Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 4: Zhou Tianxing’s battle formation, Emperor Jun was shocked

Monster clan, in the prince's palace.

Liu Ming sat on the cloud bed and began to refine the golden immortal cultivation level given to him by the system!

The Tao Yun manifested around him, with countless dense clouds, and an extremely powerful law entered Liu Ming's body like a Honghu initiation.

The aura on his body is slowly and steadily improving!

True Immortal, Xuan Immortal, Taiyi Xuan Immortal, Golden Immortal!

Liu Ming's realm also slowly stopped after reaching Jinxian.

Slowly opening his eyes, Liu Ming chuckled as he watched his state change.

With the strength of Jinxian, he also has the capital to travel in the ancient world.

However, there was one more thing. Liu Ming took out Hetu Luoshu and looked at it carefully.

There’s nothing magical about this Hetu Luoshu, right? How did Di Jun understand the Zhou Tianxing Dou formation from it.

Thinking of this, Liu Ming waved his hand!

The law was waved, and countless spiritual powers were infused into Hetu Luoshu. Countless star phenomena instantly appeared in the cave, and rays of light were released from Liu Ming's body! It coincides with those visions little by little!

Time flies by.

Slowly opening his eyes, Liu Ming's eyes shone like stars!


Liu Ming shouted softly, and stars appeared on his body. The Hetu Luoshu was really wonderful. It helped him attract the stars into his body, and his physical strength went directly from the true immortal to the Daluoxuan Immortal Realm!

"It's time to get out of seclusion!"

Thinking of this, Liu Ming walked towards the Heavenly Palace.

Arriving in front of the Nantian Gate, I saw a figure walking towards the main hall.

The figure was wearing a gray robe, tall and tall, with his hands behind his back. He exuded an overbearing aura that made the monks dare not approach!

Looking at this figure from behind, Liu Ming's eyes flickered. Bai Ze and Fu Xi were approachable and not as domineering as him. It seemed that this was the demon master Kunpeng.

"I've seen the demon master Kunpeng!"

Liu Ming shouted towards the figure in front of him.

The figure turned around when he heard this.

"It turns out to be the eldest prince! Kunpeng has met the prince."

Only then did Liu Ming see Kunpeng's face clearly. He had deep-set eyes, a hooked nose, and sharp eyes.

His appearance fits well with what he has done. Liu Ming has always been resentful that Kunpeng stole the Hetu Luoshu after the decisive battle between the lich and the lich.

"Master Kunpeng, let's go to the main hall together."

Liu Ming chuckled and invited Kunpeng.

"Let's go together!"

Arriving at the main hall, Di Jun saw that Liu Ming and Kun Peng also asked them to come to the front.

"I wonder why the prince wants to see me?"

Di Jun looked at Liu Ming with a smile.

"To the Emperor of Heaven, I came here this time to discover something in the Hetuluo Book, so I would like to ask the Emperor of Heaven to help me figure it out!"


Di Jun was a little disapproving when he heard this. He Tuluo Shu had been in his hands for many years, but he had not found anything, let alone Liu Ming.

"The Prince studied the Hetu Luoshu? The Emperor Jun and the Heavenly Emperor have been studying it for countless years without any success!"

"I think so too. It is not an exaggeration to say that Hetu Luoshu is the most powerful spiritual treasure among the chaos spiritual treasures. The prince may not even understand the restrictions inside!"

"The prince may be too impatient and wants to rush to produce results for everyone to see. We still understand!"

The demon commanders and tribe leaders below also had faces full of disbelief!

"Then bring it up!"

Di Jun's voice was calm. With so many people around, it was hard for him to refute the prince's face.

Looking at Di Jun's eyes, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Liu Ming's mouth.

Waving his fingers, he handed Hetu Luoshu and a bright light to Di Jun.

Di Jun touched the spiritual light with his finger, and a formation entered his mind.

The demons heard this and looked around.

I saw Di Jun's expression gradually changing, and then a look of joy appeared on his face, and a smile appeared on his lips.

The demon clan below suddenly became quiet!

They all want to know what Liu Ming has understood? It can make Di Jun, who usually looks stern, smile at the corners of his mouth.

Liu Ming stood in the main hall, hands clasped behind his back, looking at Emperor Jun with a calm expression.

Di Jun is a smart man and I believe he already understands the power of Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation.

Everyone watched as Di Jun put down Hetu Luoshu. He stood up and walked to Liu Ming. His eyes flashed and the smile on his lips became wider. He looked at Liu Ming!

"Prince, the thing that my emperor is most proud of is having a son like you!"

After saying this, Di Jun bowed respectfully to Liu Ming!

Seeing this scene, the Demon Commander, Demon Emperor, and several Demon Emperors were all stunned!

"Brother, what did the prince realize? He deserves such a gift from you!"

"Yes, the Emperor of Heaven cannot do that. You have only saluted saints in your life. Why have you ever done this?"

"O God!"

The demon tribe below shouted quickly.

Di Jun stood up, looked at the demon clan, and pointed at Liu Ming.

"Do you know why I want to give this great gift?"

Bai Ze looked at Liu Ming, his eyes sparkling!

"Emperor of Heaven, could it be that the prince has mastered some shocking technique?"

As soon as Bai Ze said these words, the demon clan below looked at Liu Ming and the Emperor of Heaven with fiery eyes!

Could it be that Liu Ming really understood some shocking Taoist method? A Taoist teaching worthy of Emperor Jun's worship!

Di Jun looked at everyone's eyes, smiled, and said in a high voice.

"Yes, it's the prince! The formation learned from Hetu Luoshu is enough to resist the Wu Clan's Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation!"

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