It is difficult to open up the world, but easy to destroy it.

The formation of the two Hunyuan worlds seems simple, but it is extremely difficult to get them together again!

It can be said that from the moment the two worlds were formed.

The prehistoric era will no longer be the original prehistoric era.

Even if the two worlds reunite, it will start with the disappearance of the other world.

There will be a Hunyuan world that will be swallowed up in the process of aggregation!

Therefore, from the moment they were born, there was no possibility of peaceful coexistence between these two worlds!

Not to mention that the existence that dominates these two worlds is still a sworn enemy!

In the past, although Taihao and Hongjun both regarded each other as a thorn in each other's side, they did not fall out and could still sit down to drink tea and discuss Taoism.

But from now on, it will no longer be possible!

If the two of them meet again, there will definitely be another battle that shocks Chaos!

"Taihao, although you ruined Lao Dao's plan, from Hedao's perspective, Lao Dao probably has to thank you!"

Hongjun said meaningfully.

Taihao was noncommittal.

He knew very well what Hongjun meant. Even if he didn't calculate it, he could understand it through Hongjun's changes.

Speaking of which, after the two Hunyuan worlds were formed, Hongjun changed.

The most obvious change is definitely the decline in strength.

If Honghuang is divided into ten parts, Taihao will get four parts, Hongjun will get five parts, and one part will become fragments, becoming large, medium and small. Three Thousand Worlds!

Although five copies are many, it is only half of the complete Primordial World.

So naturally, Hedao Hongjun's strength will not be reduced , but there is still a significant change compared to before.

This is because the power of Hedao Hongjun comes from the Dao of Heaven, and the Dao of Heaven comes from the prehistoric period!

It is not difficult to understand that Hongjun's strength has declined since the prehistoric period was divided.

Heavenly Dao has become weaker.

Heavenly Dao's control over Hongjun has become much weaker.

If in the past, Hongjun would completely lose himself and become an emotionless spokesperson for Heavenly Dao, then now, he can retain himself.

Although not all, it is definitely a good thing for Hongjun!

Thinking of this, Taihao raised his eyes and glanced at Hongjun.

He was considering whether to take action.

Afterwards, Hongjun's consciousness will not disappear, and he will definitely be a hidden danger in the future!

It just so happens that Hongjun's strength has dropped a lot.

If he can kill Hongjun at this moment, wouldn't he be able to eliminate a major threat and annex the gang ? The Yuan World? This idea didn't last long in Taihao's mind, so he put it aside and gave up the idea of doing it now.

It was not that he didn't want to, but that he couldn't do it.

But he will devote most of his extra strength to maintaining the Hunyuan world.

In comparison, Hongjun will have a much easier time maintaining the Hunyuan world.

He knew Honghuang better than Taihao, so it was naturally much easier.

Taihao could only put down the idea of taking action.

It just so happened that Hongjun also had this intention.

"Although the prehistoric world is no longer here, sooner or later I will make the two worlds merge into one!"Tahao said firmly.

"Don’t be too full of words! Fellow Taoist Taoist Taoist, you should first find a way to stabilize this world, and then talk about other things!"

Hongjun replied unceremoniously, and then waved the dust in his hand, taking a part of the Hunyuan world with him and disappearing into the depths of chaos.

Seeing this scene, Taihao snorted without being nervous at all.

Taihao knew Hongjun very well. What does it mean?

Because the Hunyuan world in front of us is incomplete.

It is missing a very crucial part, which is the part that Hongjun took away.

What is the world without heaven

? If it is lacking, even the spiritual energy cannot be preserved!

Without spiritual energy, how can the creatures in the world practice? Not to mention that without heaven, the world will directly bear the pressure from chaos!

Therefore, a world without"heaven" is destined to perish!

What a trap for Taihao!

If it were any other monk, no matter how hard he frowned, he wouldn't be able to think of a way out.

For example, Nuwa, even though she opened up the Wahuang Heaven, she wanted to complete the Hunyuan World.

He is completely unqualified, and the final result is that he will be involved in it.

But such a difficult problem cannot stump Taihao.

"No sky? I am God!"

In the chaos, Taihao shouted.

Taixuantian suddenly unfolded, covering the entire Hunyuan world, and began to merge with it in the next moment.

Taihao used his supreme power to combine his Dao Fruit with the Hunyuan world. Merging into one!

Although it may be dragged down to exhaustion, as long as it succeeds, Tai Xuantian will be able to transform again! Although the difficulty is very high, Tai Xuan Tian will be able to advance again!

And it takes a long time, but Taihao is willing to take risks and he is confident!

"Taixuantian, together!"

There was another loud shout, and the power of Taihao spread from the world of Hunyuan to the depths of chaos!

At this moment, endless laws intertwined, infinite divine light bloomed, and infinite mana spurted out.

Taihao transcended time and space, he almost It is equivalent to opening the sky again and merging the two worlds into one!

The next moment, Taihao appeared outside the new world.

At the same time, Taihao's voice also appeared, resounding throughout the world!

"From then on, this world was named Taixuan!"

At the same time, Taihao sensed a fluctuation that only he could detect.

The fluctuation was extremely mysterious. Taihao was both familiar and unfamiliar. Its source was a supreme existence that looked like a river, but was not a river!

It is indescribable and indescribable. It's hard to explain.

It seems that just a glimpse of this existence is enough to understand all the dharma in the world!

It seems that all the dharma can be confirmed here, higher than the way of heaven, far above the wilderness! Even Taihao was a little shocked, not because he wanted to be like this, but because this existence was too amazing! It was also the first time he had truly"seen" it since he was born!

The moment Hao announced that the Taixuan Realm was completed, the great avenue appeared!

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