Now it was not a matter of panic or not. There were so many yachts outside blocking them. It was obvious that they wanted to rob their yachts for money.

But they did not bring much money this time. These people would not let them go. Even if they did not go out to open the windows for them, they would find something to knock the windows open.

But they could not think of a way to drive them away. After all, the other party had such a big yacht. In the end, everyone held their breath and listened to Li Jun and returned to the room.

And Zhang Ting was still lingering here, "Are we really going to let them block the yacht? There are so many people waiting to go back. If they block it, we will not be able to arrive in the afternoon."

Now someone finally rescued him from Li Jun, so it would be a pity if he was blocked by this group of people now.

But now it is not a question of whether they can leave whenever they want. Li Jun looked at the yacht outside and said, "I said I will solve it. You should go back to your sleeping place first and don't come out again."

I have told Zhang Ting several times not to come out, but he still appears on the yacht back and forth, not taking his words to heart.

In fact, if Zhang Ting had not harmed Zhang Oumei, he would not have restricted Zhang Ting so much, but this time he obviously crossed the line.

He also sent people to the island and was almost killed by ferocious beasts. He really couldn't let Zhang Ting approach him again.

The man was also helpless. If he was not allowed to stay here, then he didn't stay. Anyway, as long as he could take him back, it would be fine. In the end, he suppressed his temper and returned to his sleeping place at night.

He just wanted to lie down on the quilt when Zhang Oumei came over.

He looked at the woman who came over and sneered, "What are you doing here? Do you know that I can't stand you? Be careful, I will kill you right here. After all, no one will come. If I kill you in this broken place where I sleep, they won't be able to find you."

The two people's dislike for each other is obvious.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have sent people to the island immediately after Zhang Oumei betrayed him, but Zhang Oumei is not afraid of him now.

"If you want to kill me, you wouldn't tell me slowly here, but would have done it a long time ago. You also saw the people outside just now. There are so many people blocking our yacht. If we don't drive them away, the yacht can't go out."

Zhang Ting also thought of this problem, but Li Jun said that he shouldn't let him solve it, and he would take them away, so he came back to sleep, but what does it mean that Zhang Oumei came here to tell him?

He looked at the woman walking back and forth in this broken place with doubt, "Just say what you want to say. If you have nothing to say, leave here quickly, so that they won't come over later and think that I kidnapped you here again and want to throw you into the sea."

He kept walking here, and he suspected that he wanted to find some problems here and frame him, so he urged Zhang Oumei to leave his sleeping place quickly.

But he thought that after saying this, the woman would leave, but she closed the door of his broken place.

He stepped back a few steps vigilantly, "Why close the door? You can't really want to torture yourself here and recommend it to me. I tell you it's so dangerous outside."

"Our way has also been blocked by someone. If you want to make trouble here, we will follow you and leave on the sea."

He now hates Zhang Oumei very much. After all, the woman betrayed him in the past, and it was because of the revenge for killing his father, so he wanted to take revenge here. He also had ideas, but he also knew the situation outside.

If he took revenge now, it would only cause trouble for the people outside, and it would be difficult for them to leave from here. He wanted to return to the shore and live a good life.

Even if it was for the people who rescued him this time, he didn't do anything to him in this dilapidated place. But if he couldn't let it go, how could he get rid of this false accusation?

But after Zhang Oumei closed the door, he clapped his hands and said, "What are you thinking? They finally rescued me from the beast's hands. How could I commit suicide here and then shirk it to you."

It's really not easy to survive from the beast's hands. Such a person should have a firm ability to survive, so there is really no possibility of suicide, but what did he want to do by closing the door?

Then he heard Zhang Oumei say mysteriously, "The people outside have climbed onto the yacht, and they will soon pry open the window and come in, so we have to find a way to drive the people outside away."It sounded like she wanted him to go out and chase them away, but Li Jun had already chased him back. What homework did he have to do? Why didn't he agree with what Zhang Oumei said and lie down on his tattered quilt and prepare to sleep?

Seeing him so depressed, the woman kicked his quilt and said, "Do you want to chase them away with me? I know you must be eager to leave the sea, but you can't leave without chasing them away. Think about it yourself."

Li Jun had a headache because of his noise, so he pulled out another quilt to cover his head and slept in another direction. He didn't want to listen to him talking about the way he thought of to leave the sea.

Seeing that he was so reluctant, the woman left after all. Li Jun went back to the room on the yacht because he had some trouble there, but he didn't find Zhang Oumei in the room.

Worried that Zhang Ting would do something, he came to the shabby place where he slept. When he just came, he saw that the door of Zhang Ting's sleeping place was closed.

He was nervous and wanted to push the door open, because the woman was about to leave, and the two of them just pulled and pulled the door open.

He hurriedly pulled the woman out of the room, and then he was relieved when he saw Zhang Ting just sleeping with his head covered.

"Why are you here? Didn't I tell you? He will do something to you."

"Besides, there are not many people here, there are a lot of empty places, and there are a few windows. He wants you to open the windows directly and throw you out of the yacht."

Zhang Ting, who didn't want to listen to them, was a little reluctant.

He didn't want to hurt anyone, nor did he bring anyone here, but he said this as if he couldn't wait to throw Zhang Oumei down to feed the sharks, so he threw the quilt and looked at Li Jun and said.

"He came here by himself, I didn't kidnap him, why do you say that to me? And don't let him disturb my sleep here."

After saying that, he got up from the broken quilt he was lying on the ground, and then pushed the two people out of his little corner and closed the door.

After closing the door, he patted his own door and shouted, "Don't come over here, either of you. If anything happens to anyone, it will be my fault."

After reading it, he picked up the torn quilt thrown on the ground and lay down, then covered his head again. Now he would not open the door no matter who knocked on his door. Anyway, Li Jun promised him that he would take him back to exchange for his goods.

It was none of his business that someone came to rob them of their money on the yacht. Anyway, even if he came, he had no money to give them. At most, he could just throw him to the bottom of the sea to feed the sharks.

The two people who were pushed out by them looked unhappy. Li Jun looked at them and said to the brothers.

"Don't go to his broken room again. You know he is like a lunatic. He is a lunatic. If he gets crazy, he will definitely throw you down."

Thinking of the day when he brought Zhang Oumei to the island without saying a word and then left here alone, he felt scared.

Zhang Oumei also knew that he had made everyone worried by coming to him, so he stopped thinking about his own way and went back to the room on the yacht to sleep.

After they had solved the problem here, Li Jun went to find Xu Xi.

"Just now I asked you to go out and keep watching whether that person would destroy our windows and come into the yacht. What do you think?"

Xu Xi pointed in a direction. There was a very huge window in that direction. If they wanted to break the windows, they should also break this one, and many people could come in at the same time, but it was still intact, which meant that the person had not taken action yet.

He looked at Li Jun and said, "Are they here to rob money? If they are, after they come in, should we hide the money in the secret base of the yacht, or give it all to them."

If they don't give them the money, the people who come to rob money will not believe that they don't have any of these here, which will definitely pose a threat to the people in the yacht, but if they give them the money, that is the money they brought.

Li Jun looked at the window. The people outside were still beating it, but he would not come in if they didn't break it.

He frowned, his eyes full of confusion, "Don't think about it for now, as long as they don't come over and hurt our people, then don't worry about them."

"Since they are happy to stay on our yacht, then let them stay. Anyway, they are not blocking many roads now, and we can drive the yacht out as long as we want."

When he went to the broken house to find Zhang Ting just now, he had already thought of all the route plans for their yacht. If they retreated and went to the right, thenThe place is very wide, and they can choose their own route freely.

Even if the robbers follow them and want to block them, they can't block the way back, so they don't worry about him breaking the window and coming to rob the money.

Thinking about it, he told Xu Xi the route he had thought of, "Go and tell the yacht driver to retreat later, and then choose a route over there."

"Don't go forward any more, if you go forward, new people may come out and block all our roads."

Now they are facing danger, and they all listen to the boss's words. Since the boss asked them to retreat, then retreat, but he has not studied these routes.

He didn't know what road to take ahead, and he didn't know if there would be risks if he turned back later, but he still went to find the yacht driver after Li Jun left.

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