HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Vol 2 Chapter 1428: Hide the strong!

As the saying goes, there are no wet shoes when standing by the river, and flying smoothly for a few days without hindrance. Just out of the tortoise area, before entering the boundary of another monster clan, the Kunpeng group of three people was stopped.

"Whoever crosses the boundary, come and die!"

A shout came from deep space, but no one was seen.

Kunpeng originally didn't want to stop his figure, but after another thought, since there was an obstacle, let Huang Rong and Mei Chaofeng solve it. Regardless of the strength of the opponent, it is an experience for them.

The two seemed to know what he meant. When the three of them hovered in the air, before Kunpeng could speak, Mei Chaofeng had already responded to where the voice came from: "I am waiting to come from Turtle Shoucheng to the Spirit Race Because the matter is urgent, there will be a lot of interruptions, and I have not notified it. If you offend, please forgive me."

"Whether you are in a hurry or not, come and die!"

"I don't know why you forcibly blocked it, please tell me."

"Stupid, you crossed the line, understand? I still ask why, I don't know how you evolved into demons. I am really anxious for your poor wisdom."

"Brother, why can't I sense where he is, and what kind of demon boundary is here, why don't you see the border soldiers, but there are strong men who can't meet in the deep space?"

"Before we forgot to inquire, who is the next monster clan next to the tortoise clan, now we can only let us know."

Huang Rong smiled and said, "Okay, brother, you're waiting for us here. Sister, let's go and find him. I don't believe that he can't be found if this dragon sees the head and the tail."

Mei Chaofeng also smiled and glanced at Kunpeng, and then the two and Huang Rong flew quickly into deep space.

The voice came from deep space, and they believed that the place where the man was hiding must also be in deep space.

Of course, there is another way they can draw that person out, and that is to fly to the depths of the area under their control.

In that case, these hidden powerhouses would no longer be able to sit still, and would immediately show up to intercept them or even kill them. However, there is also a possibility that the opponent is too strong and they cannot effectively resist and counterattack. That would be a tragedy. Although they also know that Kunpeng is definitely not weak, Kunpeng has repeatedly emphasized that his strength has not been fully restored, so they dare not do that. If there is too strong a presence here, Kunpeng may also be put in danger.

The two quickly interspersed in deep space, but found nothing.

"Hey guy, tell us to come over, now we are here, but he doesn't show up. Senior sister, do you think he deliberately pretended to be a fool and avoid us to scare people?"

"It should not be. At the border of a race, it is impossible to have strong people. Although these strong people's cultivation base will not be too high, they are relatively not too weak. And before, I felt it carefully, and I didn't find that person. His breath, his voice transmission can be so far and clear, this itself also needs the strong to do it."

"Then I can't find it now, what should I do?"

"If you can't find it, let's go back. See what the master says, maybe the master can perceive his existence and even find out his cultivation level. But now the master wants to train us, so he probably won't say it."

Both of them are a little depressed now, although they are next to Kun Peng, they are almost as far away as not. ..

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