Li Jun was in low spirits now, so he said.

"Let's not go now. Ask the manager to call him and tell him that we have other goods to produce and other orders to contact. Let him take care of it first."

This was the only reason he could find now. The boss of the auction actually heard him say it and was very curious if he didn't go.

"Weren't you very anxious before, asking them to produce the goods quickly and then bankrupt them? Why can't you go over now? If you don't go, how can you do anything about their products?"

It's impossible for me to bankrupt their company just by selling them bad products, so I can only do something when they produce them and let their products have problems.

Only when everyone finds problems when using them can their company be in danger.

Li Jun wanted to take care of their company's affairs the most before, but now he just wants to take good care of Zhang Oumei, so he said to the boss after the auction.

"If you feel that the manager is not assured of going over to check the car, you can go over, anyway, I can't go now."

The boss of the auction said when he felt something was wrong.

"Have you not found Zhang Oumei yet? Or is there something wrong with Zhang Oumei that has made you like this now? You have to explain it to me clearly, otherwise I will not go to their company to watch."

Li Jun looked at the ward of the hospital, and then looked at the operating room in front of him. The operation inside had not stopped yet, and he said to the auction boss very tiredly.

"We have found Zhang Oumei. We found him in the mountains, but they stabbed him in the chest when they really wanted to catch him back. Now he is in the operating room, and other problems have arisen."

Now it is known that if Zhang Oumei has problems during the operation, Li Jun will feel even more guilty, so the boss Pan Panhui did not force him to come back and said.

"In that case, you can watch in the hospital first, and then I will go to the place where they cooperate to see, if possible, I will quickly start working on their products."

If he went to their company as the boss of the auction, the people in their company would definitely stop him and not let him in.

He had no choice but to take out the mask that Li Jun usually used. Anyway, they were the same height, but there was a problem with his voice, so he quickly took his mask to the company.

When the people in the company saw Li Jun coming, they asked.

"Why do you wear this mask every day? Aren't you tired? Anyway, today we are just looking at some products. Otherwise, you should take off the mask and see what kind of people I am working with."

But the boss of the auction said.

"I just wear a mask because I am too ugly, and there is no connection between me wearing a mask and you looking at the products, so there is no need to take it off at all. You should take me to see it quickly."

But the voice of his explanation was a little different, so he said.

"It wasn't this voice before. Could it be that there was something wrong with your voice that caused it to be damaged? But it can't be that your voice is damaged in such a short time."

Hearing his explanation that his voice was damaged, so he spoke strangely, the man believed it and took them to the place where the products were produced.

"We have invested a lot of effort now, and hope that they can produce it as soon as possible, but I hope you can also help."

The boss of the auction frowned. They signed the contract, and the products have been delivered to them. Now the production should all belong to them. Why do you want me to help again? He asked.

"Is it because you don't have enough manpower now, and then you can't produce it? If so, why did you sign so many contracts in the first place? You can just say no earlier. Why ask us for help now?"

It's impossible for me to send some people to help them produce the products.

Not only will I not send people, even if Li Jun is carrying people today, their company will not ask people to come.

Zhang Ming said when he heard that he was unwilling to help.

"Please remember this clearly. This contract is signed by both of us. If my product cannot be released, my company will suffer losses, and your company will also suffer losses."

The boss of the auction kept sneering under the mask, but he really could never be a good partner. The contract given to them at the auction was fake. Now they took the initiative to find this person to sign the contract, but they still did this to him.

Thinking that only if the product was successfully sold, they could deceive the man,He said.

"But in this case, I will send two people from our company to help you in two days, but it depends on your company to produce the main products."

Zhang Ming was very happy when he heard that he was willing to send people over, and he didn't care that it was just two people.

"Okay, don't worry, as long as you get the people in place this time, we will definitely get the product ready. The product will be on the market in two days, and you will definitely make hundreds of millions."

What is he thinking in his heart, isn't it just sending two people? Do you really think that this can help? And it's impossible to give him hundreds of millions. Even if the product makes money, he will secretly hide a lot of accounts.

Tell him that there is not so much money, and then keep the money in your own company.

After the problem here was solved, the boss of the auction went to the hospital.

"I thought he suddenly asked us to go to the company today because of something important. It turned out that he couldn't make his own product, so he wanted us to transfer two people to help them."

After Li Jun finished speaking ill of him, he looked at Zhang Oumei, who was still lying on the bed. The situation was still not optimistic, but if he was not well now, Li Jun could not return to the company, so he said to Li Jun.

"I have a friend who also specializes in brain problems. Although he was hit, it is also related to the brain. Otherwise, I will ask my friend to see him."

Li Jun looked at the heroine lying on the bed, poured him a glass of water, and only spoke to the boss of the auction after seeing him drink the water.

"Since he wants people, just give it to him directly. Anyway, our purpose is just to destroy their company, not to make any money."

Now their companies are waiting to close the net, and it is not the time to keep people in their company.

After telling him to take the man over, he thought of the auction boss, who just said that he had a friend who could treat his brain.

"In that case, let your friend come over to see Zhang Oumei first. After all, the doctor here said that they can only observe before treating Zhang Oumei. Maybe your friend will see a turnaround after seeing him."

In fact, Li Jun hoped that his brain could be cured when they were about to return to the country. After all, he was hit several times this time, which was really serious.

The auction boss glanced at the female protagonist lying on the bed, and then went outside to contact his friends.

"What's the matter? Is someone sick? Usually you don't contact me, a brain doctor."

The auction boss said to the person on the phone very seriously.

"It's true that there is a problem. I have a partner here. His girlfriend was hit on the brain by someone else. I hope you can come and see it. She was hit several times."

When the man heard that the person who stood up was a woman and had a brain injury, he told the auction boss.

"Then you just stand there first, I'll go to the hospital right away. It just so happens that the surgery here is over, and I can go home. I'll go see what's wrong with his father...

After hanging up the phone, he rushed from the hospital to another hospital.

In order to take him to the ward as soon as possible, the boss of the auction had already picked him up at the door of the hospital, and took him to the door of Zhang Oumei's ward and said to him.

"The doctor here has already examined him and said that the situation is not optimistic. He has to stay in the hospital for a few days to see when he can be cured."

He has always been the best in medicine, especially in brain research, so he hurried to the door of Zhang Oumei's ward.

"You discuss with the doctor here first, whether I can use the equipment in their hospital to check his brain. ”

The boss of the auction is quite prestigious in this area, so the doctor agreed to use the equipment in their hospital after communicating with the dean, and then took them to the Procuratorate.

"The equipment is all in there, and they are all the most advanced. Just take him in for a direct check."

Li Jun was still a little worried, but the boss of the auction pulled him and said.

"He has professional certification in the medical field for brain research. You can rest assured to let him see Zhang Oumei. It is definitely better than the doctors here. Maybe after he sees him, Zhang Oumei will be able to leave the hospital in a few days."

Before entering the Procuratorate, the man heard his good brother praising him so much, and he whistled and said.

"Don't talk so well first, after all, the person's brain is injured, and he needs to be treated well."

Then he went in to check Zhang Oumei. Li Jun was waiting in the hospital.The distribution of vaccines was all anxious, so the boss of the auction had to go back to arrange their auction affairs.

When the man came out after examining Zhang Oumei, the boss of the auction was gone, and he said to Li Jun.

"He was hit several times, and his brain was seriously injured, but at least there was no injury at the root. Just give him an operation and he will be fine."

The doctor of this hospital immediately disagreed.

"How can the operation on the head be done at will? I think it's better for him to rest well in the hospital."

Anyway, he didn't see the doctor, but looked at Li Jun to ask.

"This is the woman you brought here. You are now half of his family members abroad. Do you think you should have an operation? If the operation doesn't happen, I will leave the hospital first."

He originally came to help his good brother and see this injured woman. If it wasn't his good brother, he wouldn't have made time at all. He came here for the operation outside.

Li Jun looked inside the Procuratorate and said to the man.

"If we do surgery on his head, will there be any risks?"

The doctor was right. Surgery on the head cannot be done casually. If it fails, the patient may not be able to leave the operating room.

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