"The boss told you to go back. After you go, you will know what routes there are."

He scratched his head in confusion, but Xu Xi did not say what routes there were. After all, the boss did not tell him, and they did not do research, but they all used them for navigation.

There should be a route when they get there, and they hope that what the boss said is reliable. In the end, they all listened to the boss and turned back. No one stood up to object, but the people who blocked them panicked.

"One or two of our people just got on their yacht. What does it mean that they are going back now? Are they going to go back to that island? If they go back to that island, should we follow them?"

They had to let their boss answer a series of questions.

But their boss had no education since he was a child, and he dared to rob money here by relying on his reckless strength. Now he asked him if he wanted to go to the island, so he had to pursue him.

"Chase them, why don't you chase them? They dare to go back, so we dare to chase them. We have prepared everything on their yacht. If we really use ferocious beasts on the island, they are definitely not as strong as us."

"So we can definitely beat those ferocious beasts, and if they are killed by those beasts, then their entire yacht will belong to us. Hurry up and chase them."

Their boss said it very well, but they didn't think about it at all. Their yacht was bought decades ago, and the quality of the yacht is definitely not as good as Li Jun's.

If they encountered a beast there, their yacht would be smashed by the beast in one go, but Li Jun's yacht was as solid as a rock, and it couldn't be broken even if dozens of lions surrounded it.

In the end, they hurriedly chased after them, vowing that they wanted to return to the island, so they didn't think about the route, just follow them.

However, when Li Jun and his friendship took a sharp turn, it was because they didn't think about it, so they didn't have time to react.

They drove straight ahead. It was too late to turn now. They quickly turned to the island and the ferocious beasts on the island also noticed it.

The lions on the island surrounded them, and everyone on the yacht was scared.

"Why did they suddenly change the route? Did they trick us into staying on the island? They drove the yacht away. If we are attacked by these lions, our yacht will not survive."

Others said, "Boss, what route are you commanding? Now we are trapped on the island. You should think of other routes and let us leave the island."

Because there were many sharks and lions surrounding them, they did not dare to move at all.

And their boss had been frightened by the ferocious beasts above and had liquid flowing out from his body. The yellow liquid immediately gave off a strange smell on the yacht.

They covered their noses and looked at their boss.

"Boss, when you were chasing us, didn't you say that we have more people and more strength, and we are definitely stronger than the people on their yacht, and we can kill the beasts with our stuff? Why are you so scared now?"

Being scared to this extent, they, as the younger brothers, really felt embarrassed, but they must unite as one, otherwise they will be eaten by the beasts on the upper part when they rush over.

They want to unite, but their reckless boss doesn't want to unite with them.

He slapped the younger brother who said he was scared.

"Who are you talking about being scared? Now you said that we will leave as long as we drive away these fierce beasts. Since you are not afraid, then take our stuff and go down and drive all the beasts away for me."

Because he was laughed at by his younger brothers, his face was not good.

Then he looked at those people, drove them all down, and went to the yacht to deal with the beasts.

And Li Jun was overjoyed when he saw that their yacht did not catch up.

"Let's get rid of them all first. Drive wherever you want, as long as we can drive back to the direction we came from."

Everyone was very lucky. Although there were still one or two people on their yacht who came to rob them of their money, they could throw them off to feed the sharks with just a flick of their fingers.

But since they didn't pry open the window to get in, they wouldn't throw them off.

Anyway, their boss had already driven his yacht to the island and would die there, so these two people would be regarded as the people on their yacht and taken back when they were ready.

In their hearts, they thought they would not touch these people, butThe two were extremely scared.

"Why didn't our boss catch up? Now there are only two of us on their yacht. Will they open the window and throw us down to feed the sharks?"

Another person who was also guarding the window with him and whose legs were shaking with fear said, "How do I know if they will throw us down? But they are about to sail out of this sea, and there are few sharks in front."

But what does the lack of sharks in front have to do with them being thrown down to feed the sharks? He looked down at the sea and was so scared that he shrank back.

The person next to him who was also extremely scared slapped him on the head.

"If they want to attack us and smash the stern later, we can just jump down. We can swim faster and won't be eaten by sharks."

"But if they throw us down, we will definitely be fed to sharks as food."

The two decided that as long as they broke the window, they would jump down from here at any time. Anyway, it would be much better than waiting for more sharks to be fed.

When they both followed their yacht to the shore, they were not thrown down.

So they were very lucky, but when they were about to open the oil field, the two quickly jumped down from the yacht and left here. If they were caught by them, they might be thrown over there again.

Xu Xi looked at the two people who were scared and jumped down from the yacht and said with a smile.

"They are really scared. If we wanted to attack them on the yacht, we would have thrown them off long ago. We would not have thrown them off after reaching the shore. These two people did not need to think about it."

"But it is right for them to run away now, because we can't leave the people who want to rob us here. We will definitely call the police to arrest them."

After complaining about the two people who jumped off the yacht and ran away, he called everyone out. After all, they had already reached the shore. Those who should go home should go home, and those who should be exchanged should go to exchange.

Li Jun came out with their brothers, and Zhang Ting stayed at the end.

He didn't want to run away now. Anyway, Li Jun would take it to a safe person and exchange with them. He didn't know who it was, but he knew it must be someone who could get him out of here.

After several people waited for a while by the yacht, the car to pick them up arrived.

Because he was afraid that he still had some thoughts of running away, Xu Xi finally got into a car with Zhang Ting.

In the car, Zhang Ting wanted to ask who wanted to exchange her because she was not unfamiliar with him.

"I have never met anyone with such power who could intercept his goods. If he had those goods, I would make more money. Why would he want to exchange me?"

"It won't be someone who wants to harm me again, and then take me away and continue to torture me like you tortured me on the island."

They swore that they would be sent to a safe place, and after thinking that they would be harmed, they didn't want to be exchanged.

It was okay to chat with him for a few words. Anyway, the person who came to pick them up was not their boss's man and would not know these things, so he recalled the person he saw in the private room that day.

The man who robbed their goods was wearing a mask, so he didn't know who wanted to exchange, but he knew that the man's aura was very strong.

After thinking for a while, he said he didn't know and planned to close his eyes and sleep.

After all, on the yacht, they were overly worried about these routes, and they didn't sleep all night. As for Zhang Ting and his friends, they arrived at a small broken place. Although it was not good, fortunately he had several quilts and slept there peacefully.

Seeing him fall asleep with his eyes closed, Zhang Ting chatted with the driver again.

"Let your handover people come to pick us up. Then who is your boss? Is it good for me to exchange me?"

The drivers who were arranged to pick them up were all like dumb. No matter he asked indirectly or reported all the names he knew, the drivers didn't answer when asked if it was these people.

He asked until his mouth was dry, and he didn't ask who it was before he found out. Oh, he had already arrived at the exchange place.

Zhang Ting and Li Jun went in together. After they came to the private room, they saw the man wearing a mask again.

He pushed the man over and asked, "Let him bring it to you in the morning. You said that as long as I bring the people over, the goods will be returned. I will now sign the contractTake it out."

But when he reached out to ask the man for the contract, several people rushed in from outside the private room and surrounded them with sticks.

"You tied our people to the island for so long and asked him to help you find people. Now you want to take your contract back safely. Do you think it's possible? "

The man stood up from the sofa. It was obvious that the person guarding outside was someone he had arranged long ago. In the end, when he brought the person back, he would never give him the contract.

Many people would violate their own will. When it was agreed that the things to be given were on the yacht, Li Jun had already thought of it.

Especially, the person he was going to exchange with the contract was Zhang Ting.

Zhang Ting was not a good person. He could bring a woman to the island and let him face ferocious beasts? Naturally, the person who saved him would not be such a good person.

So when he drove the yacht back, he dared to bring him to exchange the contract immediately, so he had already made preparations.

Although many people surrounded them in the private room now, Li Jun also acted very calmly, but looked at the contract in his hand.

"Do you think I dare to come to you without making preparations?"

As their people saw, Li Jun was not afraid, so what preparations did he make?

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