Anna was already physically uncomfortable with Huang Xiazi.

After singing a song, Sun Min picked up the microphone and said, "I only sang one song for you today. It's late, so you'd better go to bed early. My voice will be affected at night. Meeting is fate. I look forward to meeting you next time."

After that, Sun Min was taken off the stage by Niu Xin and a group of security personnel.

Fifty meters away is the lounge. When they got to the lounge, they couldn't see Sun Min anymore.

I don't know when Zhang Zhen sobered up. Now he looks more normal than normal people.

"Wait a minute, you finally came here, but you just sang one song and left."

"Yeah, we haven't had enough, we spent so much money in the Seaside Park tonight, and you just left like that? Isn't that a bit too rude!"

"This song really left us wanting more, come back and sing two more songs."

Zhang Zhen looked at Sun Min's back as she left, and listened to the people behind him talking. He thought Sun Min would just stop and continue singing.

Because the people who just spoke were all well-known figures, and now that these people had spoken, wouldn't Sun Min come back?

Sun Min felt a little embarrassed, hesitated for a while, and said to Niu Xin: "I'd better go back and sing one more song."

Niu Xin didn't give up his position when he heard this, but asked the security personnel behind him to surround Sun Min.

Sun Min was stunned and asked, "I said, let's go back and sing a song."

"Miss Sun, there is no need to do this. Our boss just needs you to sing a song. When these people are not satisfied, if you go back this time, they will continue to ask you to sing, so let's go and pretend that you didn't hear anything."

Sun Min didn't expect a security guard to be so opinionated. She flew here overnight and must be a little tired. If it wasn't for giving face to those two people, she wouldn't want to go back and sing a song.

"Are you sure?"

Sun Min was a little worried.

Niu Xin felt that this star was thinking too much and had doubts in his heart.

But he still said: 'Yes, I'm sure. "

Sun Min saw that Niu Xin's eyes were so firm, and then followed Niu Xin back.

Zhang Zhen saw that the person had disappeared at the door, and his face changed completely.

This is completely disrespectful to these people!

Zhang Zhen looked at Anna and shouted: "You don't give us face? "

Anna didn't want to pay attention to Zhang Zhen. Besides, most people here were drunk and wouldn't remember what happened tonight the next day.

Zhang Zhen must be Huang Xiazi's man.

When Jack came over, Zhang Zhen was still talking endlessly.

"We all called Sun Min back, but she just left. It's too much. What on earth do you think of Seaside Park? She just sang a song when she came up. Her voice is so valuable!"

The people behind Zhang Zhen also started to make a fuss.

But the others present were no longer interested. They saw Sun Min and gave the last bit of energy to the song. Now they just wanted to go home and sleep.

Anna looked at Zhang Zhen's self-directed and self-acted performance and found it very ridiculous.

"Boss Zhang, how far do you want to go? I'm not afraid of what you will say next, but I think you are very ridiculous now. No one around here asked Sun Min to come back and sing another song. It's better to stop while you are ahead, okay? Boss Zhang. "

Anna emphasized the three words "Boss Zhang" when she called him. Even a fool could understand what she meant.

Zhang Zhen curled his lips, put on his clothes and walked out.

After he left, Huang Xiazi followed him.

At this time, on the other side, in a small dark room in the basement of Haibin Park, a very terrifying scene was being played out.

Li Jun sat on a chair, looking at the people opposite who had been beaten beyond recognition, and said: "I'll ask you one last time, who asked you to come?"

More than a hundred people, each of them kept their mouths shut, as if they had been trained in advance.

Xu Xi asked for a long time, but didn't get anything out.

Finally, Li Jun came on stage in person. As soon as he asked the first sentence, the people on the opposite side were shocked by the temperament of Lu Jun.

"You... no one asked us to come. We just saw that Haibin Park was doing so well and wanted Haibin Park to give us some money. These brothers have to rely on me to support them, so we can only come here to ask for money."

"Money? You guys were obviously here to cause trouble. If you wanted money, why did you make such a big fuss? Don't you know that the last time we made trouble at the entrance of the Seaside Park, we had already killed them?Solved, not one left, how many of you more than a hundred good brothers are left? Turn around and take a good look. "Sun Mengqi stepped forward and said.

She felt sick just thinking that these people might be related to Huang Xiazi.

If it weren't for Huang Xiazi, she wouldn't have begged that woman to come back.

All these people should be dealt with properly.

The man looked at Li Jun and said tremblingly: "What I said is true. No matter how many times you ask, I will say so. This is the fact."

Sun Mengqi knew that this man was stubborn, and she was even more angry.

"Are you sure you don't want to say it?"

The man raised his eyelids and didn't dare to look into the eyes of the person opposite.

"I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe it, then you can kill me." The man sat directly on the ground, his eyes could no longer open.

Li Jun suddenly sneered, and there was silence around.

"Zhao Lei, from San Francisco, has a son and a daughter, who are now in elementary school in the city center. Am I right? "

This simple sentence seemed to have stimulated Zhao Lei's nerves. The corners of his mouth began to tremble, and he suddenly knelt on the ground.

"Please don't make things difficult for me. I am also doing things for others for money. You can kill or chop my life as you like, but don't touch my family."

Li Jun squatted down, stared at the person opposite, and said, "Your son and daughter will disappear tonight."

After that, Li Jun whispered a few words to Xu Xi, and then walked away.

Zhao Lei heard what Li Jun said, as if he heard a spell, and knelt on the ground and began to beg for mercy.

"Please, don't do anything to my family. No matter what, they are innocent. I hope you can promise me, please! You can take my life as you like!"

After listening to Li Jun's words, Xu Xi nodded and walked back to Zhao Lei.

"You want to die, but look at the brothers behind you, do they want to die? I think you guys are well-trained and have lived together for many years. Are you really willing to see your brothers die because of your concealment? Or can you help your two underage children..."

Xu Xi said halfway, deliberately leaving some room for Zhao Lei's imagination.

After listening, Zhao Lei's face became worse.

"Your boss is not such a person. I am also a miserable person. I beg you, can you forgive me this time? I will never dare to do it again! If you can let me go, I promise not to work for them again."

In a panic, Zhao Lei let the cat out of the bag.

Xu Xi was not so easy to fool. He immediately caught Zhao Lei's wrong words and asked, "Tell me, who is he you just said? As long as you say it yourself and promise that you are not lying, your life, the lives of these brothers behind you, and your family can live a stable life in the future.

Isn't this a good deal? Or are you a loyal and courageous person who will not betray your boss? If so, then we can only go out in our own way. "

Sun Mengqi squatted down, stared at Zhao Lei, and said: "I'll give you three minutes. Think about it carefully and see if you want to tell it. If you tell it, you can avoid death and live your life well in the future. Even if you are hunted by people, you still have new possibilities. But if you don't tell it, we can't guarantee that we won't do anything.

"Xu Xi picked up the watch and said, "We will only give you the last three minutes."

This man is very tight-lipped. Xu Xi asked for more than half an hour but didn't get anything out of him.

He wanted to tell Li Jun about it after asking, and then go back to the hall to listen to Sun Min singing, but now the daylily is cold. If nothing unexpected happens, Sun Mian has already boarded the plane and left San Francisco.

Sun Mengqi looked at Xu Xi smoking a cigarette, and seemed a little absent-minded.

She couldn't help but remind him: "The boss gave you such a difficult task, and you actually started to be absent-minded. Don't you want to live? "

Xu Xi sighed and said, "Zhao Lei is too stubborn. I asked for a long time but couldn't get the answer. Sun Min finally came here. San Francisco wanted to let Sun Min hold a concert but couldn't get Sun Min's time. What I didn't expect was that Sun Min would come to this place to sing. Although the Seaside Park controls the income of the entire San Francisco, it is an entertainment venue. It is not easy for Sun Min to come. If it weren't for our boss's wide network of contacts, I might not be able to hear Sun Min sing in this life. "

Sun Mengqi felt that Xu Xi was a little childish. At such a big age, she followed Li Jun to fight and kill all the way to now, and she could actually chase stars.

Her cousin is indeed charming, otherwise she wouldn't have attracted thousands of men.Falling in love.

But in Sun Mengqi's eyes, Xu Xi is a little different from these people, but what Xu Xi said today made Sun Mengqi feel that Xu Xi is just so-so.

"I vaguely remember that you said before that these stars play very colorfully behind the scenes, and they are all personas in front of the screen? Why are you chasing stars now?"

Xu Xi knew that Sun Mengqi's tone was full of sarcasm, and said with a smile: "I did say such words before. I have seen too many stars fall from the altar and do some shady things in the seaside park. They are bright and beautiful on the surface, but they are nothing in front of these rich people. But I met Sun Min once before, and this person is different from them. At first, I also thought that Sun Min was also a woman who was well packaged on the surface, but could do anything behind the scenes, but since the last time I met Sun Min, my impression of her has changed a lot."

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