Xu Xi picked up the phone and said to Sophie: "Check where these drones are coming from."

Sophie was standing in a glass house at this time, which was full of high-tech technicians.

These people were trained by Li Jun at a high price in secret.

They are not high-tech technicians themselves. These people are not very old and have just graduated from college. They are young people with ideals and ambitions.

Li Jun has a large amount of funds to train these ideal and ambitious college students. These people have high IQs and can be said to be better than those old hackers.

The reason why Sophie has been holding her ground in the United States is largely because of these people.

Sophie walked to a man with black-framed glasses and said: "I'll give you one minute to check where these drones are coming from."

The man with black-framed glasses didn't say anything, and quickly typed a line of code on the computer. Finally, a location was quickly displayed on the computer.

The overall duration does not exceed ten seconds.

Sophie was stunned, and nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that it was right to let you be the captain before. Your technology has improved too fast."

The man with black-framed glasses pointed to a small island in San Francisco and said: "The drone flew out from this position. To determine the location of the remote control, I need a code. Wait a minute."

Sophie thought about it and then realized what the man with black-framed glasses said.

The location of the drone can be placed in advance, but the location of the remote control can accurately determine where these people are controlling it.

As long as they find this location, they can call people to squat there.

Sure enough, a minute later, a location appeared on the computer screen again.

"This location is a rural area in San Francisco. I just checked the satellite positioning. It shows that this is an abandoned construction site. If these people want to get the drone back, they will most likely return to this location. By the way, I just found out that they used a signal jammer, and the people on the other side should have also found a professional hacker. This is all the information I know."

Sophie nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well done."

Then she took out her mobile phone and told Xu Xi the news she had just received.

After Xu Xi determined the location, she wanted to take Sun Mengqi to the location sent by Sophie.

There was no one in her office.

Xu Xi then remembered that Sun Mengqi had been missing since last night.

She did not ask for leave, and she said she would not come, so there must be something fishy.

Xu Xi's eyes sank, and he found Li Daguo.

Li Daguo was Xu Xi's thug. He had some criminal records before, and was kept by Xu Xi as an exception.

This kid was very smart. No matter what Xu Xi said, he could understand it, and he was very efficient. Xu Xi liked him very much.

"Boss, you're looking for me."

Xu Xi lit a cigarette, took out his cell phone and called Sun Mengqi again, but it still showed that the phone was turned off.

He put his cell phone away and said, "You guys go find Sun Mengqi for me now. I asked you to do something on Sun Mengqi's phone before. Are you sure you've done it?"

Li Daguo nodded, took out the positioning tracking device, and watched Sun Mengqi's position constantly moving.

"Boss, look."

Li Daguo handed the positioning tracking device to Xu Xi.

Xu Xi frowned as he looked at Sun Mengqi's moving position.

Sun Mengqi was always conscientious when she was in the company, and a little girl could endure hardships. She never used her face as an excuse, and she stayed up late every day before going back.

She would go even if there was danger. Xu Xi had always thought that Sun Mengqi was pretending, but what he didn't expect was that Sun Mengqi could really fight to the death.

Sun Mengqi was there several times when something happened.

Xu Xi had felt that something was wrong with Sun Mengqi before, and had someone follow her many times, but Sun Mengqi was very vigilant, and would shake off Xu Xi's people as soon as they approached.

In the end, Xu Xi had to give up.

This matter put Xu Xi in a dilemma.

Sun Mengqi was personally selected by their boss, and Xu Xi suspected that Li Jun must not know about Sun Mengqi's affairs.

But now.

Sun Mengqi is getting closer and closer to the island that Zhang Ting bought in secret.

They had finally found this island, and only Sophie, their boss and him knew about this matter. The rest of the people would not know at all, and there was no chance to know at all.

Xu Xi thought he had seen it wrong, and after taking out the positioning tracker from Li Daguo's hand, he took another look. This time Xu Xi was more certain of his thoughts.

This is indeed the island that Zhang Ting bought.He has been asking their boss for money, not to start a company, but to buy this island.

When the sea area is closed, it will be difficult to approach the island without a private plane.

Zhang Ting's affairs will soon be exposed. Sun Mengqi is usually very smart, why is she acting stupid now!

Xu Xi doesn't understand why Sun Mengqi is like this.

He originally wanted to give Sun Mengqi a chance, but now it seems... Sun Mengqi herself doesn't want it.

Xu Xi is 100% on Li Jun's side. Anyone who stands on the opposite side of Li Jun is also his enemy.

It's just that Xu Xi feels that after being with Sun Mengqi for such a long time, he always feels that this girl is a little different from others. If she studies something with Zhang Ting, she is really crazy.

He sighed and hesitated.

Li Daguo is very good at reading faces. If it weren't for Xu Xi's hesitant expression, he would have started to act now.

Finally, Xu Xi said in a hoarse voice: "You should follow Sun Mengqi now and see what she wants to do."

Li Daguo saw Xu Xi speak and hurriedly took people away.

The island was still a long way from their company. By the time Li Daguo and his men arrived, Sun Mengqi would have left long ago.

As soon as Li Daguo walked out, he heard Li Jun's voice.

He quickly stopped and turned around to see that Li Jun was standing behind them.

Xu Xiye was startled.

He quickly ran to Li Jun and was about to speak, but when he saw that Li Jun looked at him unhappily at the critical moment, he quickly held back what he was about to say.

"Call Li Daguo back."

"For... well, I'll go now."

Before Xu Xi ran to the place, Li Daguo came back.

He saw Xu Xi and said nothing.

"You are asking Li Daguo to go find Sun Mengqi now, which is tantamount to stirring up trouble. Our plan will not start until the evening. This time, we must catch Zhang Ting and his men in one fell swoop. There must be no mistakes. If we take action against their people, Zhang Ting and his men will be trouble. Only when we clear the trouble away can we really win."

Xu Xi suddenly realized what Li Jun said, and was very glad that he hesitated for a while before making the decision.

Otherwise, Li Daguo would have rushed out by now.

Li Jun glared at Xu Xi and said, "If you let Li Daguo go today, Sun Mengqi will definitely find out that they thought their current plan was perfect, but they didn't know that it was already in our control. Remember not to stir up trouble."

After speaking, Li Jun turned and left.

Xu Xi nodded repeatedly, and finally reacted and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Li Daguo looked at Xu Xi's embarrassed look and had to turn around and leave.

If they really took action against Sun Mengqi just now, none of them would have a good ending.

Xu Xi sat on the stairs and reacted for a while.

Li Jun probably already knew about Sun Mengqi's affairs.

So when did he find out?

Sun Mengqi thought she had done it perfectly, and even Xu Xi felt that her intuition was wrong.

When did Li Jun find out?

Xu Xi was shocked, but she didn't know where to start for a moment.

Thinking of this, Xu Xi felt her scalp tingling.

Night came quickly.

Zhang Meiou had also disappeared, and Zhang Yi couldn't find her anymore, so he found Li Jun.

Xu Xi was a little anxious as he watched them about to start the action.

Li Jun suspected that Zhang Meiou had been taken away by Zhang Ting, and that guy was smarter than he thought.

Xu Xi stood at the door, and Li Jun gave her a full look, then said, "Mr. Zhang, I really don't know where your daughter is, but don't worry, I will help you find her, no matter how many people it takes, I will help you find her. Zhang Meiou is my friend, and I won't watch her disappear."

Zhang Yi slapped the table with a bad attitude.

Li Jun's identity made Zhang Yi feel a little bit afraid. He didn't dare to turn against Li Jun, but when he had no choice, he couldn't control himself.

Now Zhang Meiou has been missing for two days, and the one in their family has fainted long ago. The house is in a mess, and his music performance has to be postponed.

If he still can't find the person, he can only use the media.

Xu Xi quickened his pace and took three or four hundred people to the car from the underground passage.

Sun Mengqi has stayed on the island for three or four hours, and they are ready now.

Someone else will take action on Uncle Qi's side.

Li Daguo has helped Li Jun with so many things, and this time he is inexplicably a little nervous.

Maybe it's because Uncle Qi's prestige is too great, which makes him feel a little unreal.

Zhao Jian looked at Li Daguo's nervous look and couldn't help butHe sneered and said, "You know how our boss has come from a certain position. If our boss is not sure this time, he will not do it. You just need to follow the boss's instructions to do it. I am afraid that you will fail at the critical moment. Then the boss will definitely not forgive you."

Li Daguo broke out in a cold sweat just listening to these words.

"I dare not. I just feel it's a little unreal. Uncle Qi is a big shot in San Francisco after all. So many years have passed, and he has long been deeply rooted in San Francisco. What can he not do behind the scenes? Since he has been able to stand firm for so many years, it means that there are still some big shots protecting him." Zhao Jian sneered and said, "You are pretending to be smart at this time. Do you think the boss doesn't know about the problems you analyzed? Those of us who work under the boss should just do what the boss tells us to do, and you don't need to worry about other things. If you think too much, you might mess things up. If you think too little, it's okay, because it's not your turn to think too much. Xu Xi is not a decoration."

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