Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 1: The eldest prince of Jinwu suppresses Kuafu at the beginning

The wild land.

On the vast and boundless plains, stretched under the sky, surrounded by high mountains.

In the distance, ten blazing suns burned the earth.

Within the sun, Liu Ming slowly opened his eyes.

"What the hell?"

Why is my body glowing?

Looking at the nine Golden Crows in front of him, Liu Ming was confused. Did he travel through time and become a Golden Crow?

"Brother, come and play, there will be beautiful scenery ahead!"

Big brother? Are you the eldest prince of the Golden Crow?

Wait, play?

When Liu Ming heard this, he quickly looked around.

The surrounding land has become cracked, the once green trees have begun to burn, and the river has become boiling hot.

The tribes are scattered in an orderly manner everywhere in front, and a few Wu Clan monks can be vaguely seen.

Liu Ming was panicking at the moment, what the hell is this?

As soon as the game started, he and the nine Golden Crows were causing trouble in the Witch Clan!

Wouldn't the next step be Kuafu chasing the sun? Hou Yi shot the sun!

And then he was shot to death mercilessly?

Become the soul of Hou Yi's arrow!

"Brother, there is a tribe ahead, let's go there and play!"

A golden crow flew in front of Liu Ming and said.

"Don't go!"

Liu Ming wanted to call them out at this moment.

But several Golden Crows have already appeared above the heads of those tribes.

What to do? Liu Ming looked at the fact that his cultivation level was only that of a true immortal. Facing the two great witches Hou Yi and Kua Fu, he had no choice but to die!

At this moment.

There was an angry shout from the tribe below!

"Monster Clan! Damn it! How dare you attack the Witch Clan!"

"Monster clan? Where are they? Go and report to Kuafu the Great Witch!"

"Kill! Kill those damn monsters!"

When the other Golden Crows saw this scene, they also understood that they had arrived at the Witch Tribe, which was at odds with the Demon Tribe!


"Let's go!"

The Golden Crows turned around and ran away!

"Want to run? Stay!"

A huge staff came through space with a sonic boom!


The ground trembled!

A giant also strode out from the Witch Tribe.

He has a huge body, strong limbs and firm eyes. He is exactly Kuafu.

What should I do? Liu Ming watched the staff coming towards him!

[Ding, the strongest selection system in the universe is being bound...]

[Host Liu Ming was detected and the system was successfully bound! 】

[Binding successful! Now give out a big gift package for newbies to the host! 】

system? Hearing this, Liu Ming's face showed a look of ecstasy, and his heart finally relaxed!

[It is detected that the host is being chased by Kuafu, triggering the selection mechanism! 】

[Choice 1: Kill Kuafu and be rewarded with ten drops of Sanguang Divine Water. 】

[Choice 2: Avoid the edge temporarily and be rewarded with a high-grade spiritual treasure from the world after tomorrow. 】

[Option 3: Turn around and leave directly, and reward the golden crow with the title of running very fast. 】

Looking at this choice, Liu Ming chuckled. It was obvious that he chose to kill Kuafu!

"I choose one!"

After the words fell, a jade bottle appeared in Liu Ming's hand.

This is the Three Light Divine Water, a holy medicine for healing, but how to kill Kuafu!

Liu Ming thought, a big gift package for newbies!

"Open the novice gift package!"

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the best innate spiritual treasure, the Qiankun Chain Armor, the best innate spiritual treasure, the Great Sun Fire Spear, and the best innate spiritual root, the Ancient Tea Tree of Enlightenment! 】

Liu Ming also chuckled when he heard the sound of the system.

A stream of light appeared on his body, the Qiankun Chain Armor was worn on his body, and the Great Sun Fire Spear was held in his hand.

The power of the surrounding laws is condensed in the hand!

Liu Ming waved his left hand!

The big sun fire gun collided with Kuafu's staff!


The staff flew out instantly.

Kuafu received the staff and continued to rush towards Liu Ming!

Liu Ming is not weak at all, his eyes are full of fighting spirit, and he fights Kuafu together!

"Brother, let's help you!"

Several other Golden Crows saw Liu Ming entangled with Kua Fu.

It was also the Sun Sutra that began to attack Kuafu.

Although the strength of the Ten Golden Crows is low, the Sun Scripture they practice is the most powerful technique in the world!

When running at full power, it can burn mountains and boil seas, let alone Kuafu!

"Damn it!"

Kuafu felt that his body was starting to get hot, his lips were chapped and turned purple, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was sweating like water!

Liu Ming's eyes flashed, with a faint smile on his lips, and he held a gun in his left hand!

Rushed towards Kuafu!

"Monster clan! Die!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Several arrows traveled through space and came to Lu Ya!

"Little tricks!"

Liu Ming sneered. If he hadn't been able to catch Hou Yi's arrow before, he would have died under Hou Yi's arrow!

But everything is different now!

The spiritual light appeared on Liu Ming's body, and the Qiankun Chain Armor exuded a strong Taoist charm surrounding the surroundings, and the Great Sun Flame Fire Spear in his hand performed a trick!

One shot blasted at several flying arrows!


The power of law flew, and Hou Yi's arrow instantly turned into ashes!

The nine Golden Crows were shocked when they saw this scene. Why are the ten Golden Crows who are practicing together, the eldest brother is so powerful, and they are so weak?

Hou Yi also looked panicked when he saw this scene. How could the Golden Crow be so powerful?

"Brother Kuafu, let me save you!"

Hou Yi transformed into the true form of the witch clan, used a bow to shoot arrows, and several divine arrows came through space.

"Just in time!"

Just when Liu Ming wanted to try out his armor, he disappeared and headed straight towards those arrows!

Whoosh whoosh!

Several arrows collided fiercely with the Qiankun Chain Armor!

The clouds dispersed, and only a few white marks appeared on the chain armor.

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