Zhang Meiou felt something was wrong. Zhang Ting was a young master after all. No rich man in San Francisco could compare to Zhang Ting's father. He could enjoy his life as a young master. Why did he have to live under someone else's roof and open a company? This was really a bit wrong.

Zhang Meiou thought, sent the recording in her mobile phone to Li Jun's mobile phone, and then ate peacefully.

Zhang Ting noticed Zhang Meiou's action, suddenly walked over, and scanned the profile picture above.

"Who is this person?"

"You have no right to ask, this is my private matter."

Zhang Ting sneered, and whispered: "You really have no heart. No matter what I do, I can't warm your heart."

Yes, Zhang Meiou felt that he and Zhang Ting were both wanderers at this time. No matter what, she would not warm Li Jun's heart. He was like an ice cube.

No, why did she think of Li Jun again at this time?

Zhang Meiou quickly drank a sip of soda water, and felt much better after drinking it.

"Let's be together. I will be responsible for you."

When Zhang Ting said this, Zhang Meiou almost spit out the soda water she had just drunk.

He was really crazy.

Zhang Meiou controlled herself and did not spit out the soda water. Then she said, "Isn't it better for us to be friends? You are free, I am free, and we can't interfere with each other."

"Don't you always want to know what I am doing with that group of people? As long as you agree to be my girlfriend, I will tell you."

Zhang Meiou paused with the water cup and said, "Are you exchanging interests with me? Have you never trusted me from the beginning?"

Zhang Ting really couldn't see a bit of sincerity in Zhang Meiou's eyes. He didn't know which of her words was true.

Zhang Meiou saw that Zhang Ting's tone changed, and felt something was wrong in his heart. He could only stop asking.

"I have something else to do, so I'm leaving first." Zhang Meiou saw that the two people didn't get along, so he picked up his bag and prepared to leave.

Zhang Ting also hurriedly followed, and said a little awkwardly: "You are leaving before you have even finished your meal?"

Zhang Meiou felt a little tired, and said: "Eat by yourself, I am a little tired."

After that, she continued to walk forward. Just after she took two steps forward, Zhang Ting suddenly grabbed Zhang Meiou with great force, making Zhang Meiou's face look very bad.

She was very reluctant to meet Zhang Ting. If it were not for that man, she would never give Zhang Ting the opportunity to contact her. If she did not give Zhang Ting the opportunity to contact her, she would not have been taken advantage of by Zhang Ting last night.

Thinking of this, Zhang Meiou was even more resistant.

"I am leaving, let me go!" Zhang Meiou's face changed, and even the most basic courtesy was gone.

But Zhang Ting was not angry at all, and her smile remained: "What do you mean by this? Have you forgotten everything that happened last night? You know what I have in my hand, and you should be able to tell which is more important."

Zhang Meiou clenched her fists, and organs all over her body kept calling.

She couldn't control her emotions, turned around and slapped Zhang Ting directly.

The restaurant was contracted by Zhang Ting, and there was no one else, only some chefs and cleaning staff, and a few dedicated waiters. When these people heard the crisp slap at the door, they couldn't help but turn around and look.

A deep slap mark was left on Zhang Ting's left face.

Zhang Meiou's heart was heaving, and she looked very angry.

She felt the gazes of the people around her, and took advantage of the sound to say: "From now on, don't mention this matter again. If you mention it again, don't blame me for not giving you face. You know who my father is. Although he is not as good as your father, he can protect me! I never thought you would be such a person. If a rich boy is uneducated, he must have at least received nine years of compulsory education. If you are still a human being, you will not do that kind of thing. I advise you to delete the photo as soon as possible, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Zhang Ting sneered: "I know why you approached me in the first place, Zhang Meiou, don't think that you are the smartest person in the world, and the rest of the people are fools. The reason why I didn't confess is because I still want to save some face for you."

As soon as Zhang Ting finished speaking, Zhang Meiou's face immediately became very ugly.

"What do you mean? Are you saying that you already knew about it?" Zhang Meiou looked at Zhang Ting in disbelief. She thought she had done it perfectly and that Zhang Ting would never find out. However, what Zhang Meiou never expected was that Zhang Ting already knew about it. So when did he find out?

Zhang Ting seemedShe seemed to enjoy Zhang Meiou's unbelievable look, and then sneered and said: "You have always regarded me as a fool and a playboy, but you are wrong."

Zhang Ting was a little excited, and her tone became fierce: "You approached me for Li Jun, right?"

Zhang Meiou wanted to make herself look flawless, but now she felt a little shocked by every word Zhang Ting said to her.

Seeing Zhang Meiou's facial muscles twitching, Zhang Ting's face suddenly turned cold, and he said, "You and I are now tied to the same rope, Zhang Meiou. You wanted to bring me into the game, but you didn't expect that you would be the one to join in the end. Isn't it funny?"

Zhang Meiou's face finally couldn't hold back, and she was close to madness: "Shut up!"

Zhang Ting stretched out his hand, tightly grasped Zhang Meiou's shoulder, and said, "You go back and pack your things now. I'll give you one day to meet in Zhangjiagang tomorrow morning. I'll take you to a small island where there are only two of us." Zhang Ting's eyes were paranoid, and the strength of his hands was getting stronger and stronger.

Zhang Meiou listened to Zhang Ting's irrelevant words, and she had only one thought, she felt that Zhang Ting had gone crazy.

"Are you crazy? Why would I go with you? What shameful things have you done? Can't you stay in San Francisco anymore?"

Zhang Meiou pushed Zhang Ting away with all her strength, almost using up all her strength.

She ran out of the door quickly, but saw that there was no one outside.

This was originally a downtown area, but it was difficult to get a taxi now.

What happened?

Zhang Meiou hesitated in panic, then took out her mobile phone. Just as she found Li Jun's number, her mobile phone was snatched away by Zhang Ting.

Seeing the contact name displayed on Zhang Meiou's mobile page, Zhang Ting sneered and said, "Do you really think Li Jun can save you? Are you thinking too idealistically? You are just a chess piece in Li Jun's hand. There has been no change from the beginning to now. You want too much. People like Li Jun will never fall in love with any woman here. I thought I would never fall in love with anyone, but when you appeared, I completely dispelled this idea. Come with me. Li Jun will disappear from this world in a few days. You can only be happy if you follow me!"

Zhang Ting's eyes widened, and he looked like Zhang Meiou had never seen him before.

At this moment, Zhang Ting looked like a stranger in Zhang Meiou's eyes.

She reacted for a long time, and suddenly asked excitedly: "What did you say about Li Jun? Did you do anything bad to Li Jun? Your father put you next to Li Jun in the first place, wanting you to learn something well, but now you want to attack Li Jun? Zhang Ting, are you a human being?"

"Are you really brainwashed by Li Jun or are you crazy?! You are at least an adult, but you can't even think clearly about this. Li Jun and I are not related, why do you think my father should help him? Of course, they have a relationship of interest! Now Li Jun is no longer useful to my father, so I will naturally get rid of Li Jun for my father! The reason why I dare to tell you this blatantly is that I am not afraid that you will tell Li Jun that we are ready and waiting for Li Jun to take the bait."

Zhang Meiou felt dizzy and fainted the next second.

Zhang Ting looked at Zhang Meiou in his arms, his eyes became more fierce.

Xu Xi sat in the monitoring room, watching an unidentified drone hovering over their company for three or four hours. These drones had their own video equipment, and seemed to be delivering information to someone.

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