He used the revolver very skillfully, and it looked like he had been using it for more than ten years.

"What do you want to do?" Anna asked.

The bodyguard took two steps forward and got closer to Chen Churan.

At this time, Chen Churan had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter, and was sure that Anna would never do anything to her.

The bodyguard looked at Chen Churan and uttered a few words: "Chen Churan, do you have anything else to say? I'm sending you on your way."

Chen Churan looked at the bodyguard in disbelief. Although he said it in a voice that the two of them could hear, he still threatened her here, which made Chen Churan feel a little surprised.

The bodyguard raised his eyebrows, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

"What do you mean, do you really want to kill me?" Chen Churan whispered.

Anna listened to the two people whispering and immediately understood the relationship between the two people.

It turned out that this girl had always used Xu Xi as a cover because she thought that this bodyguard would plead for her.

It really played a good hand.

But to Anna, they were just two kids playing house.

But Anna was not a cold-blooded person. Since the two knew each other, it would not be a good idea for her to ask someone to kill the girl.

Anna walked to the two people quietly, which scared the man. He jumped up.

Anna snatched the pistol from his hand and said, "Since you two know each other, there is no need to practice here, but I still want to tell you something."

Anna turned around and looked at the bodyguard who was still in shock, and said, "You are really unlucky to find a woman like this. This woman will bring you trouble. She is ignorant and has no brains. I really don't know what you like about her."

As soon as these words came out, the girl became more excited. She sat up and said, "Who the hell are you talking about? Try to say it to me again!"

What a brainless person.

Anna felt extremely disgusted.

Thinking of this, Anna picked up a stick and hit the woman directly.

The woman uttered a whine and then fainted.

The bodyguard beside her opened his mouth and said, "What are you doing?"

Anna didn't say anything, and then hit the bodyguard with a stick.

The bodyguard didn't faint, but he sat on the ground.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. You two don't have to come to work tomorrow."

After that, Anna lit a cigarette irritably and walked out.

There were a few girls outside who were still listening and didn't react. When they reacted, Anna was already standing at the door looking at them.

"What are you looking at? Why don't you work properly and come here to see? Is this where you should come?"

These girls now saw Anna as if they saw the Deathly Impermanence, and they were very scared.

"Sister Anna, we just happened to pass by here. Sorry, we'll leave now."

"Just passed by? What a good one, just passed by."

Anna had always tolerated these people before, for no other reason, it was nothing more than because she just came to work to meet these people and didn't want to leave them with a bad impression.

But Anna still forgot one thing. Those who can work in this place are all people with extraordinary experiences. How can there be such a thing as a fool?

Tolerating these people is to hurt yourself.

She was a little uncomfortable when she just came back, but now she has completely found her feeling.

These girls thought they could escape, but they didn't expect Anna to not want them to leave.

They felt that Anna was like a different person now, and they didn't feel the same as before.

A girl whispered to the girl next to her: "Sister Anna seems to have become a different person today. I'm really scared to death."

Another girl with a high ponytail said: "Is it possible that the gentle Anna before was just her disguise?"

The two people whispered to each other, thinking that Anna didn't hear them, but they didn't know that Anna had already practiced a lot of skills when she was in the United States, and Anna could hear the voices of these two people.

"You are right. I am officially telling you now that Anna before was just my disguise. Now I must tell you one thing. You should all be alert now. Don't do things you shouldn't do. Do your job conscientiously. If I find out that you have done anything wrong, you will end up like the man and woman in the small dark room today. Do you understand?"

These people looked at Anna's lips opening and closing, and felt that their souls were about to float away with Anna.

The girls all nodded, and Anna didn't want toContinue to deal with them and ask them to leave.

The people at the door stood for a long time, watching the whole process.

After the people left, Xu Xi walked out of the darkness and clapped his hands: "Anna, you did a good job. You finally found some inspiration in management. Very good."

Anna didn't expect that there was someone behind her. She turned back vigilantly and saw Xu Xi. There was also Sun Mengqi standing next to Xu Xi.

Sun Mengqi looked at her with a hint of admiration.

"Not bad, Sister Anna, you were too soft-hearted to these people before."

Anna didn't expect Sun Mengqi to say such a thing.

"Okay, thank you, I have something else to do, so I'll go to work first."

Xu Xi pointed to the small dark room and said, "How are you going to deal with the people inside?"

Anna left the two people with their backs, and then said, "These two people are your people. Of course, you will deal with them as you say."

"My people?" Xu Xi didn't quite understand what Anna said.

Anna turned around and nodded, "The girl inside is called Chen Churan, and I don't know the boy's name. It's just that both of them said they knew you, and I don't know if you know each other."

Anna kept a watchful eye.

Xu Xi thought about the name Chen Churan, and seemed to have heard it somewhere, but the impression was not very deep.

Looking at Xu Xi's careful thinking, Anna was more certain of her guess.

Xu Xi thought for a while, but he still couldn't guess who Anna was talking about. He really couldn't remember who the girl Chen Churan was.

"I don't know you, don't spread rumors."

Xu Xi said quickly.

The girl inside just did something wrong and was punished, how could it be related to him?

Anna spread her hands and said, "If it has nothing to do with Manager Xu, then forget it, but this girl has been saying that she has something to do with you. Now she probably hasn't fallen asleep yet, otherwise you can go in and ask?"

Xu Xi was indeed a little curious, but he didn't want to have anything to do with the girl working here, so he simply didn't say anything.

Anna saw the look in Xu Xi's eyes. She felt that Xu Xi had some impression of this girl.

She handed the key of the small dark room to Xu Xi and said, "Please go ask Xu in person. If it is really related to you, I will apologize to this girl immediately. If this girl is really a friend of Xu, I dare not offend her."

After that, Anna turned and left.

What she just said was indeed the truth. If this girl was really related to Xu Xi, she really dared not do anything to her. Besides, Chen Churan was beaten for cursing just now, and Anna had already vented a lot of anger.

The women at the door heard the voice inside, and they would not fail to hear Chen Churan's cursing. If this Chen Churan had nothing to do with Xu Xi, Anna would never let her go so easily.

If it was Xu Xi's people, she would have to stop here.

After all, Xu Xi was someone around Li Jun. Li Jun was a tiger, and he was the tiger's left and right arm. Anna couldn't afford to offend him.

Even if he felt wronged, he could only swallow it.

Xu Xi stood at the door, not wanting to go in.

He gave the key to Sun Mengqi and said, "I'm going to take a look at the Dream Garden. Give it to Anna when you see her. What's wrong with this guy? Why do I feel that Anna has been acting weird tonight?"

Sun Mengqi put the key back in Xu Xi's hand and said, "It would be strange if she didn't act weird. You just heard it. The girl was cursing inside. Anna has always been a leader in the United States. How could she bear this grievance? Besides, I just came here five minutes earlier than you, and I really heard the girl inside say It has something to do with you. You should go and confirm it. Just based on the way Chen Churan cursed, Anna would have shot her. "

Before Sun Mengqi finished speaking, Xu Xi asked, "Why didn't she do it?"

Sun Mengqi rolled her eyes at Xu Xi and said, "Anna is afraid of your identity, so she has doubts in her heart. Even if she knows that 80% of what Chen Churan said is false, she still dares not to do it. If Chen Churan is really your man, wouldn't you feel embarrassed if Anna solved him?"

Xu Xi thought about it and suddenly remembered this Chen Churan..

He sneered and gave the key back to Sun Mengqi, saying, "If you hadn't been talking about this name all the time, I really couldn't remember who this Chen Churan was. Now I remember that I have nothing to do with this person. It's up to her to kill or behead. This seaside park is nowIt's not so quiet in the first place. If the internal employees don't keep quiet either, it will only bring them a lot of trouble. I don't want to tell the boss that we can't manage the seaside park well. You know recently that the boss is going to make a big move. "

Sun Mengqi also knew that Li Jun had been developing overseas trade in the United States recently, and there would be some progress soon. If things in the United States go smoothly, Zhang Ting probably won't be proud for long.

The sky in San Francisco is about to change.

Sun Mengqi sighed, held the key in her hand, and said, "So what is your relationship with this Chen Churan?"

Just now Chen Churan was too restless, and she couldn't stand it.

These girls think they are superior to others after talking to these rich people for a few words. They are arrogant and dare to provoke their superiors. For such people, Sun Mengqi will never be soft.

Xu Xi didn't want to say it, but Sun Mengqi was too curious.

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