Sun Mengqi was a little surprised. She didn't expect Xu Xi to have met her cousin.

Her cousin had always been elusive before, and now she couldn't catch her figure.

And Sun Mengqi felt that when Xu Xi talked about her cousin just now, the light in his eyes became much gentler. She didn't know if it was her own illusion.

"When did you meet my cousin? You don't like my cousin, do you?"

"A year ago, your cousin was not so popular at that time. Who doesn't like such a woman?"

Sun Mengqi was drinking and almost choked when she heard Xu Xi's words.

"What did you say? You like my cousin, how is it possible." Sun Mengqi couldn't believe it.

She said it directly because she was too excited.

Sun Mengqi didn't have much defense against Xu Xi, so she said it.

Xu Xi was stunned, then smiled and said, "When I first saw you, I thought you looked a bit like Sun Min. I didn't expect you to be related to her. What a coincidence."

Sun Mengqi thought Xu Xi would be very surprised, but she was just stunned for a moment.

She didn't like people saying she looked like her cousin the most since she was a child. She was also very outstanding in the crowd, but she would never be as good as her cousin.

Sun Mengqi was a little depressed and turned away.

She only left a sentence to Xu Xi: "You watch here, I'm going back to rest, women can't stay up late."

Xu Xi sneered and followed Sun Mengqi away.

But Sun Mengqi really left, but Xu Xi went straight back to the small dark room.

At this time, Zhao Lei was looking around, as if he had already discussed it with these people. When he saw Xu Xi, a smile appeared on his face.

Xu Xi looked at the positions of these people and saw that they had just discussed it.

"I've heard everything you said just now. There's surveillance here, so you don't have to hide it from me."

Zhao Lei's face changed again, but this time he was a little trembling, and his lips were pale.

"What? There are surveillance here and there!"

He thought that there would be no so-called surveillance in such a place. What surprised Zhao Lei was that they dared to install surveillance here. Isn't this the thief crying thief?

He looked up and saw an electric camera emitting infrared rays.

As long as their movements changed, the camera would start to change with their movements.

Xu Xi knew that these people were up to something, and said: "The camera above has 360 degrees of no dead angle, high definition, as long as I want to know, every word you say will be heard by me."

Zhao Lei went crazy and stood up to smash the camera.

Xu Xi leaned back in the chair and rubbed his eyebrows.

"It's useless, Zhao Lei, you'd better give up. I have saved what you just said. Even if you lose this room, I can know what you said. You can only lose if you play tricks on us."

The faces of the more than 50 people behind Zhao Lei also changed at this time.

"It's over, boss, what should we do now?"

These people were very scared.

Xu Xi clicked on the play function and turned up the volume of the phone to the maximum.

"Boss, let's talk, please, boss, we really don't want to die!"

The first voice that came out of the video was a slightly weak man's voice.

These people were all seriously injured when they were beaten outside, so it was normal for them to be weak all over.

Xu Xi's people didn't want to kill these people at first. After all, there were entertainment venues outside, and it was not good to make too much noise.

"Although Sun Bin asked us to come, we can't just sell it to Sun Bin!" Zhao Lei gritted his teeth and said.


Hearing this, Xu Xi pressed the pause button.

"Who is Sun Bin?" Xu Xi looked at Zhao Lei.

Zhao Lei was in the corner at this time, listening to the content in Xu Xi's mobile phone with empty eyes.

These people were already on the verge of death, so their eyes were dull and they had given up hope of living.

"I ask you, who is Sun Bin?" Xu Xi had completely lost patience with the man in front of him. He now felt that it would be better to shoot Zhao Lei.

Zhao Lei opened his eyes and said, "Since you are so capable, go investigate it yourself. Why are you asking me?"

Xu Xi laughed instead of getting angry: "You are really looking for death!"

After speaking, Xu Xi picked up the revolver, walked to Zhao Lei, and pointed the pistol directly at Zhao Lei.

Zhao Lei's body immediately tensed up.

He had been pointing the revolver at others before, and now it was his turn to be shot.

"Do you think you are doing this in vain? I didn't want to kill you, because keeping you by our boss's side, youMaybe you can still work as a laborer, which can also be regarded as a way to support your family and make a living, but now you not only did not say it, but also said the person who directed you behind the scenes under the surveillance video. You are really stupid. If such a group of people are arranged to be around our boss, I feel scared for our boss. The dead end is the way you should go. "

Xu Xi has already made a harsh remark, and the reason why Xu Xi said this also shows that he really thinks so at this moment.

Even if Zhao Lei is kept, he can't create much value.

Such an obvious camera, this group of people didn't see it.

Of course, it is not ruled out that these people are acting now.

Xu Xi is wearing headphones. Anna heard the voice and hurriedly went with Jack to investigate who Sun Bin is.

Sure enough, three minutes later, the two got the answer.

This Sun Bin is the assistant next to Huang Xiazi.

They thought it was seamless, they could both cause trouble and not be responsible. It was really a bit simple.

Anna has always had the habit of tidying up. There are people around these VIPs who have money to kill. Every time, she would record it.

Even if these people had some special circumstances and were given fake names, Anna would use chip technology to find their true identities based on their faces.

Anna prepared a small notebook and found out who the person on the other side was in less than three minutes.

Sun Bin had not been with Huang Xiazi for a long time, and he had rarely been with Huang Xiazi on activities. He was basically a rookie.

Huang Xiazi asked Sun Bin to dispatch these people for this reason.

He thought it would be perfect, but in the end Anna still found it out.

Jack admired Anna's ability. Looking at the densely packed small notebook in Anna's hand, Jack was shocked.

"You are so careful." Jack exclaimed.

"You should be careful when you should be careful, you know, isn't this useful now? "

After Anna finished speaking, she picked up her phone, took a photo and sent it to Xu Xi.

Xu Xi was a little surprised when he saw the words on it.

He thought Anna and the other person would investigate for a long time, but he didn't expect that the two people would be so efficient.

The picture above shows that Sun Bin is already in his thirties, has no children, and works as a life assistant for Blind Huang.

This man doesn't look like a good person, he looks fierce and evil.


Xu Xi rarely replied with two words.

Xu Xi took back the phone, stood opposite the crowd and said: "Sun Bin is Huang's man, right? You are the thugs trained by Blind Huang, no wonder you dare not say it. But now everything has come to light, you can leave. "

"Come on, let him go. "

Zhao Lei and his group were shocked and dared not move. They thought they were in a fantasy.

They thought they were going to die, but now they have hope of life. Isn't this a dream?

Xu Xi looked at the stupid look of these people and repeated it again.

"I said you can leave. If you don't leave, I will ask someone to shoot."

Xu Xi was too lazy to deal with these people. Even if they didn't do it, these people would die after returning.

Instead of this, it would be better to let Huang Xiazi do it.

Xu Xi has been walking to this day, and his hands are stained with a lot of blood. The less people he can kill, the better.

Zhao Lei led this group of people and thanked them again and again.

They all thought they had hope, but they didn't know that going back would only lead to death.

"Thank you for sparing our lives. Today, I will consider it as a life I owe you. If you can use me again in the future, just let me know. Then we... will leave first. "

Zhao Lei still couldn't believe that Xu Xi would let them go, and there was some temptation in his words when he spoke at this time.

Xu Xi really planned to let these people go quickly. There were so many of them, and if they started to fight internally, it would be difficult to deal with.

It's better to have less trouble than more.

Besides, so many of their brothers had been dealt with by Dali and others, and they must be resentful. If they suddenly got out and killed their people when no one was paying attention, it would be Xu Xi's work mistake.

"It's okay, you guys go quickly."

After Xu Xi finished speaking, he asked someone to open the door. Zhao Lei and his group were also afraid that Xu Xi would regret it, so they quickly took people out.

Seeing these people run away, Xu Xi felt relieved.

After dealing with these things, Xu Xi received a call from Li Jun.

"How did it go?" The voice of the person on the other end of the phone was a little hoarse, and there was a whistling sound around. Xu Xi had to turn up the volume of the phone to hear what the person on the other end was saying.

Xu Xi saw that these people had disappeared, and said to the person on the other end of the phone"Boss, everything has been handled. I also let those people go according to your wishes. The mastermind behind the scenes is Huang Xiazi."

Li Jun already had the answer in his mind, and now the answer has been verified.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Xu Xi was stunned. He didn't quite understand what Li Jun meant by "thank you for your hard work."

The boss's sudden concern made Xu Xi feel a little uncomfortable.

He watched Li Jun leave and suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

It's not hard, isn't it supposed to be?

Just as Xu Xi was about to speak, a ruthless beep came from the other side of the phone.

Xu Xi awkwardly took back his phone and stared at the screen for a while.

At this time, their boss should be on the ship on the way to the United States.

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