Zhang Ting opened his eyes, and there was still hatred in his eyes.

His eyes finally stayed on Uncle Qi.

He was shot in the head twice, and he was dead for sure.

He hoped he would die before, but now that he was dead, he was a little reluctant.

After listening to Sun Mengqi's words, Xu Xi shook his head and said: "Sorry, I can't help you. The boss won't let me kill you."

Sun Mengqi had thought she was dead, but after Xu Xi finished speaking, Sun Mengqi suddenly sat up and looked at Xu Xi in disbelief.

"What did you say? Killing people is not enough, Xu Xi, how else will Li Jun torture us? "

Sun Mengqi's eyes were full of fear. Xu Xi knew that no matter how well Sun Mengqi disguised herself, she would still be afraid of Li Jun's wrist.

Xu Xi was the same.

If he hadn't been afraid of Li Jun's wrist, he probably wouldn't know where he was today.

Over the years, Li Jun had given him enough things. If he wanted to rebel, he would have had the opportunity.

Xu Xi couldn't be like a saint. It's not that he hadn't thought about this problem.

But now, Xu Xi didn't dare to think about it at all.

He said helplessly: "You two have to go back with me now. No one dares to disobey the boss's words. Please cooperate with me. "

After saying that, Sun Mengqi and Zhang Ting were suddenly put on hoods and taken away: along the way, Sun Mengqi's eyes were full of fear.

She was a little scared when she saw how Li Jun treated others before.

But now it was her turn, and he couldn't accept it.

When they arrived, the two were taken to the gasoline storage warehouse.

As soon as they entered, an unpleasant smell came out, which made Sun Mengqi shiver.

Zhang Ting was taken to another room, and Li Jun stood opposite the exhibition hall.

He roasted the charcoal in the fire for a long time, and then took off his gloves.

Zhang Ting felt his face hot, and then the hood on his head was pulled off.

The light in the door was dim, and when Zhang Ting saw Li Jun, his eyes subconsciously looked down.

Li Jun held the charcoal fire with tweezers and aimed it at Zhang Ting's bloody face.

"Li Jun, you have tortured me like this, what do you want to do? "

After all, Li Jun has now become his father's murderer. If he has the chance, he will definitely take Li Jun's head off with his own hands.

But Zhang Meiou didn't cooperate the whole time and ran away by herself. It was really a sin.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ting wanted to cut Shan Meiou into pieces.

He had real feelings for Zhang Meiou. Before, he felt that he had betrayed the organization. Now he feels that his original approach was a big mistake!"

Zhang Ting thought that his plan was tight enough and that he would not fail in a woman, but everything that happened today made Zhang Ting feel that he was completely ruined by a woman.

If he can't get better today, Zhang Meiou can forget about it!

Li Jun looked at Zhang Ting's gritting teeth and sneered in his heart.

It seems that Zhang Ting now hates Zhang Meiou.

If this is really the case, then he has achieved his goal.

Even now Zhang Meiou is still out of contact, and his father is about to kill Li Jun.

Li Jun didn't want to offend Zhang Meiou's father for the time being, after all, he would be useful in the future.

If it wasn't for the desire to find Zhang Meiou, Li Jun wouldn't have brought Zhang Ting here, it would be better to let this useless thing die quickly.

After he dealt with Zhang Ting, he had to deal with the next wave of people.

Li Jun no longer had any patience.

"Tell me, where is Zhang Meiou now?"

Li Jun's tone was full of impatience.

At this time, Zhang Ting knew that he would die, and didn't want to struggle too much.

When he saw Li Jun asking this, he sat on the ground and said, "If you really want to kill me, just give me a knife and let me die quickly. I didn't expect you to be such a disgusting person. If you give me a chance, I will torture you to death!"

When Zhang Ting spoke, he was vicious and his eyes were full of resentment.

Li Jun smiled and squatted down: "I am not the enemy who killed your father. If you want to blame someone, blame your father for keeping someone who shouldn't be kept by his side."

"Blind Huang is the only person that old man has kept by his side for so many years, but the old man didn't even see that Blind Huang wanted to rebel. It's really a joke."

Li Jun didn't have time to deal with Zhang Ting for so long, and he didn't want to deal with him anymore.

In Li Jun's eyes, Zhang Ting is already a dying man.

Now that Uncle Qi has fallen, San Francisco will undergo earth-shaking changes tomorrow. If Zhang Ting is still kept, it can only be said to be raising a tiger to cause trouble. Li Jun will not take such a risk.

So, from the beginning,At first, Li Jun didn't want to keep Zhang Ting.

As for Sun Mengqi, she was treated the same as Zhang Ting.

"Tell me quickly, where is Zhang Meiou now."

Li Jun picked up a piece of charcoal and put it under Zhang Ting's eyes.

Zhang Ting leaned back subconsciously, feeling a burning sensation all over his body.

Zhang Ting knew that it would be harder than climbing to the sky for him to escape from here, but before he died, he let Li Jun torture him like this...

Zhang Ting thought about it, lowered his head and said, "Since I'm about to die, why should I tell you where she is? Zhang Meiou, this woman, has deceived me so many times. I have done my best to her by not killing her myself. What else does she want? Let her fend for herself."

Li Jun squatted down, and after hearing what Zhang Ting said, he took out his mobile phone, handed Zhang Ting a photo, and said, "Okay, since you don't want to say it, then I can only go to your mother and ask her."

Zhang Ting looked at the woman in the photo and was terrified.

"You are... No, I don't know this person, I don't know him."

Zhang Ting threw the phone away and flew far away.

Li Jun picked it up without getting angry and said: I know you know the woman above. I wanted to save her life. After all, this person was also very miserable when she was young. Uncle Qi is not a good husband, but you are not a good son either. You want Zhang Meiou to die, right?"

Li Jun's voice was extremely cold, and Zhang Ting knew that Li Jun could do anything.

In just one year, he could think of all kinds of ways to make his father so miserable. What else can't he do? Such a person is not only cruel to himself, but also to others.

Zhang Ting grew up with Uncle Qi from childhood to adulthood, and he has seen many such people.

But it is the first time he has seen someone as cruel as Li Jun.

"If I tell you, can you let my mother go?" Zhang Ting sat up straight.

Li Jun nodded: "Of course, if you can realize this earlier, I don't have to continue to talk nonsense with you, right? Tell me, where is Zhang Meiou now? ”

Once people have greed, they will grow all kinds of greed.

Just now Zhang Ting was desperate, but now he actually wants to live well.

And it is very difficult for him to escape from Li Jun.

Fortunately, he still has some ideas and left Zhang Meiou on the island.

He hated Zhang Meiou and didn't want to use her as a bargaining chip, but now Zhang Ting wants to live well. He just suddenly realized that he didn't leave nothing in this world.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ting continued: "I can tell you where Zhang Meiou is, but you have to promise me one thing."

Li Jun thought of what Zhang Ting was going to say, but still pretended to know nothing and asked: "Tell me, what else do you want to do? Is there any wish that has not been fulfilled? If it's not too much, I can let Xu Xi fulfill it after you die."

Li Jun didn't say it directly, but Zhang Ting could hear that Li Jun had something to say.

He meant that he couldn't let her live.

At this time, Zhang Ting could only play dumb.

"Can you please let me live? I will leave San Francisco and never come back. The farther I go, the better! I just saw the photo of my mother. I really regret it now. I don't want to die! He is now alone and I have to take care of her until the end of her life! I don't care about revenge, don't worry."

If Zhang Ting is alive, he will be a living scourge to Li Jun.

If it weren't for Li Jun's soft-heartedness, Sun Tao wouldn't have tried every possible way to go against him today.

Before, outside the Seaside Park, Li Jun was attacked several times, all by Sun Tao and Zhang Ting.

If it weren't for Li Jun's vigilance, he would probably have died a long time ago.

Zhang Ting had the intention to kill, and now that Uncle Qi has disappeared, Zhang Ting is even more of a scourge.

Li Jun will not keep him.

But now finding Zhang Meiou is the top priority, so Li Jiao had to pretend to nod and agree.

"Okay, since you are so filial, I can only fulfill your wish. You have been with me for more than a year, and I don't want you to die in a humiliating way. Tell me, where is Zhang Meiou?"

Zhang Ting didn't expect Li Jun to agree so readily. He didn't even dare to think about it. He quickly stood up and said, "I can, I can take you there...but you have to promise me one thing."

"What else?"

Li Jun frowned and asked.

Zhang Ting struck while the iron was hot: "Give me a private plane, the kind that can be scrapped at any time. Once I get to the island, I will bring the person back to you."

After hearing Zhang Ting's request, Li Jun suddenly laughed.

"It's really a dream. "

Li Jun knew that Zhang Ting was wrong because he wanted too many things. He had done so many stupid things, and he still wanted him to let him go. It was really wishful thinking.

Zhang Ting looked at Li Jun and thought of a thousand ways to escape from here.

But no matter which method, he couldn't escape from here safely.

Li Jun was difficult to deal with, Zhang Ting knew it.

Since the last time, Zhang Ting knew Li Jun's methods.

But he had to get out of this place now.

As long as he got out of this place, he would have a chance to survive.

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