Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 5 The demon clan is shocked! Kunpeng's plan

The loud voice spread throughout the entire heaven!

The demon monks below were shocked when they heard this!

The air was silent for a moment!

A few seconds later!

The monks from the demon tribe all kowtowed to the ground!

Donghuang Taiyi, Baize, Fuxi and Kunpeng all worshiped Liu Ming.

Because they all understand how powerful the formation can be compared with the Twelve Capital Gods Formation!

Liu Ming's contribution to the Demon Clan is enough for the Demon Clan to change the entire Lich War!

"Thank you, Prince, for giving me the demon formation!"

"The demon tribe will surely thrive!"

"The demon clan will definitely be strong!"

The demon monks shouted one after another!

At this moment, their eyes were shining with light, as if they had seen the future of the demon clan!

With Liu Ming, the demon clan will definitely reach a higher level and dominate the ancient world!

Liu Ming was dressed in white. Seeing the demon monk like this, his eyes flickered with light. No matter what happened before, from this moment on!

I, Liu Ming, am here to rectify the name of the demon clan!

"Emperor of Heaven, the prince is indeed a genius sent from heaven. I also have a good thing here. I hope it will be the icing on the cake!"

Kunpeng chuckled, looked at Di Jun and said calmly.

"Oh, what's so good?"

Di Jun looked at Kunpeng and smiled.

"Reporting to the Emperor of Heaven, I wonder if the Emperor of Heaven knows about the Hongmeng Purple Qi?"

Hongmeng purple energy?

When Liu Ming heard this, he also had a sneer at the corner of his mouth. Kunpeng was trying to take advantage of Hongyun.

"I naturally know that Dao Ancestor Hongjun's descending of the Hongmeng Purple Qi is an opportunity to become a saint."

"Since the Emperor of Heaven knows, it will be easy to handle. Does the Emperor of Heaven still remember which of the powerful men who received the Hongmeng Purple Qi has not yet become a saint?"

Kunpeng reminded with a smile on his lips.

"Red Cloud!"

Di Jun's eyes flashed. When he received the Hongmeng Purple Qi, only Hongyun did not become a saint, so the Hongmeng Purple Qi must still be in his body!

Donghuang Taiyi also smiled and said: "With Hongyun's current strength, he can kill at most one corpse, plus Zhen Yuanzi, we can easily get the Hongmeng Purple Qi!"

"If that's the case, then we should have a serious discussion!"

The smile on Di Jun's lips became even brighter. Today is really a double happiness. If he gets the Hongmeng Purple Qi, then the demon clan's strength will be one step closer!

Di Jun waved his hand and motioned for the other monsters to go down.

Liu Ming took a step forward and said seriously.

"To the Emperor of Heaven, I also want to participate in obtaining the Hongmeng Purple Qi!"

"What are you kidding about? This time you are a powerful quasi-sage."

Donghuang Taiyi looked at Liu Ming and said, Liu Ming is weak. If he is not careful, wouldn't the genius of the demon clan be gone?

Di Jun looked at Liu Ming's firm eyes and chuckled.

"Okay, the premise is that you can prove that you can protect yourself!"

Hearing this, Liu Ming chuckled, a spiritual light appeared on his body, and the Qiankun Chain Armor appeared on him!

"The ultimate innate spiritual treasure?"

Donghuang Taiyi was also surprised when he saw the armor on Liu Ming.

"Good! As expected of the prince of the demon clan!"

Di Jun also smiled and said lightly.

If you have a son like this, what else can you ask for?

After seeing that all the demon monks had left, Di Jun waved his hand, and a spiritual light cut off the outside of the Heavenly Court Hall.

The only ones present were Donghuang Taiyi, Di Jun, Kunpeng, Fuxi, Bai Ze and Liu Ming.

"Kunpeng, do you have any good way to capture the Hongmeng Purple Qi?"

Di Jun looked at Kunpeng. Since Kunpeng proposed it, he must have an idea.

"Goddess of Heaven, Hongyun has rarely been born in the prehistoric world after he obtained the Hongmeng Purple Qi. He must be refining the Hongmeng Purple Qi, and the places he went to were nothing more than Wuzhuang Temple and Fire Cloud Cave. We just need to guard them. With these two dojos, when Hongyun appears, the Hongmeng Purple Qi will naturally belong to the demon clan!"

Kunpeng also touched the beard under the corner of his mouth and said with a faint smile.

"Okay, I'll do as you say!" Di Jun also nodded.

Several other demon emperors also nodded in agreement. Kunpeng thought carefully.

"I have a proposal."

Liu Ming said seriously.

"Prince, please speak." Kunpeng looked at Liu Ming and said with a smile.

"We can be divided into three groups, one to intercept Hongyun, and the other to intercept Zhen Yuanzi. The Kunpeng Demon Master can respond to us, also to prevent other forces from intervening!"

Liu Ming vaguely remembered that in the end, the competition for Hongmeng Purple Qi ended up being benefited by the Styx Ancestor Fisherman.

This time since I am here, I will not let such a thing happen!

"I don't agree! This plan was proposed by Pindao, how can I respond to it?"

Kunpeng's face showed a hint of dissatisfaction when he heard Liu Ming's words.

Bai Ze, who was standing aside, smiled and said: "There is no need for the demon master Kunpeng. Intercepting Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun is dangerous, so it is a good job for the demon master to respond!"

Fuxi also smiled when he heard what Bai Ze said: "Yes, Kunpeng, if you are not satisfied, you can change it with me!"

"I see, thank you so much, Prince!"

"Okay! If that's the case, let's take action!"

"Follow the prince's instructions!"

Di Jun and other Heavenly Emperors all went to prepare!

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