Because now that they have climbed up, if they go down again, it is very likely to cause the mountain to collapse.

Looking at Zhang Ting sitting in the mud at the entrance of the cave, Li Jun kicked him, "You triggered the mechanism outside, so the mechanism inside also depends on you. Find out if there is a mechanism similar to the one outside, and then try to open this cave for me."

I have searched several times just now, and there is nothing wrong. This cave entrance is obviously blocked, and he kicked the mud, didn't he? The sound inside was so strong, how could it be hollow?

But Li Jun still brought so many brothers to block the entrance of the cave. If he didn't find the mechanism, he might be beaten by his brothers.

So he grabbed a handful of the mud and threw it on the wall, and began to look for the mechanism.

He touched the wall carefully, and when he triggered the mechanism outside, he directly found a loose stone, and pulled it up and the mechanism was triggered.

Maybe there is a very soft stone hidden in the mud, and as long as it is made, the mechanism can be opened.

He touched the whole wall and didn't find any stone, which made him very disappointed, but he didn't want to continue looking for the mechanism or he would be beaten by them.

Li Jun saw that the rain outside had stopped, and the roar of wild animals came out again. He urged Zhang Ting who was looking for the mechanism.

"Is this mechanism so difficult to find? Otherwise, just hit it with your head, maybe you can directly knock the wall open."

It is impossible to hit this wall with your head. They kicked it several times just now, and this wall didn't fall down. If he hit it with his head, his head would be broken and bleeding.

Looking at Li Jun who urged him to find the mechanism, he said, "You have so many brothers here, and the mechanism may not be on this wall. Do you want to ask your brothers to go to the inner wall of the cave entrance to see if there is a mechanism?"

It is said that there is strength in numbers. He is enslaving him on this island and not letting his brothers help him find Zhang Oumei or the mechanism at all.

If he spent two or three days looking for people on this island, he would be exhausted.

Li Jun also knew that if he relied on himself now, he would not be able to find the mechanism, so he asked others to help him find it, but before asking them to find it, he still asked a question.

"Can't you remember what mechanism you encountered outside? If you tell them roughly what the mechanism looks like, they will find it easy."

Zhang Ting touched the wall and said casually, "It's just a piece of stone. They are different from the soil on the wall. This piece of stone can be pulled out directly."

"After pulling the stone out, the mechanism will be triggered, and then you can go into the cave entrance, but I don't know if the mechanism inside will be the same as outside."

Now the only clue they can get at the cave entrance is this piece of stone, so they are all trying their best to touch the inner wall of the cave entrance, hoping to find a stone that can be pulled out.

But they have already touched the entire cave entrance and found nothing strange. Could it be that the road in front of the cave entrance is really blocked, and now they have reached the end of this mechanism.

Li Jun still wants his brothers to continue looking, but some brothers can't stand it anymore.

One of them punched the wall and said, "Looking for someone, looking for someone, maybe the person has died on this island. After the beast ate his body, how could we find his body?"

"Now we are still staying at the cave entrance and cannot go out. Accompany you every day, touch the wall to find the mechanism on it. Now we haven't found the mechanism. We have been in the cave entrance for a long time."

Listening to the complaints of one of them, the others also felt that looking for someone on this island was a waste of their time, especially when they were looking for someone whose life or death was unknown.

The complaining person punched the wall several times and said to Li Jun, "Do you know how dangerous this island is? The beasts on it are enough to eat all of us brothers in one bite."

"And you would rather ignore the fact that we will be eaten by these beasts and let us take such a big risk on this island every day. Now I am going to drive the yacht back. I will not help you find someone on this island."

Zhang Ting watched their internal conflict and stopped looking for the mechanism in the cave entrance.

He wanted to see if these brothers would really rebel, so he would not follow him to continue looking for people here. If they really rebelled, he would follow them to the yacht and leave the island.

Li Jun looked at the man who said he wanted to leave on the yacht, "This sea is notIt is a normal size, and you don't have any skills to drive a yacht. Do you think you can drive away on the yacht even if you get the right to use the yacht? "

The brothers he brought with him this time did not have the right to use the yacht. If they met people on the sea, they would be caught if they drove the yacht without any reason.

People who don't want to face the beasts every day on this island said, "We can leave this island by driving a yacht to face the endless sea on the island, which is better than facing the beasts on this island."

If they can't drive out, they will let the yacht drift on the sea. Anyway, there are still a lot of food on the yacht. They can rely on these foods and wait for someone to rescue them on the yacht.

But if they stay on the big island, it's not Zhang Oumei who can't be found, but they who have been looking for people on the island.

Li Jun looked at the cave without triggering the mechanism and said with his back to them.

"Since you all want to leave on the yacht, then leave. Anyway, I want to stay on this island and continue to look for Zhang Oumei Island. "

"But if you leave on the yacht and can't get out on the sea, I won't ask anyone to help you. And after I leave the island, you are no longer my people."

If they are not Li Jun's people, then all the medals they worked hard for will be lost. Do they have to give up their previous medals because of this betrayal?

Some people still don't want to leave the island. They look at the people who walked out of the cave and said.

"Why don't you stay on the island for two more days? Maybe we can find Zhang Oumei soon. You see, we have found the mechanism in this cave, which means he is likely to be near this mechanism. ”

He didn’t want his brothers’ previous achievements to go to waste, so he really wanted them to stay on the island for two days.

If they really couldn’t find anyone and couldn’t face the beasts on the island, it wouldn’t be too late to leave on the yacht. Anyway, the boss didn’t say that it would be difficult for him if they left on the yacht, he just didn’t want them to follow him anymore.

Hearing that they could stay on the island for two days to visit Zhang Oumei and decide whether to leave or not, these rebellious people hesitated a little, but Li Jun said ruthlessly.

“You wanted to leave on the yacht just now, which means you have already planned to betray me from the bottom of your heart, so you don’t have to follow me anymore. Now the yacht is on the other side of the sea. You can find the yacht and leave by passing through this woods. "

Zhang Ting also shook his head. He didn't expect that there were only two people who were ready to go against the sky with them this time.

I thought there were many people ready to leave the island. It seems that they dared to choose to come to the island with him to find people. They are all fearless. Otherwise, there would be more than one or two people who betrayed.

But he also hated people who betrayed when faced with a choice.

If Zhang Oumei hadn't betrayed him, he wouldn't have sent Zhang Oumei to this island.

But it's funny that he was caught by Li Jun now and had to find the betrayer.

Watching that person walk into the woods without hesitation, he knew that the yacht was really going to be driven away this time, and the date he wanted to leave the island was far away.

Li Jun kicked Zhang Ting, who was no longer looking for the mechanism.

"The rain outside has stopped. Since we can't find the mechanism in this cave, then we will go to the cave. There are still many places outside that haven't been found. We have already found the left side. "

"Now you just need to look to the right. If you find Zhang Oumei, we will take Zhang Oumei and the people on the island below. We will not care whether you can leave the island or not."

Zhang Ting curled his lips and said directly, "I don't care whether I care or not. Just let him wait for death on the island."

But he still had to prepare to jump out of the hole and go to the right to find someone.

In this way, if he finds someone earlier, he can leave the island earlier, and he can think of a way to get out of the island safely.

But when he was about to jump out of the hole, his foot suddenly twisted, and he hit the hole above the big head and fell. At that moment, he felt that his head hit something and pushed the soft thing in.

Li Jun heard the sound of him hitting it, and went back, but found that the hole had changed.

He hurriedly shouted, "Hurry back to the hole, he seems to have found the mechanism, but I don't know how long this mechanism can last. "

"So if you don't come in now, you'll be left alone outside."

Anyone who knows what's good for you knows that if you don'tIf they followed Li Jun, they would have to face the ferocious beasts in the woods alone. They followed the large group to avoid being eaten by the beasts, and all ran into the cave.

Then when the last person came to the cave, the road outside that could have been freely accessible was blocked by something. They didn't know where the stone blocking the cave came from.

They only knew that the intersection in front was open, but they couldn't get out of the intersection behind.

Looking at the newly opened intersection, Li Jun said, "Now we can only go forward. When he hit the mechanism with his head just now, he seemed to have fainted. You come and drag him away."

The mechanism was originally found by Zhang Ting with great difficulty, and without Zhang Ting's hint, they would have very few clues to find people here.

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