With just a few of them and the things Li Jun gave them to attack the beasts, they simply couldn't find Zhang Oumei.

One of them wanted to stay alive and leave the island and said, "Why don't you bring a few more brothers with us to look for people on the island."

"Searching for Zhang Oumei on the island in this way can not only deal with the beasts in a scattered manner, but also find Zhang Oumei who disappeared on the island more quickly."

Li Jun looked at the large group of people following behind him, "Who of you is willing to leave the yacht with them and look for Zhang Oumei on the island."

"If Zhang Oumei is found, all of you who leave the yacht can get millions. If not, you may be eaten by the beasts."

If they find someone, they can give them millions, which is really a lot, but they have to leave the island to spend these millions.

So no one is willing to leave the yacht. Li Jun looked at them angrily, and those who dare not stand up.

"No one wants these millions, right? You all like to stay on the yacht so much, get off and find someone."

After experiencing the poisonous snake last night, Zhang Ting, who was looking for someone, was thrown out again. He really didn't want to spoil these people on the yacht anymore.

If they can't find Zhang Oumei who disappeared on the island, it is very likely that all of them on the yacht will not be able to leave this isolated island safely and will be eaten by wild beasts.

Xu Xi looked at Li Jun who wanted to drive everyone off the yacht and said, "I will go to this island with them to find Zhang Oumei."

Li Jun shook his head and kicked a few people off the yacht.

"Let them go to the forest where Zhang Oumei is first. We have already looked for it. There are so many wild beasts in it. Zhang Oumei will definitely not hide in that forest. You go to other places on the isolated island to look for him."

The people who were kicked off the yacht knew that if they couldn't bring Zhang Oumei back to the yacht today, they would not be able to return to the yacht today.

After Zhang Ting rolled down from the woods to the cave, he found that he was not bitten by a poisonous snake, so he was very sober and did not want to leave the cave for the time being.

Because they would definitely discuss on the yacht how to find him, Zhang Oumei on the island would naturally ask many people to come to the island to find him, after all, there were so many wild animals.

So if he left the cave now, he would not be able to find how to leave the sea, and he might be caught back on the yacht by them, so he chose to stay in the cave in a dilemma.

But people have to eat. Is there any food in the cave? If he waits for them, he will starve to death in the cave.

If he still looks for people on the island with Li Jun, Li Jun will not watch him starve to death. Now he is alone.

But if he goes back to Li Jun to look for people with them, he will not be safe, so he would rather starve than go back to the yacht. He plans to look for him outside the cave by himself.

But before he left the cave, he heard the roar of a tiger in the woods again.

"There are really many wild animals in the woods. He wanted to send Zhang Oumei to this island because he knew that there were many wild animals here, but he didn't expect to encounter a group of wild animals after walking a few steps."

If he had known that when he sent Zhang Oumei to the island, he should have sent him to a place where he could hide safely, so that he wouldn't have to hide in the cave when Li Jun and his men caught him.

But if he didn't leave the cave, he would starve to death in the cave, so he had to look for it nearby.

He picked up the big stone he had placed in the cave, and if there was really a ferocious wild animal running back later, he would use this stone to smash the panda beast to death.

This was the only thing he could use to attack wild animals, because when he was thrown out, he didn't take any of the things they used to attack wild animals from Li Jun.

If he didn't bring this self-defense stone with him, he would really be eaten by wild animals if he encountered them.

He walked carefully outside the cave entrance, wanting to see if there were any fruits on the tree.

Because he had studied the wilderness survival guide before, he had studied hard for the exam.

If I have nothing to eat in the wilderness, I have to see if there are any safe fruits on the tree, which is the only food they can get.

And he also learned to climb trees, so as long as the tree is not bare, he can climb up directly.

After taking pictures of several trees, he finally saw a banana tree. He climbed up and took a big banana.He picked a bunch of bananas, but he sighed as he held them.

"These fruits will only make him hungrier and hungrier, and bananas can also promote digestion."

"Maybe after eating the bananas, he will feel hungrier than the previous few days, but now the only fruit he can get is bananas. Take it back to the cave first, and come out of the cave in two days to look for other fruits."

And maybe he will pick up the corpse of a wild animal, so he can eat the meat of the wild animal directly.

But if he was asked to kill some wild animals now and get some meat from them, he would not dare to kill them, after all, he wanted to run away when he saw these wild animals.

Because the snake bite that night left him with a big psychological shadow, he was afraid that if these wild animals came, they would swallow him directly.

He quickly returned to the cave with a bunch of bananas. Now this is the only place where he can save his life. As long as he doesn't go out to find food,

or there are dangerous wild animals in the cave, he will not leave.

Because only in this way, Li Jun would not find him hiding in the cave.

Li Jun's people searched for several days on the island, but they did not find Zhang Oumei, nor did they find Zhang Ting who rolled down the slope. He wanted to leave the island. He thought that both of them had died on the island.

And if they continued to look for people on the island, the people on their yacht might be eaten by wild beasts.

Li Jun stayed on the yacht in frustration.

"Should we leave this island now, or leave some people on the island to continue looking for them?"

As long as he did not see Zhang Oumei's body, he still felt that Zhang Oumei had been alive on the island, so he could not drive the yacht away with peace of mind without taking him away.

Xu Xi also felt that he couldn't waste time on this island. "Why don't we continue to look for Zhang Oumei for two more days? Maybe we can find him within these two days, but we can't stay on this island forever."

"Because there are still many wild animals on this island, and the food we brought can't support us to keep looking for people on this island."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Jun called all the people who had been looking for Zhang Oumei back to the yacht. He decided to leave the yacht with these people and go to a new forest to look for people at noon today.

After they finished eating on the yacht at noon, they took their self-defense items and left the yacht together to go to the forest on their far right.

They decided that if they didn't find Zhang Oumei after searching this forest, they would leave some people and drive the yacht away from this sea.

But when they just walked to the middle of the forest, the sky suddenly changed. They knew that it must be raining if the sky suddenly changed. Now there are so many wild animals here. If it rains, it will be difficult for them to leave this forest.

Li Jun wanted to take the people he was looking for back to the yacht first and then decide whether to continue looking for people, but it suddenly rained heavily.

Xu Xi looked at the road ahead nervously, "It was raining heavily, and the soil was not well-maintained by the rain. If we go back from this road, it will be easy for us to slide down the slope on this road."

"So we either find a place to hide or find a road without soil."

The intersection in the morning had never been developed, and this road was just made by them, so how to change a road, but to find a place to hide was also easy. There was only the front, but the front was all piled up high, and there were stones on it.

If they encountered a landslide, they would be crushed to death under the soil, and the situation would be even worse.

So they couldn't go, and they couldn't go in front. If they had known, they wouldn't have come out of the yacht to look for people with them today.

But if they continued to go forward, they would have to take this bad road, and they were afraid that the chance of death would be greater, so they chose to retreat and hide under the stone.

At this time, Zhang Ting, who was hiding in the cave from being found by them, was not having a good time. The rain also leaked his cave, which was full of water, but he had no place to hide from the rain, so he could only hide in the cave shivering.

"What kind of weather is it? If they want to find Zhang Oumei, they can find Zhang Oumei. I told them the location, but they didn't let me leave, so I can only live in this cave now."

"Luckily, they have a yacht. They must be on the yacht now, enjoying the warm air conditioning and hiding from the rain."

Zhang Ting was really angry. They brought him to the island, and he was about to be found by his own people, but becauseHe was causing trouble in their family, so his people didn't dare to take him away from here.

Looking at the bananas he brought back, which were what he had eaten in the past few days, now they were soaked by the fish, and the fruit was no longer useful, he angrily threw all the bananas out.

And Xu Xi, who was hiding from the rain right below it, felt that his head was hit.

But when the banana hit his head, it was directly bounced into the woods, and the heavy rain directly washed the banana away, so Xu Xi didn't see the banana at all, but thought that it must be because the stone was not solid, so it fell and hit his head.

So he quickly said to the people who were hiding from the rain with him, "It seems that the rocks are about to fall, let's cover our heads quickly."

"If a landslide really happens, you must protect your head, so that you will not be killed by these rocks, and you can quickly leave the place where the landslide happened."

Everyone heard Xu Xi say that the rocks were about to fall from their heads, and they were afraid to cover their heads, fearing that the rocks would smash through their heads.

They didn't dare to leave the place where they were hiding from the rain now, because the road ahead had been washed away by the rain.

If they went forward, they would roll down the hillside directly, and they would definitely encounter more dangers after rolling down, and they would die directly at the bottom of the hillside.

How could Zhang Ting, who was hiding from the rain in the cave, not hear what they were saying below? He shrank back into the cave in fear?

"Aren't you going to look for Zhang Oumei outside? And it's raining so hard, why don't you stay in the yacht and go out to look for someone?"

"He is now at the bottom of the cave. Will he find the cave because of the heavy rain and come to the top of the cave?"

Then they will have to catch him back to help them find Zhang Oumei. If they do that, they will encounter many ferocious beasts again.

This time they will definitely watch him and not let him get thrown out again. Maybe he will be eaten by the beasts.

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