The Chaos Slash falling from the sky directly frightened Master Huanglong's courage.

He hurriedly pulled away and hid aside.

The magic weapon in his hand was thrown away as if it was free of charge.

Finally, he barely resisted Liu Ming's attack.

But as a result, Master Huanglong was completely frightened.

He didn't expect such a fierce attack. Seeing the disciples of Yuxu Palace looking at him with puzzled expressions, Master Huanglong couldn't help but become a little angry.

He must be a little embarrassed by his current appearance, but the key point is that otherwise he would probably be in danger.

"Okay, I, Huang Long, took note of it, let's go!"

Master Huanglong ran away directly with the detailed Yuxu Palace disciples.

Before leaving, don’t forget to say a harsh word!

Seeing everyone in Yuxu Palace leaving, the three old men could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

They were all looking around, looking for the benefactor who could save the three of them.

"You don't have to look for me. I am a disciple of Biyou Palace. I happened to pass by here this time and saw that the three of you were trapped, so I came to help!"

Liu Ming's voice came from the hidden air!

When the three of them heard this, they realized that those who were under the command of Biyou Palace were members of the Tongtian Cult Leader?

The disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun wanted to kill three of them, but the disciples of Master Tongtian saved them. Who is good and who is bad will be judged!

"Thank you so much to the benefactor of Saint Tongtian. This time my three brothers are indebted to you. Please show up and let me three of you entertain me!"

The black robe said somewhat sincerely.

"No, I still have something to do. You three don't have to be polite. Be careful in the future. Master Huanglong will not give up, and neither will Yuxu Palace. Remember, say goodbye!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, the whole sky suddenly became silent.

The three of them waited for a long time without seeing anyone, then they knew they had really left.

"Brother, this Yuxu Palace is really abominable. The three of us have never provoked them, let alone committed any crime. He, Master Huang Long, comes up and kills us. It is simply too much!"

The old man in red robe is furious!

The old man in purple robe on the side also looked somewhat dissatisfied.

"Hey, this Yuxu Palace has actually joined the Heavenly Court. Last time Haotian sent people, we already expressed our rejection. Unexpectedly, we attracted people from Yuxu Palace. Now all our disciples are dead, and we are the only ones left. Three people, what should we do?"

After hearing the words of his two brothers, a glimmer of light flashed in the black robe's eyes.

"This matter has offended Yuxu Palace and killed his disciples. It seems that we can only seek refuge in Biyou Palace! In the entire prehistoric period, the only one who can protect us is Biyou Palace!"

After the black robe finished speaking, the other two people's eyes lit up.

Yes, seek refuge in Biyou Palace.

I heard that the leader of Tongtian Cult of Biyou Palace has no distinction between religions and that thousands of immortals come to court and will never dislike any cultivator. This is indeed a good idea.

"You and me, the three of us, go back quickly to pack your things and bring all the magic weapons we have accumulated over the years. Let's make some plans and head to Golden Turtle Island as soon as possible!"

The three of them set off directly after making up their mind.

But Liu Ming, who was far away from them at the moment, looked pale and breathless.

Originally, Liu Ming planned to directly kill Huanglong Zhenren, but as a result, the power of his second Chaos Slash was weakened, and Liu Ming even exhausted his spiritual power before he could barely launch an attack.

So he had no choice but to get out of there quickly, otherwise he would show his cowardice.

I didn't expect Chaos Slash to consume so much spiritual power.

I haven't fully understood it yet, so I can only attack twice. If I really understand it, I'm afraid I can only attack with one attack.

This Chaos Slash is really overbearing!

"Master. Are you okay?"

Sun Wukong looked at the pale Liu Ming and asked hurriedly.

He had already seen Liu Ming's expression clearly when Liu Ming left.

Liu Ming waved his hand.

He was completely powerless at this moment!

"Get out of here and find a place where I can adjust my breathing before talking. Let's go!"

Liu Ming took Sun Wukong away directly.


Master Huang Long is back.

He came back in a state of embarrassment with his disciples of Yuxu Palace.

After Haotian heard that Master Huanglong had returned, he went out to welcome him.

"Master Huanglong, you're back. Haha, how's it going? Huh?"

Suddenly, Haotian looked at Master Huang Long with an ugly face, and all the people behind him were in low spirits.


Master Huang Long snorted coldly, walked into the hall, and threw Emperor Haotian outside the Nantian Gate.

Haotian suddenly felt a surge of murderous intent, and he felt angry when he saw Huang Long's attitude.

He, the majestic Emperor of Heaven, came out to greet him, but Huang Long dared to ignore him like this. Did he really think that he, the Emperor of Heaven, was just a decoration?

However, Haotian suppressed his dissatisfaction and followed Zhenren Huang Long in.

Standing in the heavenly hall, Master Huanglong was still full of anger at this moment.

After Haotian came in, the entire hall immediately became quiet.

Zhao Gongming glanced at Master Huang Long and snorted disdainfully.

"Huang Long, what happened when you went to subdue the three disobedient people who did not respect the orders of heaven?"

Haotian asked with a gloomy face after returning to his Heavenly Emperor's throne.

Since you, Huanglong, don't give me face, I, the mighty Emperor of Heaven, won't give you a good face either.

"Hmph, Emperor of Heaven, you said those are just three little people who are not worthy of fear, but I didn't expect that they actually have a strong background. This time, I, Yuxu Palace, lost six people, and I was almost killed on the spot. Emperor of Heaven, you Tell me, why do you want to harm my Yuxu Palace!"

Master Huanglong had a fit on the spot.

"Huang Long, you..."

Haotian directly made Huanglong angry.

This Huang Long actually scolded him angrily in front of everyone in the Heavenly Hall.

It’s really hateful!

"What, hum, how could they be three ordinary people? They are simply powerful enemies! I lost face in Yuxu Palace this time. Emperor of Heaven, tell me, how do you want me to explain to the master and how to face the dead? disciple!"

As Master Huang Long spoke, he pressed towards Haotian step by step.

Queen Mother Yaochi really couldn't stand it anymore.

"Zhenren Huanglong, this is the thirty-sixth level of heaven. This is the Heavenly Court, not Kunlun Yuxu Palace. In addition, the Emperor of Heaven obeys the way of Heaven and is personally granted the title by the Taoist ancestors. With your attitude like this, doesn't it mean that the entire Heavenly Court and the Taoist ancestors are not included? It’s in my eyes!”

After Yaochi finished speaking.

Master Huang Long's expression changed instantly.

He looked at Haotian, then at Yaochi, snorted and stepped back step by step.

Haotian looked at Yaochi with some gratitude.

"Huang Long, please tell me the situation in detail!"

Haotian said directly.

Master Huang Long could no longer vent his emotions at this moment, so he recounted all the situations he encountered there.

After hearing Huang Long's words, Haotian and Yaochi's expressions became a little unbelievable.

Zhao Gongming on the side had his hands folded across his chest, as if he was watching the excitement.

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