HongHuang I am The Demon Kunpeng

Vol 2 Chapter 1429: Being held hostage!

When Huang Rong and Mei Chaofeng fell outside the boundary, they were suddenly startled.

Below, Kunpeng was being surrounded by a group of monsters of unknown strength, and one of them had taken him hostage, with a magical sword on his neck.

And because they couldn't feel the strength level of this group of monsters, the two suddenly felt troubled. Their cultivation level may have surpassed them, and now it is quite difficult to rescue Kun Peng.

The two dared not fly towards the group of demons, they could only watch from a distance.

"What to do, Senior Sister?"

Huang Rong's eyes looked at Kunpeng surrounded by the group of demons, and there was clearly a panic in his eyes, and the cleverness of the past disappeared at this time.

Mei Chaofeng sighed: "I suspect that the master was deliberately kidnapped by them. If they can really kidnap the master, I'm afraid that I won't be able to save him at all."

"Not necessarily, Senior Sister. Brother's strength has not been restored. Besides, the strength of these monsters is also ridiculously high. They are not Tier Nine at all. They should be like us, surpassing Tier Nine. We met in the turtle clan before. When it comes to the spirit body, are these monsters not monsters, but spirit bodies? If they are spirit bodies, they are probably waiting for us specially. They should also know that the three spirit bodies on the turtle monster died at the hands of their brothers. , So maybe this trip is here to arrest my brother."

Mei Chaofeng was also silent.

Huang Rong said that it is really possible. However, if this is the case, then come to capture Kunpeng's spirit body, the cultivation base will definitely surpass the fifth level of the spirit level by a lot, maybe it is possible to reach the eighth or ninth level. In this way, the two of them would really have no way to rescue him.

At this moment, she faintly felt a sound wave.

Quickly meditate and feel that it is indeed Kunpeng’s ventriloquist transmission: “Super Wind, these are all spirit bodies, and the three with the strongest strength are at the eighth level of the spirit level, that is, the three with artifacts around this seat. Remember Their appearance, don’t encounter them. The other spirit bodies are not low, most of them are at the sixth and seventh levels of the spiritual level, but not at the fifth level. So don’t act rashly, get out of your own mind, and return to the turtle clan first. This seat will look for opportunities to get out of their control, and then come to you."

Hearing these words, Mei Chaofeng was still a little confused, it seems that the master is really being held hostage.

With the master's levelless cultivation base being held hostage, it can only show that the spirit body that appeared, the overall strength should surpass Kunpeng.

With Huang Rong and Mei Chaofeng, the two women swiftly moved freely, blessed with spiritual power, and ran away quickly.

Those spirit bodies had already seen them, and when they flew, they didn't do anything, thinking they would fly directly to them, after all, their male companion was here, and they would come to rescue or attack them anyway.

But things backfired. After staying in the distance for a while, they left quickly.

How could it be possible for them to escape, and immediately flew out of half of the spirit body, more than a dozen people, chasing through the air.

"Rong'er, if I really can't escape, I will stay and stop them. You must try to escape and leave us alone. The master will try to escape afterwards and then come to you."

Huang Rong was shocked. She didn't receive Kunpeng's ventriloquist just now. She didn't know that these monsters were spirit bodies: "Senior sister, are these spirit bodies? Are they strong? Besides, if I escape, you won't fall into them too. Is it in hand?"..

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