Seeing this, Hou Yi's expression changed drastically. How could this be possible? His attack actually didn't cause any damage to Golden Crow!

He didn't dare to stay any longer! , ran back with Kuafu!

"Now that you've taken action! Then don't run away!"

Liu Ming looked at Hou Yi who was about to escape, with a faint smile on his lips.

Now that he has become an enemy, he will never be merciful!

The Great Sun Fire Spear in his hand is like a musket, releasing a fiery aura, and the power of law flows around!

Liu Ming stabbed Hou Yi with his strongest shot!

The runes of the avenue circulated among them, exuding the aura of heaven, and the mountains with a radius of thousands of miles suddenly collapsed, and smoke and dust rose into the sky.

Feel Liu Ming's powerful attack!

Hou Yi looked ugly. He looked at the dying Kuafu beside him and threw him out to resist the attack.

I only saw a figure meeting Liu Ming's Sunfire Fire Spear!

But, this figure is not Hou Yi!

But Kuafu!

The big sun fire gun went straight through Kuafu's chest!

puff! Kuafu spurted out a mouthful of blood!

Kuafu felt like his body was going to explode after being beaten, and his soul was shattered!

"Hou Yi, you! betray me!"

After saying this, Kuafu closed his eyes unwillingly!

A generation of great witches fell and died in the hands of Hou Yi.

Looking at Hou Yi escaping, Liu Ming also sighed softly.

The Wu clan are also people who are greedy for life and afraid of death!

Just as Liu Ming was about to take his brothers away, a voice came from Jiutian.

"The beasts of the demon clan dare to kill our great witch, please stay alive!"

Several irresistible terrifying auras rushed straight towards him!

Ancestor witch?

Liu Ming felt those breaths, and his expression changed instantly.

What should we do now? Those ancestral witches could probably kill themselves with one slap!


The Golden Crows also realized the seriousness of the matter and turned around to leave!

Several figures instantly surrounded them.

"The yellow-feathered bird dares to come to my witch clan to cause trouble? Die!"

The figure in front is like a yellow sac, red as red fire, with six legs and four wings, cold eyes, and an aura like that of Ni Tianxia. It is Di Jiang.

"Monster Clan Golden Crow? Just roast it and eat it!"

It was Zhu Rong who said this. He had the head of a beast, was covered in red scales, had fire snakes in his ears, and had fire dragons on his feet. He was staring straight at Lu Ya and the Golden Crows.

The several ancestral witches behind him had different shapes, but without exception, they all looked at Lu Ya and others as if they were dead.


Di Jiang's eyes were wandering, and he glanced at the ten golden crows gently, saying what he said!

An irresistible aura of death filled Lu Ya's body.

The ten Golden Crows felt that their bodies were about to shatter and explode, and their souls began to tremble at this moment!

Liu Ming's face looked a little ugly. According to the prehistoric timeline, Donghuang Taiyi should have arrived too!

Facing the opponent's pressure, Liu Ming had no time to wait for Donghuang Taiyi.

"Qiankun Chain Armor!"

After he shouted these words, a spiritual light appeared on his body, and he finally felt a little better.


Di Jiang saw that his words did not kill ten golden crows, and he let out a light sigh.

Then, his palms turned downward!

"Barbarian! How dare you touch me, the prince of the demon clan?"

A powerful voice came.

Liu Ming's face finally showed joy, Donghuang Taiyi was finally here!

The ten golden crows felt that the pressure on themselves had been relieved a lot.

A burly figure appeared in front of them.

"Barbarians, dare to insult my demon prince! Damn it! Fight!"

Donghuang Taiyi held the Donghuang Bell in his left hand, his right hand behind his back, looking at the ancestral witch in front of him with cold eyes.

"The witch clan must die!"

Another voice came over.

A figure appeared in front of the ten Golden Crows. He looked at the ten Golden Crows with gentle eyes, and his body was full of the majesty of an emperor.

Looking at the man in front of him, it seems that this is Di Jun.

"Are you okay?"

Di Jun flipped his palms, and a blazing energy penetrated the bodies of the ten golden crows.

Liu Ming felt the gentle energy restoring his body.

"Little guys, step back and wait until I kill those barbarians to avenge you!"

Di Jun's eyes were full of fighting intent and his voice was calm.

[Lich war detected. 】

[Choice one, no matter what, let Di Jun and the Twelve Ancestral Witches continue fighting, and reward Di Jun with his fatherly love! 】

[Option 2, stop Di Jun and retreat, and reward Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation! 】

this? Di Jun's fatherly love?

Looking at the system's choices, Liu Ming also chuckled.

Of course he chose the second choice. The Zhoutian Star Dou Formation was the Demon Clan’s later use against the Witch Clan’s Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation.

"I choose two."

As soon as he finished speaking, a ray of light penetrated Liu Ming's mind.

"Father, I have something to say!"

Liu Ming looked at Di Jun and shouted.

When Di Jun heard this, he looked at Liu Ming's doting face and asked.

"What do you have to say?"

"Father, if we continue to entangle, we, the demon clan, will be seriously injured in the end. This place is close to the ancestral land of the witch clan. Soon, the twelve ancestral witches will gather. When the time comes, they will use the Twelve Capital Gods The evil formation method has disastrous consequences!"

Liu Ming looked at Di Jun and said, he believed that Di Jun was a smart man.

After hearing these words, Di Jun was also extremely surprised. He looked at the current situation and saw that the demon army had not arrived. If other ancestral witches arrived, I am afraid that he would be trapped here!

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