Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 6 Hongyun is worried, Emperor Juntai suppresses it

There is a stretch of continuous mountain peaks in the wild west.

There is a dojo on the top of the mountain, with countless visions and auspicious clouds.

In a cave, a monk wearing a red robe sat

Sitting on the cloud bed is Hongyun.

Ever since he got the Hongmeng Purple Qi, Hongyun felt extremely uncomfortable when he saw that the several great powers who had received the Hongmeng Purple Qi had all become saints one after another. Even the two in the west had become saints.

With a sigh, Hongyun turned his left hand, and a purple aura appeared in his hand.

As soon as the spiritual light was taken out, countless visions appeared around him, and the laws of the great avenue were flying around.

"Hongmeng Ziqi, Hongmeng Ziqi, when can I enlighten you?"

Hongyun gave a bitter smile and looked at the Hongmeng Purple Qi in his hand. He had no chance to become a saint but could not comprehend it. This was the most uncomfortable thing!

He stood up, put away the Hongmeng Purple Qi, and walked out of the cave.

When the disciples outside saw Patriarch Hongyun coming out, they immediately kowtowed to the ground respectfully.

"Greetings to the ancestor!"

"Congratulations to our ancestor for coming out of seclusion!"

"Everyone, get up! Has anything big happened in the Fire Cloud Cave recently?"

"Ancestor, nothing major has happened recently. However, some time ago, Immortal Zhen Yuanzi sent Qingfeng Mingyue to invite our ancestors to taste the ginseng fruit. He said that the ginseng fruit was ripe!"

The disciple said to Hongyun respectfully.

"Okay! Go and tell Senior Brother that I am going to Wuzhuang to stay for a while and let him manage the dojo!"

"Disciple, obey!"

Hongyun waved his Taoist robe and motioned for his disciples to go down.

Zhen Yuanzi is Hongyun's best friend. Whenever the ginseng fruit is ripe, Zhen Yuanzi will naturally invite Hongyun to taste it.

Thinking of this, Hongyun also glanced around his dojo.

After scanning the dojo for a week, there was nothing unusual, and a smile appeared on the corner of Hongyun's mouth.

Walking towards the door of Huoyun Cave.

On an unknown mountain peak thousands of miles away from Fire Cloud Cave.

Three figures stood on the top of the mountain: Emperor Jun, Donghuang Taiyi and Liu Ming.

"Brother, we have been waiting for such a long time. When will Mr. Hongyun come out?"

When Di Jun heard this, he looked at Liu Ming and saw Liu Ming's eyes closed slightly, looking calm and calm.

"Look at how stable the prince is. You are not even as good as a Golden Immortal monk!"

Di Jun said helplessly.

Hearing this, Donghuang Taiyi had no choice but to nod and continue to hide his aura. The two of them continued to stay quiet, waiting for Hongyun's aura to appear.


Di Jun's eyes flashed, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he spoke in a light voice.


After the words fell, Liu Ming and Donghuang Taiyi opened their eyes at the same time.

The Donghuang Bell appeared in the hands of Donghuang Taiyi, and the Qiankun Chain Armor on Liu Ming's body was also emitting a faint light at this moment.

Di Jun holds the Hetu Luoshu and stares ahead. As soon as Hongyun appears, he will be greeted with a fatal blow!

Hongyun walked out of the Fire Cloud Cave, always feeling a little uneasy. He twirled his fingers and made some deductions, but found that there was no result.

"I must be overthinking it."

Hongyun muttered to himself, and after saying that, he looked back at Huoyun Cave.

Then he turned around and flew in the direction of Wuzhuang Temple, completely unaware of what would greet him ahead.

Red clouds are flying in the void.


A bell rang from nine days away.

Hongyun glanced around, the sky had turned black, only the stars were shining brightly!

Seeing this scene, Hongyun also roared angrily!

"Dijun? Hetu Luoshu?"

Only Hetu Luoshu can attract the power of stars!

There was no voice to answer him, only the stars that were getting brighter and brighter!

Hongyun saw that the situation was not good, so he turned around and left without saying anything!

"Despicable demon clan!"

Hongyun cursed angrily as the area was surrounded by restrictions.

"Hongyun, don't leave in a hurry, enjoy the gift I have prepared for you!"

Di Jun's cold voice echoed throughout the space.

At this moment, all the stars in the world are falling down like meteorites and hitting the red cloud!

"Di Jun, you have been acting like this since the beginning, you really think highly of me!"

Hongyun's eyes were cold, and it seemed that Di Jun was going to kill him this time.

He no longer hesitated, a red aura appeared in his hand, and the Nine-Nine Red Cloud Sansoul Gourd appeared in his hand!


Countless purple-red auras of light were instantly released from the entire space.

The purple-red aura exploded when it hit the falling stars!

Boom boom boom!

There were bursts of explosions.

Hongyun directly waved the spirit treasure and smashed it towards the surrounding restrictions. If he couldn't escape, he would really end up here today!

"Want to escape? Have you asked me?"

A burly figure appeared in the space.

He holds the Donghuang Bell in his left hand and his right hand is behind him.

He looked at Hongyun like he was looking at a dead person.

Donghuang Taiyi turned his left hand down, and the Donghuang Bell immediately became infinitely large!

Suppress it directly towards Hongyun's head!

Looking at the Donghuang Bell falling from the sky.

Hongyun also stood up to resist and fought with Donghuang Taiyi!

"You stay here, I'll go suppress Hongyun!"

Di Jun said to Liu Ming and rushed towards Hongyun!

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