It wasn't something shameful, so Xu Xi had to tell her.

"When Chen Churan was in college, she and her boyfriend rented our car. At that time, her boyfriend had another girl, and Chen Churan started to make a scene in the street. Her temper was almost the same as it is now. I didn't expect that after so many years, Chen Churan hadn't improved at all. I was very compassionate at the time and went up to comfort her. Chen Churan told me that her family conditions were not very good and she wanted to find a job that made money quickly, no matter what the job was. I told her about our work here and introduced everything to her. She finally chose this job. She was very grateful to me and always wanted to treat me to a meal. At first, I was embarrassed to refuse. In the end, she contacted me too frequently, and I couldn't stand it, so I simply stopped contacting her. It's not like what you imagined."

"I didn't think about anything. I will convey these words to Anna."

Sun Mengqi took the key and walked into the lobby on the first floor.

It's already twelve o'clock, and the whole seaside park is still very lively.

The festival is coming soon, and it should be very lively.

Anna had been busy for a long time. Sun Mengqi just stood downstairs and watched, and she had to say that Anna was really dedicated.

She went upstairs and found Jack. Jack also looked like he had just sent a VIP back. He was exhausted.

"This is the key to the small black room. Xu Xi asked me to give it to Anna. Xu Xi meant that he wanted Anna to follow her own ideas. That Chen Churan has nothing to do with him."

Jack was confused, but he was not curious about these things. He just needed to give the things to Anna and tell Anna these words.

After Sun Mengqi finished speaking, Jack nodded: "Okay, I will tell Anna. Is there anything else? If there is nothing else, I will continue to go downstairs to entertain the VIPs. There are too many people tonight."

"It's okay, you go."

Jack walked downstairs without looking back. When he walked downstairs, Jack saw Xu Xi.

"Manager Xu, I didn't expect you to come tonight."

Jack said while looking at the account book in his hand.

Xu Xi looked at the lively crowd upstairs and said, "Has Huang Xiazi left?"

"Not yet. Situ Leisheng came here just now and was taught a lesson by Anna."

Xu Xi frowned: "What did you say?"

Jack put down the account book in his hand, then closed it and said, "I said, Anna just taught Huang Xiazi a lesson. Huang Xiazi has been touching our people on our chassis, so Anna and I made our own decisions. Please forgive me, Mr. Xu."

Xu Xi was surprised because he didn't expect these two people to be so bold. Xu Xi has always looked down on Huang Xiazi, and today has not changed much.

Huang Xiazi has always relied on Uncle Qi, so he can do whatever he wants and fantasize about being the boss. It's ridiculous.

Xu Xi did underestimate these two people before.

I thought it would be fine to swallow my anger and maintain the development of the seaside park, but I didn't expect that these two people, 5.7, still did so many right things outside.

Xu Xi smiled, patted Jack on the back, and said, "You did a great job on this matter. If I tell the boss, the boss will definitely appreciate you. You did a good job."

Jack said indifferently: "Thank you. I'll go and get busy first."

Sun Mengqi looked at Jack and Anna's attitude towards Xu Xi, and came over to mock: "Xu Xi, you are too embarrassed now. Director Tom always nodded and bowed to you before, but the two people you just found really didn't flatter you. I like them very much."

"Little brat, what's the use of you liking them? It doesn't matter what these two people look like to me. As long as they can manage the Seaside Park well, listen to us, and help our boss solve problems, it's good enough. The rest is nothing."

Zhang Meiou was in a bad mood and came to the entrance of the Seaside Park wrapped in a windbreaker.

Xu Xi was talking to Sun Mengqi. Anna was standing upstairs and saw a beautiful woman standing in the wind with a worried look on her face.

This woman is so beautiful.

She had seen so many beauties before, but none of them were as good as this woman.

There was only one possibility for a beautiful woman who could come to this place at this time, except to catch the rich husband.

Trapped by love.

Although the two are similar, they are not completely similar.

Anna walked downstairs quickly. She really couldn't bear to see such a beautiful woman standing in the wind and being blown by the cold wind.

At this time, Sun Mengqi and Xu Xi had almost finished their inspection work, and the two were ready to move their positions.Let's go to another place to have a look.

Now that Dream Garden has opened, they have to go and see what kind of customers will patronize it.

Sun Mengqi watched Anna walk to the door and lower her head to talk to an incredibly beautiful woman. She walked forward and saw who this woman was.

"Zhang Meiou."

Xu Xi saw Zhang Meiou and greeted her: "It's so late, you come here alone? Do you need me to find someone to take you home later?"

Anna stood aside and listened to the conversation between the two people. It can be basically concluded that this beautiful woman is very familiar with Xu Xi.

Xu Xi was very polite to this person. Anna guessed that this woman should be Xu Xi's old friend.

Zhang Meiou opened her thin lips slightly and said: "No, our driver will come to pick me up in a while. I heard that your Seaside Park has the most complete wine warehouse in the whole San Francisco. I want to try it. What good wine do you have?"

She spoke weakly and her voice was a little hoarse, as if she had just quarreled with someone.

"Yes, you can come and try it. Our boss will treat you. Drink whatever you want."

When Anna heard this, she concluded that the woman in front of her should have a good relationship with the boss Li Jun. She was indeed not an ordinary person. However, it would be fine if she was just an ordinary pretty girl, but it was not surprising that such a pretty girl had a good relationship with their boss.

"Okay, thank you for your help."

After saying that, Zhang Meiou turned around and asked Anna: "Let's go, take me in."

Anna did not dare to neglect it, and quickly stretched out her hand and said: "Miss, please."

Jack stood aside and looked at the woman in a trance.

After Anna and Zhang Meiou left, Jack asked, "Who is this woman?"

Xu Xi and Sun Mengqi looked at each other, and then said in unison, "A friend of our boss."

Sun Mengqi didn't expect that she and Xu Xi would have such a tacit understanding. Xu Xi didn't think much about it and continued, "This woman's status may not be as high as Uncle Qi, but you have to treat this woman like Uncle Qi, and you can't be negligent in the slightest, understand?"

Jack was already very impressed with this woman. Even if this woman didn't have such an identity, they would be quite polite.

After all, when facing such a face, no one would get angry.

"I know, Director Xu, I will tell Anna what you have explained."

After Xu Xi finished explaining, he looked back and saw that the two had disappeared in the lobby on the first floor.

"Okay, since you are still busy now, we two won't say much. You have done a good job during this period. I will help you say a few good words around the boss, don't worry."

"Then thank you, Director Xu."

Jack didn't want Xu Xi to say anything about them in front of Li Jun, whether it was good or bad, he didn't want it.

As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. If they really make mistakes in the future, Li Jun will never indulge them.

But this is Xu Xi's kindness, and Jack is embarrassed to refuse.

Thinking of this, Jack can only say thank you.

Sun Mengqi looked at Jack's expression and seemed to have noticed something, but she didn't say anything.

At this time, Anna had brought people to the private room. Zhang Meiou sat on the sofa and picked up the beer next to him and drank it all.

A bottle of beer was finished like this.

Anna had seen people drinking like this before. She had seen people drinking like this before, but they were all men, not women.

If a generally beautiful or very beautiful woman drank like this in front of her today, Anna would not feel distressed.

But such a beautiful woman drank like this in front of her, Anna couldn't help but want to persuade her.

"This wine is not delicious, there is wine suitable for you in the warehouse." Anna said softly.

When she said this, she was a little shocked that she could say a word in such a tone.

It was really a bit surprising.

Anna herself was surprised.

Zhang Meiou sneered, still staring at the wine bottle with a numb look in her eyes, her face was slightly red, and she was lovable.

She did not answer Anna's question, but said: "Are you an employee under Xu Xi?"

Rather than saying that they are employees under Xu Xi, it is better to say that they are employees of Li Jun.

This seaside park is originally managed by Li Jun, but they still have to connect with Xu Xi on weekdays. Thinking about it this way, there is nothing wrong with saying that they are Xu Xi's employees.


Anna thought that her thoughts just now were really a little redundant. She was usually a big nerve, and she had trained in the United States for so long before, basically saying whatever she wanted to say,Now in front of this woman, Anna actually felt inferior and began to get nervous. Sure enough, this face was really infuriating!

However, although Anna felt so cowardly, she still enjoyed it.

After all, who doesn't like to look at beautiful women?

Anna is very outstanding among many beauties, and it is not an exaggeration to be called a great beauty. Zhang Meiou looked at Anna in the dim light, and her eyes suddenly turned red.

"If you are Xu Xi's man, it means you are also Li Jun's man! I advise you to leave here as soon as possible. Li Jun is a cold-blooded guy. When you make a mistake, he will let you go without hesitation!"

After a glass of wine, Zhang Meiou began to speak unclearly, but Anna still understood.

It seems that this beauty has some opinions about their boss.

After Anna understood these words, her heart was lifted.

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