
Di Jun made a quick decision and stood in mid-air.

"Brother, I haven't fought enough yet!" Donghuangtai raised the Donghuangzhong bell in his hand.

"Don't run away! Damn bastard!"

When Zhu Rong saw Di Juntai retreating, he quickly wanted to catch up.

"Don't chase!"

Di Jiang stretched out his hand to stop Zhu Rong.

"Brother, this..."

Zhu Rong asked with doubtful eyes.

"Di Jun's retreat this time is too unusual. Unlike him, I'm afraid someone will give advice from behind. If we catch up rashly, we might be ambushed!"

After hearing what Di Jiang said, all the ancestral wizards were awe-inspiring.

In the void not far from here.

Emperor Jun, Donghuang Taiyi, Bai Ze and the large demon tribe who came to support are ambushing here!

Donghuang Taiyi saw that no one was catching up behind him. He looked a little disappointed and looked at Lu Ya.

"Nephew, Di Jiang and the others didn't catch up!"

Liu Ming chuckled, his voice light.

"It's normal that they didn't catch up. As the leader of the Witch Clan, Di Jiang is so easily angered, the Witch Clan would have been destroyed long ago!"

Upon hearing this, Di Jun and Dong Huangtai looked at each other.

"Okay, the prince not only fought against the witch clan and killed Kuafu, the great witch, but he also has such thoughts. With you and me, the demon clan will definitely prosper!"

Di Jun laughed loudly and patted Liu Ming on the shoulder.

Everyone returned to the Demon Clan Heavenly Court.

Demon Clan Heaven!

Emperor Jun is sitting at the top, and below are Donghuang Taiyi, Kunpeng, Baize, Fuxi and other demon emperors.

Liu Ming was sitting with Donghuang Taiyi.

"Prince, you performed very well today and made me look good. What treasure do you want?"

Di Jun looked at Liu Ming and said with a smile.

What treasure do you want? Liu Ming thought for a while and realized that the demon clan's treasures were nothing more than Hetu Luoshu and Donghuang Bell.

"To my father, I want to observe Hetu Luoshu once!"


Di Jun looked at Liu Ming and chuckled. He did not expect Liu Ming to say this.


Looking at Liu Ming's flawless eyes, Di Jun's hand flashed, and Hetu Luoshu appeared in front of Liu Ming.

After taking the Hetu Luoshu, the power of the stars condensed in his hand. It was indeed a good treasure.

"This time, ten princes were persecuted. Fortunately, the prince turned the tide. I will make you the demon commander of the demon clan!"

Di Jun smiled, looking at Liu Ming's doting eyes.

The demon clan below all congratulated him one after another!

"With the eldest prince, the demon clan will definitely prosper!"

"There is a successor to the demon clan!"

"The eldest prince is wise and mighty!"

See the demon monk below like this.

Liu Ming also nodded lightly, and his desire to solve the Lich Tribulation became even stronger.

Others may not know it, but he knows it clearly!

Don't look at how brilliant the demon clan is now.

But the three catastrophes in the prehistoric world were all aimed at the demon clan. In the first Lich War, the demon clan declined, in the second catastrophe of the Conferred Gods, countless demon clan disciples under the Tongtian Cult were listed, and in the third journey to the west, the demon clan The monkey killed countless monsters along the way!

So much so that later on, the huge Demon Clan Heavenly Court could only become the target of bullying by the monks at will!

This time, he actually became the prince of the demon clan!

Then I, Liu Ming, will clear the name of the demon clan!

After the banquet, Emperor Jun asked Liu Ming and Donghuang Taiyi to stay.

"Prince, do you know who is trying to harm you this time?"

Di Jun looked at Liu Ming with twinkling eyes and a calm voice.

[It is detected that Emperor Jun wants to know about the way of heaven! Trigger selection]

[Choice 1: Tell Di Jun that the murderer is the Second Saint of the West, and reward him with a gift pack of Heaven’s Wrath]

[Option 2: Conceal the truth for the time being, and determine to be strong enough to take revenge, and reward the Golden Immortal cultivation level]

[Choice 3: Tell Dijun that he doesn’t know anything, and reward Dijun with a slap in the face]

Liu Ming looked at choice three with a black question mark face.

Of course I chose the second choice!

"Emperor Qi, I just have some vague guesses, but I'm not sure. I will solve it when I become stronger!"

Liu Ming's voice was calm and his eyes were full of confidence.

I have a system and am making rapid progress. I will find trouble with those two bald donkeys!

Looking at Liu Ming's eyes, Di Jun also sighed and nodded.

"I looked at the traces on the fusang tree and found that there were no traces of other monks left. It seems that this person's strength is better than mine!"

Di Jun naturally made a guess, and nodded when he saw Liu Ming say this.

Di Jun waved his hand and motioned Liu Ming to go down.

"Brother, who is it that wants to frame Jinwu? Damn it!"

Donghuang Taiyi is also very angry, this is the blood of his demon clan.

"That person's strength must be above that of a saint! There is no evidence now. If he acts rashly, he will only become the target of public criticism!"

Di Jun also smiled bitterly. This matter will never be that simple, but as the leader of the demon clan, he can only take care of the overall situation first.

"Okay, Taiyi, let's go practice first!"

"Okay, big brother!"

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