Li Daguo felt that what Zhao Jian said made sense. This person always liked to confront him, which annoyed him.

He actually liked Zhao Jian quite a lot these days.

When they arrived at the opposite side of the island, a group of people boarded the ship.

Xu Xi was watching the actions of the people below on the plane.

Zhang Ting led more than a thousand people to the island and began to deploy troops.

These people had sniper rifles in their hands.

Xu Xi had thought that Zhang Ting would have gunpowder in his hands before, but he didn't expect that he could get so much.

However, there was not only Zhang Ting in command in the midfield, but also a woman and a man.

Xu Xi put the telescope to his eyes, but still couldn't see who was on the other side.

He whispered: "Drive the plane lower."

The pilot received the order and lowered the plane.

This plane could not be tracked. Sophie got a signal jammer on the plane. This is a new product invented by top hackers, and no one has yet cracked it.

However, Zhang Ting came prepared, and Xu Xi did not dare to slack off, so he could only try his best to speed up the action.

Thinking of this, Xu Xi continued to pick up the telescope to look.

The woman standing next to Zhang Ting was none other than Sun Mengqi.

And the other person was Sun Tao...

They knew each other!

Xu Xi sent the signal to Li Jun, and the other party replied with an OK expression.

Li Jun knew about these things a month ago.

Sun Tao couldn't wait to find a backer, thinking that if he gave Liu Lin the land, Liu Lin would be willing to be a backer, but he didn't expect Xu Xi to come out halfway and snatch the land.

After the land was gone, Sun Tao used some other dirty methods and finally bought Liu Lin.

Liu Lin gave Sun Tao a lot of arms, and among these arms, there were many new arms with huge explosive power, which was no less than the strength of bombs.

As for Sun Mengqi...she is Sun Tao's biological sister.

But they have the same father and different mothers.

At that time, Sun Tao's father owed a lot of romantic debts outside, and Sun Tao and Sun Mengqi depended on each other for ten years. In the end, the two were forced to separate because Sun Tao went to prison.

Sun Mengqi erased her background and stayed with Li Jun, trying her best to seduce Li Jun behind her back.

Little did she know that Li Jun really didn't like her beauty.

Xu Xi didn't know this.

Sun Mengqi had been pretending to be a white lotus for so long beside Li Jun, but in fact, her true colors had been revealed behind her back.

She thought she was hiding well, but she didn't know that the reason why Li Jun let Sun Mengqi into the company was that he had anticipated Sun Tao's actions, and put Sun Mengqi in the company and took good care of her, just to take care of Sun Tao one day in the future.

Sun Mengqi also realized this and ran away in advance.

But none of this is important. The important thing is that Li Jun has Sun Mengqi's handle in his hand. They all thought it was perfect, but they didn't know that they had already entered the game.

Thinking of this, Li Jun sneered, picked up his mobile phone and looked at the night view of San Francisco, and suddenly felt refreshed.

Sophie was at Uncle Qi's residence, ready to take action at any time.

Li Jun drank some red wine and sent a signal to Sophie.

Only a gunshot was heard downstairs of Uncle Qi. After the gunshot, more than a hundred people rushed in and surrounded Uncle Qi's residence.

Uncle Qi sat up from the bed all of a sudden. He vaguely heard a gunshot from outside.

"Who is it!"

At this time, the whole villa began to fall into panic, and these people were panicked.

"Do you want me to be rude to you? If you really want to do this, then I will fulfill your wish!"

Uncle Qi stood up from the bed, walked to the door, and saw several people standing outside the door.

These people looked at each other, and no one dared to speak first.

Uncle Qi frowned and said, "What are you guys doing sneaking around the door?"

After that, he took out a gun and wanted to shoot the person standing opposite.

The person on the opposite side did not expect Uncle Qi to be like this.

"Boss, more than a hundred people suddenly appeared at the door and surrounded us. We don't know how to deal with it now."

Uncle Qi thought at first that these people were doing evil themselves and there was a problem inside, but he didn't expect that someone would dare to surround them directly.

"How the hell are you watching?"

As soon as the voice fell, a woman came out of Uncle Qi's house.

This woman had blonde hair and blue eyes, and there was no cloth on her body.

As soon as she pushed the door open and walked out, Uncle Qi kicked her in.

"Who asked you to come out?"

There was a burst of crying in the house.

"Go downstairs and take a look. I want to see with my own eyes who dares to come to my territory to do evil."

Several people didn't dare to speak, and trembled as they followed Uncle Qi downstairs.Go.

He agreed immediately. The place was already full of people, and Xu Xi was standing among them.

Uncle Qi looked at the black-clad man standing downstairs and recognized who he was at a glance.

"Where is Li Jun?"

A voice floated out from upstairs.

Xu Xi listened to the noise downstairs for a long time. She began to admire Uncle Qi from the bottom of her heart. She didn't expect that he was so old and still had such a nature.

At first, Xu Xi thought she had heard it wrong, but the sound became louder and louder, making it difficult for the people who stayed to ignore it.

Although it would be difficult for Uncle Qi to laugh after today, Xu Xi was instructed to save some face for Uncle Qi and not make him look too embarrassed.

Xu Xi didn't dare to disobey Li Jun's words.

Because of this, the people downstairs waited for Uncle Qi for more than half an hour.

Uncle Qi picked up the pistol and fired directly at the ceiling.

A hole was punched in the big chandelier upstairs, and it was already shaky above everyone's heads.

Xu Xi looked at the flickering chandelier and walked out of the crowd.

"Uncle Qi, long time no see."

Xu Xi's voice was so low that it was hard to tell what emotion it was.

In a trance, Xu Xi even felt that he looked a little like Li Jun.

Uncle Qi narrowed his eyes, looked at Xu Xi standing not far away, and said, "Who are you?"

Xu Xi had seen Uncle Qi several times behind Li Jun, and he didn't know whether he really forgot who he was or had indeed forgotten.

But it didn't matter.

Xu Xi smiled, walked up and handed Uncle Qi a cigar: Uncle Qi, why are you angry?"

Looking at the cigar in Xu Xi's hand, Uncle Qi reached out and took it, and threw it directly to the ground.

Xu Xi looked at the cigar that fell on the ground, sneered, and said, "Uncle Qi, what do you mean by this?"

"What do you mean? You invited so many people to my apartment, what exactly do you mean? Li Jun wants to rebel? Don't you even understand such basic manners? "

Uncle Qi's face became worse and worse, and he looked like he was about to lose his temper.

But today Li Jun came and didn't care whether Uncle Qi would lose his temper or not.

"We came here to protect your safety."

Uncle Qi became even more angry when he heard Li Jun say that.

"What did you say? Do you mean that you have brought so many people here to protect me? I think you are here to cause trouble!"

Looking at Uncle Qi's face getting worse and worse, Xu Xi said, "Your bastard son is doing stupid things now, don't you know anything about it?"

Hearing Xu Xi say that, Uncle Qi thought he had heard it wrong.

Usually Li Jun would give him three points of face, not to mention the people around Li Jun?

Shouldn't Xu Xi be respectful to him?

Now he dares to talk to him like this, he is really a little impatient with life.

Uncle Qi's face became worse and worse when he thought of this.

"What do you mean by this? You dare to talk to me like this? Don't you want to live? "

Uncle Qi called two people, both of whom were half a head taller than Xu Xi.

Seeing the two bodyguards coming over, Uncle Qi whispered: "Watch Xu Xi carefully, don't let them make any moves, and tell me in time if you find any clues."

After speaking, Uncle Qi prepared to go upstairs.

Xu Xi saw Uncle Qi was about to leave. He quickly stopped him: "Uncle Qi, what are you going to do?"

"You have gathered so many people around, what do you think I mean? Does Li Jun want to take action?"

Uncle Qi is not a fool. Seeing such a scene, of course he knew what Li Jun meant.

Thinking of this, Uncle Qi continued: "Li Jun is a rebellious kid. I knew he would betray me a long time ago. I just didn't expect this kid to have such courage. He wanted to deal with me after lurking for such a short time? It's really too self-defeating. "

Just as Xu Xi wanted to speak, a man suddenly walked in from the door.

Li Jun was wearing a suit, with a cigar in his mouth, and was walking slowly towards him.

"Uncle Qi, long time no see."

Hearing Li Jun's voice, Uncle Qi stopped, touched the pistol on his belt and said, "Li Jun, you are finally here. I expected you to come a long time ago."

Uncle Qi's face suddenly darkened and he walked over.

Many people came out of the basement immediately and surrounded them.

Li Jun beckoned, and more than 300 people appeared behind him.

Xu Xi saw Zhang Ting and Sun Mengqi and walked over.

Sun Mengqi was disheveled at this time, with blood on the corners of her mouth.

Her eyes were swollen, and her previous appearance was no longer there.

Xu Xi's heart twitched for a moment, and then returned to normal.

Although he had worked with Sun Mengqi for a long time and had many good memories, Xu Xi felt that the two of them were more like aLike a comrade-in-arms.

Now that Sun Mengqi stood on Zhang Ting's side, Xu Xi didn't know what to say.

If Li Jun asked him to do something to Sun Mengqi, he might not be able to do it.

Xu Xi knew that he shouldn't have any feelings for his colleagues, but now that things have come to this point, he has no room for maneuver.

Even former colleagues may betray their boss.

Xu Xi knew very well who could give him money and status.

It's not worth it for a Sun Mengqi.

Thinking of this, Xu Xi sobered up a lot.

Zhang Ting stared at Li Jun, wanting to speak but couldn't make any sound.

Uncle Qi looked over in the direction of the voice. At this time, Zhang Ting's face was covered with blood, and it was obvious that he had been tortured.

His face suddenly changed a lot.

"What do you want to do? I thought you were brave enough to betray me, but I didn't expect you to dare to attack my son? Are you tired of living? Li Jun, do you know that I can kill you right now if I want to!" Uncle Qi looked at Li Jun viciously, and the cane in his hand was a little unstable.

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