He could only let his brothers drag Zhang Ting and leave the cave with them.

But just after walking two steps to the front of the intersection, he felt a shadow floating past, and he ran forward anxiously.

When he walked to the light, he found that there was no shadow, so Xu Xi chased after him and asked.

"Did you see any clues? Or did you see Zhang Oumei walking past the intersection just now, so you ran in a hurry."

What he saw was an unrealistic shadow, maybe it was just the reflection of a tree floating past, so he didn't know if it was Zhang Oumei, so he didn't tell Xu Xi and the others.

"Let's leave the cave quickly. Maybe they will come up with some mechanism and block the intersection ahead. We can't get out of this cave."

Zhang Ting, who was dragged on the ground, regained his consciousness. He saw the road ahead. "The mechanism here is too strange. Just now, his head hit something soft, and it pushed him in. The road ahead was opened, and the road behind was blocked again."

If there really was such a strange mechanism on the island, he should have been able to see the information before sending Zhang Oumei to the island.

Li Jun looked at Zhang Ting who was being supported. "Your head was knocked unconscious. Now that you are awake, don't let others support you. Hurry up and stay with us at the cave entrance."

At this time, he had already walked to the front of the cave entrance in order to catch up with the shadow. Others were walking slowly behind him because they had to support him. Now that he can walk by himself, they walked to the intersection in a few minutes.

Looking at the road below the cave entrance, Li Jun said, "There are no traps on the road ahead. Jump down and find Zhang Oumei quickly. We will wait for you in front of this organ."

Letting him jump down to find Zhang Oumei by himself really made him grit his teeth. If this trap was triggered again, they would not be locked inside, and the beasts could not jump up and eat them.

But if he went down to find someone, he would be eaten by the ferocious beasts if he was not careful.

Seeing that he did not jump under the stone, Li Jun helped him and asked a few brothers to lift him up directly, and Zhang Ting was thrown down.

Zhang Ting held his arm that was hurt from the fall and said, "When you guys threw me down, weren't you afraid of killing me or crippling me here? If I was crippled, who would find someone for you?"

When Zhang Ting was poisoned to death by a venomous snake, they did not throw him down when they escaped from the beasts, which means that if they were looking for someone on the island, they still needed him. As a result, they dared to throw him off the stone.

Li Jun looked at Zhang Ting who was rubbing his arm and said, "Go find someone quickly. We can take Zhang Oumei away from you as soon as possible, and we don't have to look for people on this island. Aren't you afraid of facing these ferocious beasts every day?"

Zhang Ting was about to say that if he didn't want me to be afraid on the island, he could just send someone to drive a yacht to send me back, but suddenly he saw someone passing through the woods.

He thought that no one else would be sent to this island, and the person who passed through was most likely Zhang Oumei who was sent by him.

So now he should find Zhang Oumei quickly. With the hostage in hand, he could threaten Li Jun and let Li Jun take him away on the yacht.

Xu Xi stood on the stone and looked down, and saw Zhang Ting running very fast in the woods, as if he was looking for something, which was a bit suspicious.

Just now at the entrance of the stone cave, the boss seemed to have seen someone and ran to the intersection to find someone. Now he is running so fast in the woods again. Could it be that Zhang Oumei really appeared here?

But last night he pretended to be bitten to death by a poisonous snake, and then ran to hide in a cave. It is possible that the appearance of looking for someone is all fake.

Xu Xi looked at Li Jun and said, "He ran so fast, boss. Aren't you afraid that he created the illusion of looking for someone in the woods, and then ran out of this woods so that we can't find him?"

The monk can run away, but the temple cannot. Even if he created the illusion of looking for someone and ran out of this woods, what would happen?

He has no yacht, and no one can save him on this island, so even if he runs out of the woods, he can't run away from this island.

"If he doesn't find someone today, let him taste the humiliation. First, let him hide it from everyone and send Zhang Oumei directly to the island. Let Zhang Oumei face these ferocious beasts every day, and let him live a life worse than death."

It seems that the boss is going to torture people again, but they don't have tools to torture people on the island. Is he trying to send him to the mouth of the beast?

Zhang Ting, who was running around in the beast forest, was very sure that the person running through the woods was Zhang Ou.Mei.

Because he saw his clothes. When he sent Zhang Oumei here, he only left him some food, but no clothes.

Although the clothes were torn, there were some corners that he could recognize. They were the clothes Zhang Oumei wore before he came to the island.

He shouted in the woods, "Why are you running? I was forced to come to this island to find you."

But because he shouted so loudly on the island, all the ferocious beasts heard it directly, and basically all the beasts nearby roared.

Hearing the sound of the beasts, Zhang Ting didn't dare to chase people, but Zhang Oumei had been left on the island for a long time, and he was used to being chased by beasts every day, and even saw beasts.

Although there were many beasts calling, he ran very quickly in the woods, just because he didn't want Zhang Ting to catch him and give him back to those people.

Zhang Ting looked at the people who were still running forward, and said to the people at the cave entrance, "I have already found you in the woods, you should come down from the cave entrance."

Zhang Ting called them to come down and find the people, but they were all at the cave entrance, and could only see Zhang Ting waving his hands at the cave entrance, and they didn't know what Zhang Ting was shouting.

"Why don't I go down and help him find someone, you see there are all beasts down there, we originally need him to provide clues, and we finally escaped the risk of him being bitten by a poisonous snake at night."

"If we push him down now and find someone by ourselves, it would be equivalent to sending him to the mouth of the beast again, and our clues will be broken again."

Xu Xi wanted to help find someone together, but Li Jun called the people who came to the cave entrance with him.

"I asked you guys just now if you were willing to leave with him on the yacht, but you all stayed at the entrance of the cave, which means you are not afraid of these beasts. Now he can't find anyone down there, so we have to go down and look for them together."

Originally, he didn't want all the brothers to face the ferocious beasts together, but at the exit, he seemed to see a fake figure.

And Zhang Ting was so anxious chasing down there, he thought it was very likely that the fake figure was real, so he wanted all the brothers to go down.

They all chose to stay, and it was only a matter of time before they faced the ferocious beasts, so when Li Jun said it, they immediately jumped off the stone top and walked towards the woods.

Seeing them coming down from the stone top, Zhang Ting breathed a sigh of relief.

"If you don't come down, Zhang Oumei, whom I just found, will run away again. You all should chase him to the left quickly. I saw Zhang Oumei's figure when I came to the bottom of the woods just now."

"But he ran away. After all, he has already faced so many ferocious beasts in this woods. I dare not chase him alone."

Li Jun was surprised and happy. Finally, his efforts paid off. They found Zhang Oumei on the island. It seems that the person he saw at the exit was real. But Zhang Oumei was seen by them. Why did he jump under the woods?

Why not just go back with them? After jumping down, he still has to face ferocious beasts.

Zhang Ting had arranged how to chase him, but he saw Li Jun standing in the woods in a daze.

"I was called here this morning to help you find someone. Now that you have found him, why don't you chase him? Do you want to see him run away again?"

"I'm telling you that it was a coincidence that he was found in the woods this time. If you don't take him out of the island, it will be difficult for you to find him in the woods."

Because he has kept Zhang Oumei in the woods for a long time, he is no longer afraid of the ferocious beasts in the woods.

Moreover, he is familiar with the terrain of the island, but although they look for people here every day, they have not explored the terrain. Although they have killed many of these ferocious beasts, they are still a little afraid.

So if they run away on the island, they really can't run faster than Zhang Oumei, even if he is a woman.

Li Jun looked at their brothers and saw that they all ran to the left to help him catch Zhang Oumei in the woods, and then he followed his brothers.

Zhang Oumei was really scared to meet Zhang Ting in the woods.

Because it was Zhang Ting who sent him to this horrible place, he didn't know how Zhang Ting would torture him again when he came to the island again.

Could it be that he came to the island this time to see if he was eaten by ferocious beasts? If he felt that he was not eaten, would he kill him directly?

But why did he bring so many people this time? Or these people are not hisThe accomplices he brought here, but another group of people he sent to the island again?

But I don’t know why so many people came to this island with many wild beasts with Zhang Ting.

He didn’t even see clearly what those people looked like at the exit of the cave, and he started to escape on the island.

“Now we can only keep running forward and not be caught by those who came to the island, so that we can continue to live on the island.”

Once caught by Zhang Ting, we might be sent directly to the wild beasts and eaten by them.

Zhang Oumei didn’t dare to stop at all.

Because there were not many ferocious beasts in this forest, the speed of their running was almost the same as Zhang Oumei.

When Li Jun, who had followed, saw Zhang Oumei, he shouted in the forest.

“Zhang Oumei, stop quickly, we have asked someone to drive a yacht over, and we will take you away from this island.”

“If you don’t stop, there will be many ferocious beasts ahead. What if we can’t escape from the mouths of the ferocious beasts?”

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