After Master Huanglong finished speaking, the Emperor of Heaven glanced at Zhao Gongming, who was resting with his eyes closed.

"Zhao Gongming, you understand what Huang Long said. Are you sure that I can help this emperor capture those three people?"

Haotian suddenly asked.

When Zhao Gongming heard this, he immediately became energetic.

"Don't worry, Heavenly Emperor. This time I, Biyou Palace, take action and we will make sure those three people are captured without any help!"

After Zhao Gongming finished speaking, Haotian's expression softened a little.

Surprisingly, Master Huang Long remained silent at this moment.

In fact, he was already thinking about it in his heart.

Thinking that Zhao Gongming would also encounter the same situation he encountered, he even hoped that Zhao Gongming's final ending would be even worse than him!

Zhao Gongming couldn't help but feel proud when he saw Emperor Haotian full of expectations.

With a wave of his hand, he drove back all the troops in Biyou Palace.

"We don't need too many people to capture those unknown people this time. Just a few of you can come with me!"

Zhao Gongming took less than ten people and went directly to the heaven.

There was a trace of pride in Huang Long's eyes. If Zhao Gongming was killed this time, he might feel more comfortable.

"Emperor Heaven, if there is nothing to do, I will go back and rest first. When Zhao Gongming has news, you can send someone to inform me!"

After Master Huanglong finished speaking, he left the heaven directly.

Haotian looked at Huang Long who was leaving, his expression getting darker and darker.

Damn Huang Long, he ignored himself again and again.

You really don’t regard yourself as the Emperor of Heaven, and you don’t take yourself seriously!

Yaochi sighed softly, how could she not know what Haotian was thinking at this moment.

"Emperor Heaven, the matter has come to an end. Don't be upset. Now we can only watch how they serve our heaven."

After Yaochi finished speaking, Haotian couldn't help but frown.

Only now did he understand somewhat what Yaochi had said.

He simply couldn't listen to what Yaochi tried to persuade him back then.

Because he felt that his position as the Emperor of Heaven was very stable, but he didn't expect that he would become what he is now.

"Hey, I regret it, I regret it!"

Haotian could only sigh in his heart.

But what can he do?

Heavenly Court was newly built and there were no men. How could he alone lead Heavenly Court to establish prestige? He could only rely on others.

Haotian and Yaochi looked at each other and sighed twice, how difficult it is!

At this moment, Zhao Gongming had already arrived at the destination with his troops.

He looked at the three people who were preparing to leave and couldn't help shouting, and hit them directly with the golden whip in his hand.

In an instant, a powerful force directly cut off the path of the three people.

The three of them looked back and were instantly shocked.

Looking at this situation, could it be that Yuxu Palace has already sent someone here?

If someone really comes from Yuxu Palace, they may be doomed this time!

"How can my three brothers let him bully him like this? Even if we die, we will fight with them. Second brother, third brother, come on!"

The three of them knew that they could not escape at this moment, so they could only watch Zhao Gongming prepare to fight with Zhao Gongming.

"Hmph, why don't you just surrender and be captured? Do you still want to resist? I, Mr. Zhao, will grant you my wish!"

Zhao Gongming said as he put a whip in one hand and threw the dragon rope with the other hand.

The three of them also directly transformed into one person, a huge figure, and their combat power increased several times in an instant.

The three of them directly sacrificed their magic weapons, opened a bag and headed towards Zhao Gongming.

The huge bag immediately emitted a light of attraction, and several disciples behind Zhao Gongming were almost sucked into the bag without noticing.

Zhao Gongming's expression changed. These three people were indeed a bit difficult to deal with.

However, he directly threw the dragon-binding rope in his hand.

The dragon-binding rope turned into a stream of light and directly tied up the three superimposed real bodies.

After Zhao Gongming succeeded with one blow, he directly took out the golden whip and hit the three of them.

The three of them were now tied up by the dragon-binding ropes, unable to exert their strength, and the Seven Skills Bag in their hands also fell down.

The golden whip has gradually enlarged and suppressed the three people.

"Ah, my life is over. I regret it. I regret that I should not have coveted spiritual treasures. If not, we would have gone to Golden Turtle Island and entered Biyou Palace now. I regret it!"

Sudden. The black robe shouted and closed his eyes waiting for the golden whip to fall.

There was nothing they could do.

Hei Pao closed his eyes tightly and felt as if he was very calm. He hurriedly opened his eyes, and Zhao Gongming had already come to them.

"What did you say you were going to do?"

Zhao Gongming asked.

"Humph, it's okay to tell you Yuxu Palace. The three of us are going to join Saint Tongtian. You can fight or kill Yuxu Palace if you wish! If we had left early, we would have gone to Jinli Island and become disciples of Biyou Palace. !”

The black robe had no scruples at the moment, since he could not escape death anyway.

Just say it!

You can still enjoy your mouth before you die!

Zhao Gongming waved his hand, and the dragon-binding ropes on the three people immediately disappeared.

The three of them couldn't help but feel confused when they saw Zhao Gongming acting like this.

"Let me tell you why the three of you want to go to Golden Turtle Island!"

Zhao Gongming asked.

The three of them told the story of how they were attacked by the real Huanglong last time and were later saved by the disciples of Biyou Palace.

Zhao Gongming suddenly became confused after hearing this.

Did the disciples of Biyou Palace save them, or was it from the hands of Zhenren Huanglong?

"You three, please tell me in detail, what was the situation like at that time?"

Zhao Gongming asked hurriedly.

The three of them described the situation in detail.

After Zhao Gongming heard this, he couldn't help but become more confused.

From what they said, the only person who could force Huang Long back with one move and almost kill Huang Long, but who refused to show up, was Biyou Palace. In addition to Taoist Duobao who had this strength, the other person in Biyou Palace was Master Tongtian, his master. .

But the problem is that under the current situation, it should be impossible for the leader of Tongtian to take action personally, otherwise Huang Long would not be able to survive?

Could it be Taoist Duobao, my senior brother!

The more Zhao Gongming thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

Only Duobao would have such great revenge on the people of Yuxu Palace.

"Forget it, in this case, I can't ignore you. I am Zhao Gongming of Biyou Palace, and I am now worshiping the heaven, just like the Huanglong. Now since you also intend to join me, and you were saved by me, Biyou Palace, you Follow me!"

Zhao Gongming said.

When the three of them heard this, they couldn't help but be overjoyed. It turned out that the person in front of them was Zhao Gongming, a disciple of the leader of Tongtian Cult of Biyou Palace!

"Fellow Daoist Zhao Gongming, what will happen if you, our followers, return to Heaven? You also know that we are not willing to obey the orders of Emperor Haotian. In addition, we have enmity with Huang Long. I am afraid it will be inappropriate!"

Black Robe asked directly.

After Zhao Gongming heard this, he waved his hand.

"Don't worry, I, Biyou Palace, can protect you!"

After the three of them heard this, they hurriedly followed Zhao Gongming and left their nest!

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