Zhang Ting really didn't dare to throw bananas down the cave anymore, because if they saw the bananas, they would know that there was someone on the hillside and they would definitely climb up the hillside.

Because they knew there was someone living there, but they didn't know who lived in the cave. Maybe it was Zhang Oumei, whom they had been looking for. Even if it was raining heavily outside, they would come up.

So they must not let them know that there was someone in the cave where they lived.

He really wanted to tell them that they had been searching on the island for so many days, there were so many ferocious beasts here, and there was such bad weather.

Even if they were grown men, they couldn't stay on the island for several days, not to mention that Zhang Oumei was a woman. If she couldn't stay on the island for a day.

Maybe she would be eaten by these beasts. Why did they have to find Zhang Oumei's body on the island before they were willing to leave? Could it be that they wanted others to accompany them to search the island forever?

Thinking that he would be trapped on the island for a long time, he muttered.

"The bad woman really won't do him any good. Even if he's dead, she still drags him to this island."

"The people below are really stupid. The people they brought here have dozens of lives, but Zhang Oumei has only one life. Is he going to use these dozens of lives to find an unknown Zhang Oumei?"

He thought about what happened a few days before Zhang Oumei was sent to this island.

If there had been no betrayal, Zhang Oumei would not have been sent here. It was because he chose to betray, so even if he was killed by a ferocious beast or bad weather, he would not feel sorry, but hate the betrayer even more.

Because if Li Jun hadn't wanted to find him, he would not have been brought to this island.

Just after hating Zhang Oumei, he heard an unusual sound in this cave.

He stood up from where he was huddled, touched the place where the sound came from, and found that there was a loose stone.

Now everything on this island is unknown. Why is this thing loose in his later period? Has anyone come before?

But he didn't dare to pull out the loose stone. He was afraid that if the stone came out, the mountain would really slide. At that time, it would not only be the people below who would die, but also he who was hiding in the cave.

Curious, he overcame his fear of death and finally pulled out the loose stone.

But as soon as the stone came out, he found that the wall in front seemed to want to crack. He was really scared. Could it be that it really caused the human landslide?

He wanted to jump out of the cave, but if he jumped out, he might fall to his death directly from the cave entrance.

But before he could decide whether to jump or not, the wall had already collapsed, but there was no landslide, but a very empty hole appeared.

Those who were hiding from the rain asked curiously, "Did you hear the sound coming from the hillside? Are there people living on the hillside? Or is there going to be a landslide?"

Xu Xi rationally told them, "This hill won't have a landslide, because the rain has already subsided. If it really tilted and fell, it would have crushed us to death."

But they really couldn't be sure whether there were people living on this account.

Anyway, they came here to look for Zhang Oumei. They had already come to this hillside. If they didn't go up there to look for him, they couldn't go back to the yacht, so they told Li Jun.

"You go back to the yacht first. I'll take some people to the hillside to see if there are people there, or if there are wild animals in the cave."

Li Jun was worried that he would take his brothers alone, "The road ahead is not easy to walk, so I'd better go into the cave with you."

Zhang Ting, who was hiding on the top, heard that they were about to climb up, so he hurried into this very empty place, because if he walked forward, he might find an exit.

But if he waited for them to come up here, he would definitely catch them back. If he caught them back, wouldn't he continue to help them recruit people or be beaten to death by them directly?

After entering, he found that it was not as scary as he thought, and he didn't see any wild animals, so he felt relieved and walked in again.

When he heard that they had climbed up, he started running directly, but his running speed was not very fast. After all, he was still in the hillside. If he ran too fast, the mountain might shake and tilt directly.

After Li Jun and his friends came up, they looked at the place where the mechanism had been triggered."It seems that there is someone hiding in the cave, but we don't know who it is."

Li Jun looked at the people hiding in the cave who had just been triggered. They heard someone hiding under the cave, and when they found that these people came up, they ran to the entrance of the cave.

But it is likely that it is Zhang Ting who they brought with them.

"We should go inside to look for it. Maybe there are some ferocious beasts in it."

Xu Xi didn't know whether to take the brothers into the cave, so he could only listen to Li Jun first.

Li Jun shook the thing in his hand and said, "Of course we have to go in. Maybe it is Zhang Oumei who is inside. No matter if there are beasts or not, if we leave from this cave, we will encounter some beasts when we return to the yacht."

Going forward or backward is dangerous. They hope that it is Zhang Oumei who is walking into the cave.

If they bring Zhang Oumei back directly, they can also leave the island on the yacht.

Zhang Ting heard the real sound coming from the cave again, and knew that they had come in, but when he walked forward, he found that there was no way to go inside. Who dug the cave and stopped digging halfway?

Could it be that he died halfway because of old age?

But he couldn't go back. Could he just wait for them to come in and take him back to the yacht? Just when he wanted to sit on the soil, he heard the sound of footsteps coming from inside.

That means there must be a way out. He walked outside to the cave for so long just now, but he didn't find this opportunity or a loose stone that came out by chance, which means there must be another place here.

That's why he can't go in and can't open the door. He is now looking for the mechanism so that he can avoid them.

The people outside can find him soon. If they can't find the mechanism again, they will have to catch them back to the yacht, so he is begging the heavens and the earth now, just wanting to find the mechanism.

But in the end, they all came to him, and he still hadn't found the mechanism to open this door. He looked at the people who came to catch him and said dejectedly.

"You can take me back, but this time I really can't find Zhang Oumei for you. How dangerous this island is, you know after a few days. Maybe Zhang Oumei has died on this island a long time ago. Why are you still looking for him?"

Knowing that he died on this island, and there are many beasts on this island, why did you send him here in the first place? If he hadn't been sent here, he wouldn't have taken the risk to bring him to this island to find someone.

Li Jun said, "When I sent you to this island, I said that I wanted to see the person alive or the body dead. Now you haven't found Zhang Oumei's body from this island for me. As long as you didn't die on this island, you must find someone for me."

What's so good about that woman who only betrays people? In order to find him on the island, he was willing to let his brothers follow him on the island and take such a big risk.

Li Jun walked around the cave entrance and said, "When we were outside, you were the one who made the noise at the cave entrance, right? How did you open the mechanism? And why can't we go forward here?"

If it weren't for Zhang Ting in the cave entrance, the wall would have collapsed directly. They would have left the woods directly after hiding from the rain, and would not have come to the cave entrance to look for people.

Zhang Ting also regretted pulling the stone down. If he was really curious about whether the stone would trigger a new mechanism, he would have to wait until they left after blocking the rain and then take the stone out.

Now that the stone was pulled out in advance, all their movements were disrupted. Now he had no way to escape in the cave entrance, so he could only go back with them to find Zhang Oumei.

Looking at the cave entrance with no road in front, Li Jun kicked the soil at the cave entrance and found that it could not knock the soil down. He said to Zhang Ting.

"Is this cave entrance the mechanism you discovered? If you can open the mechanism outside, this mechanism should work too."

If he set up the cave entrance mechanism, he would probably tell Zhang Oumei about it.

It would be good to hide from wild animals here, so if Zhang Oumei is really desperate on this island, he would probably trigger the mechanism inside and hide in this cave entrance.

But after Zhang Ting pushed the wall, he said to Li Jun, "The mechanism at the cave entrance was not set up by me., if I really knew where the mechanism in front of me was, I wouldn't be blocked by this cave entrance and unable to move forward. "

"And waiting for you to come in and catch me, this should be the cave entrance mechanism made by someone who came to this island before."

No one would sit and wait for death, so this mechanism really wasn't made by him, but they had never heard of anyone being sent to this island a few years ago.

Who left this cave entrance mechanism? They didn't quite believe that it was made by Zhang Oumei, who was sent to the island by Zhang Ting.

Xu Xi came over and said, "It's difficult for us to judge where the cave entrance mechanism came from, but Zhang Oumei may have found this mechanism when he was desperate and ran here, so should we try to find this mechanism as well."

There are so many ferocious beasts outside, and Zhang Oumei must have been running around in the woods.

It's impossible to trigger here, and it's also very likely that the mechanism, so he wants to take his brothers here to find the mechanism first. Anyway, it's raining so hard outside, and they can't go down from this cave entrance.

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