Although Taihao glimpsed the avenue several times, he never"saw it with his own eyes", but through perception and through the particularity of the immortal spirit!

It was only under extremely harsh circumstances that I could get a glimpse!

Although it was only a little bit, the help it gave Taihao was unimaginable.

The laws Taihao understood were not only numerous, but also precise.

Needless to say about his level, looking at the past, present and future of Chaos, the only one who has surpassed him for the time being is probably Pangu!

On the other hand, except for the laws he understood through Taixuantian, Taihao had at least understood all the laws before that to the later stage, and even had a few perfections!

Logically speaking, it is difficult for"many" and"fine" to coexist.

For most monks, just understanding the laws is as difficult as reaching heaven, let alone choosing one.

Even Hongjun, who has the jade plate of good fortune, still has to be biased.

Of course, it is impossible for Hongjun to know only one law, but he clearly knows that it is better to practice one law to the extreme than not being proficient in many laws.

But Tahoe allows both to coexist!

This is not only because Taihao has extremely high understanding and the law of force is the collection of all other laws, but also because he has glimpsed the great road several times!

From this we can see what a rare opportunity it is to understand the Great Way.

Not to mention, the manifestation of the great avenue can be directly observed with the physical body!

"Is this the avenue?"

Tahao was shocked when he looked at the manifested Changhe that only he could see.

He rarely showed this emotion.

Because the things he encountered in the past, even if they were unexpected, could be completely solved with the power of Hunyuan.

It's almost like he was a little surprised, rather than just shocked like he was at this moment!

Daohe, Taihao couldn't figure it out at all

, but compared to Dao Dao, he was in the late Hunyuan stage. Nothing.

Even if they reach the peak of Hunyuan, the result is the same.

Except for Pangu, the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods are all ants in terms of Dao, not to mention that their strength is not as good as that of the top Chaos Demon God!

In addition, there is another reason that shocked Taihao. Taihao was surprised to find that through observation and understanding of the great road, the rules he had perfected a long time ago were loosened again, and there was a faint tendency to continue to make breakthroughs!

It was an unexpected surprise!

It was so important that Taihao immediately forgot to think about why Dao manifested. But the next moment, Taihao didn't have to think about it because Dao directly showed the reason.

But in another form, a very intuitive form, what form? Innate merit!

What is the innate merit that comes before the birth of"Heaven" ? It's innate!

That's why innate spiritual treasures are so rare.

The same is true for innate merits.

Only the great Tao has the merits!

The difference is huge.

Although there are countless innate treasures in the ancient world, there are still only two treasures of merit!

And then, No more treasures of merit will be born.

Is it because the merits are not enough? Not entirely.

Except for this extremely special existence, no matter how much acquired merits are accumulated, it is impossible for acquired merits to produce such treasures.

The most precious merits can only be given by the Great Dao!

The merits that appeared when Pangu created the world are like this.

They are the merits of opening up the world.

In this way, the two most precious merits can be born!

"No wonder the method I created with the help of Kaitian Merits is so powerful. So there is another reason besides myself?"

Tahao understood clearly in his heart.

Although the concept of free contemplation was created by him, it would be difficult for him to create it successfully without the merit of opening up the sky.

If he could not create it, it would be difficult to compete with Hongjun and Luo Hu, and naturally he would not be able to create it. With today's achievements, we can see the importance of Kaitian merits.

On the other hand, Taihao understood why Dao manifested because his actions of integrating Taixuantian with Hunyuan world were similar to Pangu Kaitian.!

It's just a lower level.

Because of this, the merits brought by Dao at this moment are not as many as those of Pangu Kaitian!

Thinking of this, Taihao couldn't help but laugh. Something that made him quite happy

"I have innate merits, but Mr. Hongjun may not have them!"

"Because I am from the Taixuan Realm, I have the manifestation of the Great Dao, but he is different. The Hunyuan world he took away is completely a continuation of the prehistoric world. Even if it continues to be called the prehistoric world, there is no problem!"

"In this case, how could there be innate merit?"

The more Taihao thought about it, the funnier he became and his mood became more cheerful.

"Hahaha, Mr. Hongjun! You thought you had plotted against me, but little did you know, you succeeded in me!"

"Due to this innate merit, if nothing else, the Hongmeng Heavenly Measurement Ruler can definitely be advanced!"

"At least it has been upgraded to a Chaos Spiritual Treasure!"

Soon, Taihao already had an answer in his mind on how to use the innate merit.

That is to use it on the Heaven Measuring Ruler!

And it will never be wasted when used on it.

Because the Hongmeng Heaven Measuring Ruler is his companion treasure. When Taixuantian was established, it also had the function of measuring the heaven and earth, which could help Taihao better control Taixuantian.

However, after Taixuantian was promoted to Taixuan Realm, the innate treasure-level heaven-measuring ruler became useless. It's not enough.

But Taihao needs the role of the Heavenly Measurement Ruler. After all, the opening of the Taixuan Realm is actually a bit tricky. He may not be able to fully control the promotion of the Hongmeng Heavenly Measurement Ruler in a short period of time. It must be possible! Thinking that Taihao would not hesitate to invest his innate merit in the measuring ruler.

He did not want to delay the matter until later, because he was eager to control this world now.

What's interesting is that it only takes a short time for the merit treasure to be promoted. One moment, the merit treasure changes. Birth!

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