Xu Xi sighed. As long as they hadn't found Zhang Oumei's body on the island, they would not leave the island.

Zhang Ting also heard the sound. Several of them came to the woods, but there were not so many here. Although he would bring everyone on the yacht, he didn't dare to relax in the woods for a moment.

Li Jun wanted to see if Zhang Ting could kill all the snakes on the tree by himself.

If he was ruthless enough, let alone the snakes on the trees, even if demons and ghosts came, he could leave the woods well.

Zhang Ting saw that they had been standing in the woods and said, "There are hundreds of snakes on this tree. You just give me a dagger, and I can't kill them all. Can't you come and help me kill some?"

"Kill all the snakes earlier, so we can find Zhang Oumei in the woods earlier. If you don't help me kill them quickly, Zhang Oumei may encounter other beasts in the woods if we are late."

Li Jun was impatient with what he said, so he asked his brother who was holding a weapon to help him kill the snakes.

They all had weapons, so they could kill these snakes faster than he who only had a dagger.

But when Zhang Ting was about to kill the last poisonous snake around him, it suddenly wrapped around his arm.

He wanted to kill it as quickly as possible, faster than it bit him, but in the end, several tooth marks were left on his arm.

Although he didn't see what kind of snake it was, he knew that he must have been poisoned after being bitten.

He touched the cold sweat on his forehead and said, "I'm bitten by a poisonous snake now. Take me back to the yacht quickly. Do you have a medical kit on your yacht?"

This is in the wilderness, and there is no hospital on the island. If they don't have a medical kit, they can't cure the poison of the poisonous snake bite when they return to the yacht.

After hearing that he was bitten by a poisonous snake, none of them knew how to detoxify him.

Zhang Ting looked at the snakes that had been killed on the ground and said, "Shouldn't there be the most herbs in this wilderness? Who knows how to use herbs to detoxify snakes?"

Every day they make themselves stronger and then complete the task, but they have not learned medical knowledge, so how can they use herbs? Moreover, there are only a few people they brought with them, and even fewer of them know how to use them.

Seeing that they can't even find herbs, Zhang Ting was discouraged, "This time I was bitten by a poisonous snake in the woods, and there are no herbs to detoxify. It seems that I will really die on this island. What's the point of helping you find Zhang Oumei."

"Anyway, I'll just sit in this woods and wait for those ferocious beasts to come and eat me."

He was really poisoned this time and was desperate.

But Li Jun said something shocking, "There is no detoxification, but you have just been bitten, as long as your arm is cut off, then you will not be affected by these poisons."

Chopping off his arm will not poison other parts of the body, but he will be like a cripple.

And if they just cut it off without any anesthesia, he would die in pain in the woods with just one arm.

Seeing Li Jun pick up the dagger that he had just given him in the wooden house and really want to come over to cut his arm, Zhang Ting refused.

"I used this dagger to kill a poisonous snake just now. There must be poisonous snake venom on it. If you use it to cut my arm, my body will be poisoned again after it is cut off."

"You must not cut off my arm because there is no antidote. Otherwise, you can go to the yacht to look for it. Since you all drove out on a yacht, you must bring a medicine box."

Bringing a medicine box will be in the medicine box, but who will put some antidote for snake venom in it?

And now they have to ask Zhang Ting to help them find Zhang Oumei above, and they can't let the poison of these poisonous snakes kill him.

But this dagger was indeed used to kill Du Shi, and it can't be used to cut his arm again.

He had no choice but to find a new dagger and wanted to cut off his arm, but before he lowered his head to cut his arm, he heard the sound of other beasts again.

When facing lions and poisonous snakes, they were not so panicked, but the roar of this unknown creature really made them a little scared.

But Zhang Ting had been poisoned by the poisonous snake, and now he was not afraid of someone cutting his arm.

Xu Xi heard the sound and asked Li Jun, "Why don't we go back to the yacht first? It's a bit difficult to deal with these beasts at night."

"Let's come to this forest to find people tomorrow. If we really encounter beasts again, we can kill them with more brothers."

Li Jun also wanted the brothers who followed to carry the poisoned Zhang Ting back, but there were waves from the ground."We have to get back to the yacht quickly. These beasts are almost approaching us. If we get back to the yacht later, they may follow us and destroy our yacht."

When those people carried him and wanted to carry him back to the yacht, Zhang Ting said.

"I have been poisoned by snakes, and you don't have anything to cure the poison. Why do you bring me back to the yacht?"

"Why don't you just throw me in the woods and let the beasts eat me?"

Anyway, they brought him to the island, and they didn't want him to leave the island alive when they were looking for him.

Even if they found Zhang Oumei, who they were looking for, he would be alone and left on the island, and they wouldn't take him away.

Li Jun kicked Zhang Ting, who had no desire to live, and said, "I really can't control whether you die in this forest or get eaten by wild beasts."

"But if you dare to die in this forest without finding Zhang Oumei, those who are in cahoots with you will not live well in this world."

But before they stepped on it and walked out of the forest, the wild beasts had already come to them. They wanted to find a place to hide from these wild beasts, but they accidentally threw people out.

There happened to be a slope where they were thrown out, and Zhang Ting also slid down the slope to the bottom.

He had been separated from them, and he felt that he would definitely die on this island, but he smelled a different smell.

The sky gradually brightened, and he saw that the smell was actually some herbs.

Looking at the place on his arm that was bitten by the venomous snake, he gritted his teeth and directly applied all the herbs that emitted the smell on his arm.

After applying the ointment, he lay down in the cave. There were so many beasts outside, and he didn't know whether the poison of his venomous snake could be cured, so he really didn't dare to leave the cave.

Just when he wanted to check the place where he was bitten by the venomous snake, he found that the place where he was bitten was not black.

If it wasn't black, it was probably that the poison had been cured, or the snake was not poisonous at all.

He was very glad that he was no longer in danger of being poisoned, but he couldn't get out of the cave.

And he didn't dare to let Li Jun or Xu Xi know that he fell into the cave, because if that happened, they would definitely take him back to the island to find Zhang Oumei.

Zhang Ting was lost in the woods by them, and Li Jun was a little furious.

"I asked you to bring the man to the yacht, but you threw him out when we were about to get out of the woods. What does that mean? Or can you help me find Zhang Oumei, who brought him here, on the island?"

They thought that when they threw the man out, it was because he was tripped by the vines outside the woods, and he had no strength to throw him out.

But Li Jun was extremely angry now, and the only way they could calm him down was to find Zhang Ting who was thrown out.

When they took on the responsibility of finding the man at the bottom of the hillside where he slid down, Li Jun said.

"Have you forgotten that he was bitten by a poisonous snake in the woods? That means he was poisoned. You haven't cured his poison yet, and you haven't cut his arm. He has already died of the poison."

"What's the point of you finding the man you threw out? You kept him back on the yacht just to let him help me find Zhang Oumei. Now he is dead on the island."

The few people who threw Zhang Ting out didn't dare to say a word.

They didn't know there would be something to trip them up, and they threw the person out because they had no strength in their hands.

And it would be hard for them to find the person on the island now. Even if they found him, he might have been eaten by wild animals, or he might have been poisoned to death.

Xu Xi stood up, "Now that the person has been thrown out, we don't know where he is on the island. Maybe he has already fallen into the sea, and his body has been rotten by the sea water."

"So we shouldn't look for him on the island now, but for Zhang Oumei, whom we were looking for."

They brought Zhang Ting to this place with so many wild animals, originally to find Zhang Oumei, because it was Zhang Ting who sent Zhang Oumei here, and it would be easier to find people on the island with Zhang Ting.

Now that the person has been thrown out, they don't care about Zhang Ting anymore, whether he was eaten by wild animals or soaked in the sea water.

Li Jun kicked the yacht hard. Now there are so many wild animals outside, it is not convenient for them to leave the yacht at all.

Looking at the people who threw Zhang Ting out,He said, "Originally, we took him back to the yacht, and maybe we could have cured his snake venom and then went to look for Zhang Oumei. Now that he has been thrown out, there will be no one to look for him."

"You guys were thrown out, so you guys should leave the yacht and look for him."

Whoever did something wrong will be asked to leave the yacht. If they die, another round of people will look for him on the island.

Those who are leaving the yacht know that they will definitely die on the island this time.

At night, they have experienced the power of the beasts on the island.

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