But he couldn't see who they were, so Zhang Oumei didn't dare to stop. Although he heard the word "yacht", he didn't think they wanted to take him away.

Zhang Ting was already out of breath. If he had known, he wouldn't have called them down from the rock.

"This island has a range. If we run further ahead, there will be no way, so he will definitely find another place in the woods to stay. Let's not follow him first, and then run forward. Let him find a place to hide first, and it won't be too late for us to find him later."

Zhang Ting really didn't want to chase him, but Li Jun grabbed his neck and said.

"We finally found him on this island this time, which means he is still alive and well under those beasts, so we must take him away from the island."

"If we can't take him away, you will die on this island. There are so many poisonous insects and even many ferocious beasts on this island. If we can't catch him later, he will feed you to those poisonous insects."

They can't catch him, so what's the big deal about feeding him to ferocious beasts? He was brought to the island by them this time, isn't he responsible for finding them?

Now they have seen Zhang Oumei when he was about to escape, and told them that Zhang Oumei was alive on this island, why did he still say that he would feed him to poisonous insects?

Zhang Ting felt that Li Jun was not keeping his word, so he asked why he found the person but was unwilling to fulfill the promise he made to him on this island.

"You guys are so unreliable. You said you would only let me help you find Zhang Oumei and then you would leave me alone, and you would only leave me on this island and not kill me."

"Now I have seen Zhang Oumei tell you, why don't you want me to have a good life on this island?"

At the beginning, it was not proposed to capture Zhang Oumei from the island.

"I brought you to this island, and you also serve me. What if I change my mind?"

Li Jun said it with confidence, because their current speed could not keep up with Zhang Oumei, and Zhang Oumei had already adapted, and there were many good places on this island. How could they find Zhang Oumei who was hiding?

Zhang Ting was also angry when he casually mentioned the word "change of mind".

"Anyway, I helped you find the people. It's because you didn't have the ability to catch them. I won't chase you any further. I'm exhausted from following you from the cave to here."

If he continued to run with Zhang Oumei, his legs would be broken, so if he wanted to catch people, he should let his brothers do it. Besides, his brothers have all been specially trained to work with him.

If he doesn't have the skills to chase people, how can he be considered a specially trained person?

Li Jun kicked him hard.

Now his life and death on the island is in his hands. Helping them catch Zhang Oumei is not what he imagined.

"He's running ahead now. If you can catch him faster than him, I can take him away from the island before dark."

"Then you can stay on the island safely and find a way to leave the island, but if you can't let me take Zhang Oumei away from the island in the morning before dark, I will go find a venomous snake to feed you to."

Zhang Ting is afraid of venomous snakes now, because he has been here for only a few days, and he almost got eaten by a lion, and then he encountered many snakes at night and was bitten by a snake.

If he hadn't slid down the slope, he thought he would be poisoned to death on this island.

So when he said that he would feed him to the venomous snake if he couldn't find anyone, Zhang Ting shuddered.

"Is it not okay for me to help you chase him? But your brothers have to follow me to chase Zhang Oumei. After all, I also have times when I am physically exhausted, and the training I have undergone is not as intense as the training your brothers have undergone."

"When I can't catch up, I can let them continue to run forward, so that Zhang Oumei will not escape from this forest under our noses."

It is certainly possible to let others follow him to chase people.

"Just because he didn't die on this island, do you have to find so many people to catch him back? And isn't that betraying him?"

Did he agree to avenge his father's murder with him? He felt that not helping Zhang Ting kill Li Jun himself was not a betrayal, but in Zhang Ting's eyes,It is betrayal.

Zhang Oumei was very discouraged when running in front.

When he ran too much and couldn't support himself physically, he remembered that there seemed to be a tiger's cave in front. If he led them to the tiger, they would definitely be scared.

He had been on this island for so long, and the tigers were familiar with its breath, so when he first came into contact with those tigers, they would definitely not come to eat him.

As long as he designed the trap and quickly left the tiger's cave, he could trick them.

Zhang Ting was chasing behind, just wanting Zhang Oumei to stop, but how could Zhang Oumei, who was running away, listen to him? However, he took a look and found that Zhang Oumei was really slow.

He thought Zhang Oumei couldn't run anymore, but Zhang Oumei suddenly changed direction.

Zhang Ting shouted loudly, "Look, he changed direction. If we continue to run forward, we will lose him. So if he suddenly changes direction, watch out."

He really lost these people. In this case, he had to think about where to find Zhang Oumei.

Because of his reminder, more than a dozen pairs of eyes were staring at Zhang Oumei's pace.

Seeing that they were fooled, Zhang Oumei quickly jumped into the cave entrance. There were several tigers in the cave entrance. If they followed, the tigers could eat all of them in one bite.

Who made them so bad that they wanted him to die on this island? If he didn't want to survive on the island, he wouldn't have tricked these people into feeding the tigers.

When the tiger heard the sound at the entrance of their cave, he just sniffed his nose and found that the smell was quite familiar, so he didn't get up to look at the entrance of the cave. Is there any food to eat?

Although Zhang Oumei knew that the tiger would not come to check because of his breath, he was still a little careful when setting the trap.

When the trap was set in front of the tiger's cave, they were about to catch up. Zhang Ting saw Zhang Oumei standing at a cave entrance. He suddenly stopped running in front and asked his brothers to stop.

"Why did he suddenly stop running? I think if we follow him, we might encounter some danger in this forest."

"But if we don't chase him, he might run around this cave again later, and it will be troublesome for us to chase him when we get there."

There were many dangers when looking for Zhang Oumei on the island, so when he saw Zhang Oumei suddenly stopped being chased, he became more vigilant. However, these people who had not been bitten by ferocious beasts thought it was nothing.

"Even if she has a lot of experience on this island, she is afraid of those ferocious beasts. So maybe there is something in front of her that scares her, so she doesn't dare to run forward."

Seeing that he still didn't want to go, they caught Zhang Oumei who was standing there motionless, and the people who followed him told him the benefits of bringing him back now.

"We just need to go up and catch him without worry. Didn't you listen to our boss? As long as we bring him back, we will drive the yacht away and let you stay on this island alone?"

"Do you still want to continue looking for people on this island? If you still want to, then we won't look for him."

Don't lie to people like this. He has benefits now, but after leaving him alone on the island, won't he still have to fend for himself on this island?

However, Zhang Oumei had been standing in front of the cave entrance for a long time, and no other ferocious beasts ran over, so they felt relieved to go forward and try to catch Zhang Oumei at the cave entrance.

But before they reached the front of the cave entrance, they seemed to hear a shaking sound, and Zhang Ting was frightened by the sound.

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