Xu Xi looked at Li Jun worriedly, "Why don't we let our people go out a little bit, because Zhang Ting is vicious. After he finds Zhang Oumei, he might beat Zhang Oumei up. If it's too serious, he might even cripple him."

After all, they have locked Zhang Ting up for so long, and let him go out alone to face these lions. Zhang Ting must have resentment, and the only person he can beat is Zhang Oumei, who has lived on this island for a long time.

Zhang Ting has been out for so long and hasn't brought anyone back, nor has he come out of the room. Li Jun really wants to let his people go and look for him.

But there are indeed so many ferocious beasts outside. If his people go out, they will be eaten by these beasts.

After thinking it over again and again, he decided to go out and take some brothers to the room to look for Zhang Ting.

"There are many ferocious beasts outside, take all the weapons you can take."

When facing those beasts, they can only protect themselves, so they can take more things if they encounter these beasts, so they can also have some life-saving things.

Although they acted alone after leaving this door, Xu Xi always prepared his own things to follow Li Jun.

The lion was about to rush into the room to eat Zhang Ting, and then it smelled new vitality.

All the lions counterattacked the newcomers.

Li Jun reacted quickly and hit it on the forehead. The lion that was hit did not die because of this, but it was bleeding on the head and it could not move forward.

The other lions that were not hit became more irritable because their companions were about to die, as if they could swallow all the people in one bite.

And Zhang Ting, who had just moved all the bows and arrows to the door and wanted to deal with these lions, was stunned.

He wanted to kill all the lions without making a sound. Now that they finally got out of the yacht, let them deal with the lions.

However, after one lion was killed, the other lions seemed to become difficult to deal with.

Zhang Ting still wanted to keep some alive to accompany him out of the island safely, so he fired the bows and arrows in the room.

When it was dark on the island, the bodies of lions were lying one after another at the door. Li Jun stepped on the leg of a lion, as if he was the king of all beasts.

"There are so many ferocious beasts on this island. If it weren't for the people we brought out today and the fighting stuff, they would have been eaten by these lions."

Looking at the bows and arrows that were hit on the lions, Li Jun also went into the room.

"Just now, there were so many lions outside, and you only cooperated a little inside. I thought you could send a woman to this island. How brave are you."

Zhang Ting was not very afraid of these man-eating lions.

But if he wanted to get out of the island alive, he had to kill all the lions. But if he didn't have a weapon to fight the lions, he would be eaten by the lions if he got out of the room.

When he saw the unused artifacts in the room and the furnishings in the room, he knew that someone must have lived in this room. Could it be that he had left Zhang Oumei in this room before?

If he was still alive on the island, this would be the only place he could live, so even if he wandered around the island during the day, he would return to this room at night.

But now it was really dark on the island, and they had already killed the lions outside, and no one had returned to this room.

At this point, he didn't know whether Zhang Oumei was alive or dead on the island.

Zhang Ting also followed him to watch in the room.

Finally, after seeing some signs of change, Li Jun said, "Since we can't wait for him in this wooden house, we can only look for him in other places on the island."

Zhang Ting didn't want to look for someone on the island at night, and he knew there were so many ferocious beasts on the island.

The more the beasts are active at night, they can see them with their naked eyes during the day, and they can kill them with some weapons in their hands.

But at night when the beasts are most active, they can't see the beasts lurking in the dark. If these beasts want to attack them, they don't have much weapons in their hands, how can they kill them?

"If you want to come to the island just to feed your bodies to the beasts, then you should go find Zhang Oumei now. Anyway, you won't find anyone and will be eaten by these beasts."

He is not afraid of being eaten by the beasts, and the task of finding people has to be handed over to Zhang Ting. He is the most dangerous person on the island.

Li Jun looked at Zhang Ting, "You sent the people to the island.All the places on the island where there were no places to stay were given to him by you, so of course you were looking for someone on the island. "

Before he was sent to the island, he was imprisoned by Li Jun and didn't even have the right to speak.

Now that he was sent to the island by them, if he was asked to look for someone, he had to look for someone.

But he didn't even have a flashlight. Even if someone passed by him, he couldn't see that person. Was it Zhang Oumei or someone else passing by him?

Zhang Ting looked at Li Jun, "At least give me something to illuminate, otherwise even if I saw Zhang Oumei on the island, I would miss it."

"And if you want me to look for someone on the island, you have to make sure I'm alive on the island, so if I go alone and encounter some ferocious beasts, I'll be eaten by them directly. Do you want to see it? ”

Li Jun didn’t care whether he would be eaten by ferocious beasts on the island, but if he was eaten, there would be no clues to help him find people, so he really had to make sure he was alive or dead on the island.

Li Jun looked at the thing that could fight ferocious beasts and asked, “Do you want things or people, but I can’t give you the flashlight you want. If you use the flashlight on this island, it will also attract those ferocious beasts.”

“If Zhang Oumei really passed by you, but you didn’t see him on the island, then you will continue to look for him during the day. Anyway, when you find the person on the island, you can leave the island.”

Now he believes in two people exchanging lives for lives.

Zhang Ting actually wanted the fighting thing in his hand, and asked his men for more people.

But he could only choose one of the two. Zhang Ting pointed at Xu Xi and said, “Your close person should follow me, so that I can be safe. I don’t want the thing in your hand, just let him follow me. ”

Li Jun would never let anyone follow him if he wanted to take his closest person with him.

“If you don’t choose either of the two options, then you will fight those ferocious beasts with empty hands.”

Li Jun kicked him out of the wooden house and threw a dagger at his feet. This was the last thing that could save his life.

If he still dared to plot and asked Xu Xi to go with him to find someone on the island, this dagger would be stuck in his body.

Zhang Ting twisted his hand and finally picked up the dagger.

He spit out and swallowed the ash in his mouth that had just fallen on the ground.

“Since you don’t want to go with me to find someone on the island, then you can stay in this yacht. ”

He could only make a way out by himself now. Either he could run away from the island with the beasts when they were not watching him, or he could bring the half-dead Zhang Oumei back to the yacht.

It was not realistic to kill the beasts and then leave the island, because he had no tools to leave the island.

So he had to find the person first, but what if Zhang Oumei had died on the island and was eaten by the beasts? How could he find Zhang Oumei's body?

He finally rushed into the woods with a dagger. The beasts in the woods were even more unknown, more ferocious and more numerous than the beasts outside.

He really couldn't kill these beasts with just a dagger, but Even if he was asked for help, he was unwilling to let anyone go with him to face these beasts.

Soon he encountered the first unknown number. He shuddered when he heard the hissing sound coming from above.

The only thing that could make people feel so cold was a poisonous snake.

In such a deep forest, there must be more than one.

He took the dagger that Li Jun gave him to guard against these poisonous snakes, but if they were surrounded from all sides, one dagger would not be able to kill all the snakes, and he would be poisoned instead.

Xu Xi, who stayed in the yacht and did not go into the woods with him to find Zhang Ou Mei, asked.

"What if he is really killed by the ferocious beasts in the woods? Otherwise, I will go into the woods to help him clean up some beasts."

It was not good to let Zhang Ting be killed by the beasts, so Xu Xi wanted to go into the woods.

Li Jun looked at the body of the lion lying next to the wooden house, and felt that it was not good for him to go into the woods alone.

"Bring two or three people to go into the woods with me. "

If they don't leave some people on the yacht, then these beasts will soon besiege their yacht, and they won't be able to get into the yacht even if they come back from the woods.

And Zhang Ting in the woods has already started fighting with the poisonous snakes.

The first poisonous snake that rushed towards him was the one on his head. When he heard the whizzing sound of leaves, he knew that these poisonous snakes had begun to attack.

He could only estimate when the poisonous snake was closest to him, and he could use a dagger to kill it.Kill it directly with its head.

When he could vaguely see the snake, he used all his strength to pierce its head with a dagger.

When Li Jun and Xu Xi came to the woods, they heard a hissing sound.

"He just came to the woods and encountered a ferocious beast again. It seems that the beasts on this island are really not ordinary. You will encounter one every two steps."

If only one person encounters these beasts on this island, one of them will be eaten by them.

So if they continue to search on the island like this, can they really find Zhang Oumei who is still alive?

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