt that this youngest son was also a role of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

"Uncle Qi, do you think our cooperation can be achieved?"

Li Jun was a little anxious.

Uncle Qi sat on the sofa in the back and said to the servant: "Go and make white peony."

Then he said to Li Jun: "Come and sit down."

Li Jun stood there for a long time, and his soles were almost numb. This Uncle Qi was really steady.

Sitting opposite Uncle Qi, Li Jun felt his aura.

The tea came up and steamed in front of Li Jun.

Uncle Qi personally handed Li Jun a cup of tea: "I can agree to your cooperation."

This sentence made Li Jun's hands tremble slightly, fortunately the tea did not spill.

Li Jun didn't expect that Uncle Qi would agree to it so quickly. There must be other conditions, so he didn't expect too much.

Sure enough, Uncle Qi continued, "But I have another condition."

"Uncle Qi, just tell me. As long as I can do it, I will do my best."

Uncle Qi pointed to Zhang Ting beside him and said, "My youngest son has never made any achievements in San Francisco. I am more optimistic about you, otherwise I would not agree to let you move that batch of goods for me. You have done a good job. Now I want to hand over my youngest son to you. If you need me in the future, I will help you without hesitation."

What a great thing, it's just a pie in the sky!

Li Jun was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Qi not only agreed to be his backer in the future, but also put his youngest son by his side.

In this way, Li Jun not only has one more handle to threaten Uncle Qi, but also one more confidant to cultivate.

If the outside world knew that Zhang Ting was Uncle Qi's son, they would also be respectful to Li Jun. In the near future, Li Jun will surpass Situ Leisheng's status in San Francisco.

Seeing that Li Jun didn't speak, Zhang Ting was a little unhappy.

"Do you feel embarrassed that I follow you?"

Zhang Ting spoke and Li Jun came back to his senses.

He could hardly hide the smile on his face: "Young Master is a dragon among men. If he can come to our place, it will make our place glorious. How dare I despise Young Master?"

Li Jun stood up and bent down: "Thank you for your trust, Uncle Qi. I will never let Uncle Qi down."

The moment Li Jun lowered his head, he seemed to think of himself as the behind-the-scenes power holder of San Francisco in the future.

With the help of Uncle Qi, the mayor of San Francisco is just an ant in his eyes.

Who among the well-known people in San Francisco doesn't know what Uncle Qi does.

With the help of Uncle Qi in the future, what can Situ Leisheng be regarded as?

Uncle Qi retracted his gaze with satisfaction, patted Li Jun and said, "Then my little son will be handed over to you, but let's be clear. If my son follows you and you hurt him or put him in danger, I will never let you go. You will be in trouble! You must know this!" Uncle Qi suddenly changed his face, which made Li Jun feel a little uncomfortable. "Uncle Qi, I naturally know this truth. The young master will be a key target if he goes to our place. I will let my men protect the young master." "I hope you can do what you say. It's late today. You go back first. I will send someone to send him to you tomorrow. It's up to you to do what you should do next." Li Jun also wanted to end this conversation quickly. After all, he has achieved his goal now, and Uncle Qi will not regret it. He is a man who values ​​every word. "Okay, Uncle Qi, then I won't bother you for now." Li Jun felt relieved after walking out of the door. When he walked to the door, a gunshot suddenly rang out. The bullet almost grazed Li Jun's shoulder.

"What's going on?"

Xu Xi subconsciously stood in front of Li Jun: "Quick, everyone protect the boss!"

More than a dozen people surrounded Li Jun at once, making him feel a little breathless.

"Retreat first, return to the ship! This is Uncle Qi's territory, and they dare to shoot! They are really impatient to live!"

Li Jun frowned and cursed.

On the ship, Li Jun picked up the telescope and saw a man in a suit on a tall building not far away, holding a special sniper rifle and aiming at the window of the room below their ship, as if to put him to death.

These people actually followed here,

Li Jun didn't expect these people to be so brave.

LiJun looked for a long time, and felt more and more that something was wrong.

When he just went out, Situ Leisheng was still calling him non-stop, which meant that Situ Leisheng should not know much about the situation here. He wanted to get first-hand information from him, but he didn't know that he had been exposed.

Li Jun is not a fool, of course he knows what is going on now.

Uncle Qi's position is so hidden, and they were very careful when they came in. Ordinary people would never know this place, let alone shoot directly in this place.

Now that their position is exposed, there is only one possibility - that is, there is a traitor among the people he brought in.

Li Jun slowly put down the telescope and turned around to look at these people.

Xu Xi has been with him for so long, the probability of betrayal is not very high.

But among the remaining people, one person's face is very unfamiliar.

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