Li Jun smiled, walked to Zhang Ting, raised his foot and kicked Zhang Ting in the stomach.

Zhang Ting was already very uncomfortable. He had been tortured by Li Jun on the plane just now. Now he was kicked by Li Jun again. His whole body began to be unbearable.

"Li Jun... Sooner or later, I will make you live a life worse than death. I will kill you with my own hands." Zhang Ting lay on the ground, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and his voice was a little unclear.

Xu Xi stood beside Li Jun and had to listen very hard to hear what Zhang Ting said.

Uncle Qi looked at me Zhang Ting lying on the ground, and his pupils dilated.

He pointed at Li Jun and his mouth began to twitch.

"Li Jun... You, you are really bold, you dare to attack Zhang Ting?! Are you tired of living, dare to touch my son? Then will you dare to touch me one day?"

Uncle Qi was very angry, opened his eyes wide and stared at Li Jun hard.

The assistants around Uncle Qi saw that Uncle Qi was so angry, and hurried to support him.

A limping figure rushed into the crowd, and there was a lot of dirt on his pants, looking a little embarrassed.

Xu Xi looked carefully and saw that the person walking over was none other than Huang Xiazi, who had had a lot of conflicts with them a few days ago.

But Huang Xiazi seemed to be walking towards them.

Xu Xi was not sure until Huang Xiazi stood in front of Li Jun, he was sure of his thoughts.

Huang Xiazi and Li Jun smiled at each other, which made Xu Xi and Sun Mengqi, who was still awake, even more surprised.

But now the most surprised people were not them, but Uncle Qi standing on the stairs.

After Da Ying was silent for a long time, Uncle Qi said: "Blind Huang, why are you standing on the opposite side?"

Blind Huang had already prepared. When he heard Uncle Qi calling him, he quickly stood in front of Li Jun and said sarcastically: "Boss, it seems that you don't know that I have been compromising by your side for so many years."

This sentence made Uncle Qi even angrier, and his hands trembled more and more.

"Blind Huang, you have been following me since you were a beggar. Is it because I didn't follow you enough that you became so ungrateful today!"

Blind Huang sneered: "You have always been self-righteous. If I hadn't been there in that war, you would have died 1,800 times. Now you can stand in front of us well, all thanks to me. Not only did you not thank me, you also treated me like a dog! Do you know that for so many years, I have been thinking about how to kill you with my own hands every night!"

After that, Blind Huang started laughing, completely disregarding his image.

Even though there were thousands of people standing in the hall, Huang Xiazi still said without hiding: "I want to tell you that today is the day you die. From now on, the world I conquered for you should belong to me."

After saying that, Huang Xiazi turned around and asked: "Is it time to do it?"

Huang Xiazi looked at Li Jun with a pleading look in his eyes.

But Xu Xi suddenly felt sorry for Huang Xiazi now.

Li Jun made such a big move today, definitely not to blackmail the emperor to control the princes, but to transfer all the property under the name of the seventh uncle to his name.

He has worked so hard for so long just for today.

He will never let Huang Xiazi succeed.

Huang Xiazi's expectation now made Xu Xi think that Huang Xiazi was crazy.

This Huang Xiazi is not a person without a brain, but now he has been trained to be like this by their boss. It seems that their boss has made a lot of progress over the years.

To be honest, Xu Xi admires Li Jun from the bottom of his heart.

A group of people were all stunned, and the lackeys behind Uncle Qi almost dropped their jaws.

Huang Xiazi admired the frightened look of these people very much. He now seemed to be able to imagine what he would look like as the boss in the future.

Thinking of this, Huang Xiazi rubbed his hands and said, "When can this person be dealt with? If you can't, I will do it!"

Li Jun waited for a long time, just waiting for Huang Xiazi to be impatient.

He set up such a situation today just to let Huang Xiazi do it himself.

The real purpose of these people coming today was just to fill the scene.

If he, a junior, really took action against Uncle Qi, he would definitely be criticized by many people in this circle.

But it was Huang Xiazi who took action, and he took a side, and things would develop in a different direction.

Thinking of this, Li Jun's mind became clearer.

Huang Xiazi stared at the things in Li Jun's hand and said, "Give me the things quickly, I will solve it myself. For so many years, I have been doing this for today,If I can't kill him with my own hands today, I will never be at peace in the future. "

After saying that, Huang Xiazi took the weapon from Li Jun's hand.

However, this weapon is not a rare thing for Uncle Qi. The more than 300 people behind him are holding weapons, and they are even more powerful and accurate than theirs.

It is difficult for Huang Xiazi to be the first to shoot.

But now the bullet is loaded, just wait for Huang Xiazi's finger to move, and the bullet will fly out easily.

Who will win or lose, it's just at this moment.

Li Jun gave Xu Xi a look, Xu Xi squatted down and listened to Li Jun: "You go to the back and wait first; if Huang Xiazi is slow to act, you will do it for him. After the matter is done, I will not treat you unfairly."

Xu Xi could only listen to Li Jun honestly, and there was no other way.

Xu Xi agreed and said: "Okay, boss, I'll go now. "

Li Jun patted Xu Xi's back with such force that Xu Xi was a little uncomfortable.

But he knew that this was Li Jun warning him.

Xu Xi knew that although he had no intention of betraying now, he would still be suspected by Li Jun.

Now was his best chance to show his loyalty.

Xu Xi did not dare to delay and walked over quickly.

Sun Mengqi found it a little ridiculous to see Xu Xi so loyal.

"Li Jun, do you really think you are unstoppable? Do you really think you are meticulous?"

Sun Mengqi spoke loudly, and the whole hall was very large, so Sun Mengqi's voice was lingering over the living room at this time.

It was like a spell.

Li Jun turned around and looked at Sun Mengqi, his expression still calm.

Sun Mengqi shook her head and smiled bitterly: "Do you know what I hate most about you? "

Li Jun was too lazy to speak, just looking at Sun Mengqi.

Sun Mengqi didn't want to deal with it any longer, so she said directly: "I hate your calm and indifferent expression the most. You only make me feel disgusting, disgusting to the point of nausea! I've seen enough of it! Do you think you are sure to win? Haha, I just want to tell you that you are wrong! Very wrong! "

Sun Mengqi became more and more excited as she spoke, while Li Jun just stood in the shadows and looked at these people indifferently.

Xu Xi also heard what Sun Mengqi said. He couldn't bear it and wanted to remind Sun Mengqi a few words, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was a little speechless.

He changed his mind and thought that avoiding suspicion now was the best way.

If he walked to Sun Mengqi now and said a few words, Li Jun would doubt his loyalty.

So Xu Xi had to give up.

Li Jun's mouth curled up, but he still didn't say anything, which made Sun Mengqi like a shrew, making a fuss at the empty air.

However, Sun Mengqi's mood eased quickly, and she turned around and said, "Uncle Qi, do it."

Uncle Qi also had a meaningful smile on his face. As long as these people were not fools, they could see what was going on.

Sun Mengqi had already formed an alliance with Uncle Qi.

Uncle Qi clapped his hands and said, "I have to thank you very much. You put on a good show for us today, and you, Huang Xiazi. "

Uncle Qi walked down, pulled out a white revolver from his waist, pointed it at Huang Xiazi's forehead, and said, "If it weren't for what happened today, I really wouldn't know you thought this way. Think about how I treated you when you were a beggar. You should know it better than anyone else. If I hadn't saved you, you would be like this now, and you might have starved to death. People must learn to be grateful. If you can't, I'll send you to death!"

After saying that, Uncle Qi's expression changed, and the fingers of his right hand began to exert force continuously.

Huang Xiazi's reaction was also very fast. He had long been a thug around Uncle Qi. Even though he was old now, his reaction ability was still much faster than others.

The revolver in Huang Xiazi's hand was also pointed at Uncle Qi's forehead: "If you want to die, I won't stop you. We have been fighting openly and secretly for so long. Let's see whose hand is faster today! "

After saying that, Huang Xiazi pulled the trigger.

Seventh Uncle also pulled the trigger at the same time.

The two fell to the ground at the same time, and at the same time, Xu Xi's bullet was also fired, hitting the back of Seventh Uncle's head.

The picture seemed to be fixed, and Zhang Ting didn't know where to pull out a pistol at this time, and his muzzle was still smoking.

At the same time, Huang Xiazi was shot in the back of the head at some point.

The two fell in a pool of blood.

The scene was completely chaotic.

Li Jun went around behind a group of people and found Xu Xi.

"Well done, very beautiful"Liang. You should know what to do next." After saying that, Li Jun turned and left. Sun Mengqi looked at Li Jun's back and smiled bitterly. She crawled to Zhang Ting's side and said with a distressed face: "Such a person is not worth shooting, but this old man is still very clear about his position. He gave you most of his assets a long time ago. Now you have successfully transferred to the company. Even if you and I die today, it is worth it. Anyway, this money cannot fall into Li Jun's hands. "Zhang Ting was a little tired. The two of them lay flat on the ground and suddenly held hands. Xu Xi just came over and saw this scene as if he saw a ghost. "You two...?" He subconsciously pointed at the two people lying on the ground. Sun Mengqi hooked the corner of her mouth and said, "Xu Xi, you and I have been through life and death, so give me a quick death. "

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