"I didn't want to kill you so soon, after all, you look pretty, but now Li Jun has said that if I don't delete you, he will kill me."

Zhang Oumei has woken up now. He didn't expect that he would be kidnapped by them after waking up. He couldn't escape even if the remaining arrows were placed on the tree.

He saw Li Jun holding his younger brother over there and said.

"Li Jun, leave this mountain quickly. They seem to be hiding people on the mountain. If you kill them on the mountain, the group of people will rush out, and you can't take me away at that time."

Li Jun was not afraid of these at all, otherwise he would not have gotten rid of those people and come to the mountain to save people by himself.

And now they are almost bringing people to this place, so they told Zhang Oumei.

"Don't worry, even if he kidnaps you now, it's useless. His little brother is still in my hands. He can only talk at most."

If the boss really wanted to kill Zhang Oumei, he would have been dead by the time his kidnapped little brother came over, but now he is just tying him up and doing nothing.

At this moment, Xu Xi had already brought all the people who came to the mountain with them to find people after receiving the news from Li Jun. After they came, they saw Zhang Oumei being kidnapped, and Li Jun and his little brother said.

"Hand him over to me now, and untie him first. Don't be afraid of the boss, we are all watching here. If they really want to make a move, we can just beat him to death."

Because there were quite a lot of them, the boss was a little scared. He thought that only Li Jun came to the mountain, but he didn't expect that he was so scheming, so he looked at Li Jun and said.

"Do you know the rules of the underworld? If you come here to save people, you must come by yourself. Why do you bring helpers now? No wonder. You just said that if I don't let him go, you will throw me and my younger brother away from the mountain."

Now that there are so many people here, he can't handle it himself, so he might really let the person go, but he is not willing to let go of the money, so he looks at Zhang Oumei with his hands tied.

If he wants to, he has already sent the person here, even if they untie the person today, Li Jun will definitely not let them leave the mountain, so he directly stabbed Zhang Oumei in the chest with his knife.

Because Li Jun didn't expect him to suddenly attack, he walked slowly when approaching him, trying to pull the person over, but he didn't expect him to be so fast, and stabbed the knife into his chest.

"It seems that you really don't want to leave here. Come here quickly and tie them all to the tree like you tied Zhang Oumei. I wonder how long they can last on this mountain."

Finally, Xu Xi also came to Zhang Oumei quickly, kidnapped the boss, and then tied the rope to him and tied him to the tree.

"Just stay here for two days. Didn't you say there are rescuers on the mountain? If there are, then we will kidnap you to the mountain, and they will definitely untie you after we leave."

The boss didn't expect them to do this, so he said.

"You are too shameless. Untie the rope for me quickly, otherwise, I will definitely let the people behind you kill all of you."

But Xu Xi didn't listen to him at all, and talked to Li Jun instead.

"He has been stabbed in the chest now. Take him to get treatment. Leave this little brother and the boss to me. I will definitely make them both obedient on the mountain."

Li Jun looked at the people kidnapped on the tree. He believed that Xu Xi would definitely cure them, but he was also worried about Zhang Oumei. After all, they still had a long way to go down the mountain. Then someone came.

"Don't worry, Li Jun. When we came to find you, a helicopter had already been dispatched. It will probably arrive in a minute. You wait here first. When the helicopter comes, you can take Zhang Oumei away."

Li Jun was very grateful to them. If they hadn't brought the helicopter, he might not have been able to take Zhang Oumei down the mountain.

Soon, the helicopter they said came to rescue them reached the top of the mountain, and then threw down the rope. Li Jun tied himself and Zhang Oumei together, and then got on the helicopter.

"Do you have a doctor here? Someone is injured now. If we go to the hospital, we don't know if he can stop the bleeding in time, so we have to find a doctor."

After arriving on the helicopter, heThe people inside shouted, and one of them raised his hand and said.

"I can bandage it, and there is something on the helicopter, please move aside first so I can clean it up and bandage it, and then take him to the hospital."

Li Jun looked at the male doctor. Now he didn't want the male doctor to bandage Zhang Oumei. If he didn't bandage it, the wound would get inflamed, so he had to move aside.

"He is very afraid of pain, so you have to put the medicine on him gently later, otherwise it will hurt a lot."

Others were about to laugh at Li Jun secretly. How could it not hurt to bandage the wound? But they also knew that he had coronary heart disease, so they all left the room in the plane, leaving Li Jun and the male doctor inside to watch Zhang Oumei.

"Okay, I just applied the medicine on his wound, and you're worried that I might make a mistake, right? So why don't you bandage it yourself?"

The main reason is that Li Jun thinks that the male doctor is a man, and when he returns to Zhang Oumei, he will have improper thoughts, so he doesn't want the male doctor to bandage him.

But now the bandage is in his hands, and he stands in front of Zhang Oumei who is lying on the bed at a loss.

In the end, the boy also saw that he didn't know how to look at the bandage, so he put the bandage on himself and demonstrated it to him.

"Just wrap the wound like this, and then cover it. Go and try it. I'm leaving the room first. If you still can't bandage it, give it to me."

Anyway, it's not certain whether Li Jun can bandage it, so he gave it to Li Jun first.

After he left, Li Jun looked at the place where the medicine was applied on Zhang Oumei's body, and he bandaged the wound with a distressed heart. Then he carefully learned how the doctor taught him, and finally fixed the wound.

After bandaging the wound, he wondered if there was any hope of attracting Zhang Oumei, but he had been waiting in front of the bed for a long time, and Zhang Oumei's forehead was just sweating.

Soon the helicopter reached the ground.

"Call the doctor quickly and treat Zhang Oumei. It seems that the medicine on his chest is no longer effective. If it continues, the wound will probably get inflamed again."

Li Jun was very anxious, so he quickly carried Zhang Oumei into the hospital, but the doctor said loudly when he saw him holding Zhang Oumei up.

"He has a knife wound on his chest now. If you hold him too hard and run, his wound will collapse again. Hurry up and put him on the bed."

Li Jun was so scared after hearing what he said that he quickly put Zhang Oumei on the bed, and then the doctor in the hospital quickly pushed their bed over, put Zhang Oumei on it and talked to Li Jun.

"Aren't you his family member? Come with us to the hospital. If we need to perform the operation later, we will need your signature. You can't stay here all the time."

Li Jun was also very anxious, so he quickly pushed the cart with the doctors and sent Zhang Oumei to the hospital. After pushing him into the operation room, he called Xu Xi.

"Have they dealt with the two of them on the mountain? If they have, come to the hospital quickly. The situation here is quite urgent."

Now that he has someone else's situation, he doesn't want to wait alone in the ward, so he wants to let him go out and accompany him.

But Xu Xi on the mountain called him and said.

"We want him to suffer for a while on the mountain, so he won't leave now. You stay in the ward first and wait until we deal with this, and then we will hurry back to the ward."

If they don't come to the hospital now, Li Jun can't force them to come, so he has to wait alone in the hospital.

After a while, the doctor came out and looked at Li Jun.

"We found that he not only had knife wounds, but also other illnesses. We have to perform two operations on him quickly. You have to sign your name now."

But when he took the signature sheet, Li Jun hesitated.

"Do we have to perform two operations now? Will it affect his other wounds? Otherwise, do them one by one. We have time here. We will leave when you have completed the operation."

He had heard that some people had abnormalities after having two operations, and they died directly on the operating table, so he didn't want Zhang Oumei to have two operations at the same time.

But the doctor urged him.

"Can the situation be the same? If there is enough time, it can indeed be done slowly."

"But one of his conditions has worsened, and the wound is bleeding now. If it is not stopped in time,If he bleeds, these two diseases can kill him. "

After hearing the doctor say that his condition has worsened, Li Jun quickly signed the surgery form for him.

"Well, I have signed it now. I am waiting outside. You should go in and operate on him quickly. Don't let anything unexpected happen."

He was really afraid of accidents, but when the doctor took the signed form in, the auctioneer called him.

"The goods here have already started to be produced. You need to go over and watch them. Otherwise, you should come back now."

The boss of the sports meeting didn't know that they had already found Zhang Oumei, and Zhang Oumei was now in the hospital for surgery, so he called to urge Li Jun.

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