Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 119 Go to heaven and teach the two immortals a lesson

Soon, the two of them went to the Nantian Gate of Tianting.

Why didn't the Heavenly Court Guard know Liu Ming? He just informed them and let the two of them in.

Haotian was sitting on his Heavenly Emperor's throne. Liu Ming came forward with a smile on his face.

"Queen Mother, you are right, the demon clan's prince is indeed here, haha!"

Haotian looked at Yaochi and said.

Yaochi also smiled, she was sure that the demon clan would send the demon clan prince, because firstly, the demon clan prince was not a peaceful person, and secondly, he was the only one from the demon clan who had ever dealt with Heavenly Court.

While the two were talking, Liu Ming came in with Sun Wukong.

Haotian sat up straight. After all, he was the prince of the demon clan, so he had to give him some face.

Liu Ming walked up and came directly to Haotian.

"The prince of the demon clan is ordered by the Emperor of Heaven to come to the Heavenly Court to listen to the Emperor's orders!"

Liu Ming looked at Haotian seriously.

When Liu Ming said this, Haotian suddenly felt a little embarrassed. This was showing his dissatisfaction to him!

How could the prince of the Demon Clan be ordered by the Emperor of Heaven? Not to mention that the current Heavenly Court had no achievements, even if it had reached its peak, it would be difficult for him to order him around.

"Haha, Prince of the Demon Clan, what are you talking about? Why did you come to dispatch me? It is really difficult for Heaven to be in trouble right now, so I asked you to come and give me some detailed information!"

Haotian's face quickly changed into a smile.

Liu Ming waved his hand, "The Emperor of Heaven is too polite. Now that the Heavenly Court is in charge of the order of the ancient world, how can I, the demon clan, as a great clan of the ancient world, stand by and watch? Emperor of Heaven, just tell me, who do you want to do?"


After Liu Mingyi finished speaking, the entire heaven fell silent.

Haotian was speechless for a moment, but Yaochi directly covered his face and was secretly dissatisfied.

So rude!

"Ahem, um, you have just arrived, so let's not be in a hurry. Come, I will introduce you to people who know Heavenly Court. In the future, you will often interact with each other. Come here and meet the Demon Clan Prince!"

Haotian hurriedly summoned others to come over, which relieved the embarrassment.

Liu Ming was not as embarrassed as Haotian. He looked at the people in Heaven with a very calm expression.

They are all crooked characters.

Liu Ming couldn't arouse any interest at all.

Look, it's already a big deal if every one of them can have the cultivation level of a Golden Immortal.

Liu Ming looked through it like a fleeting glance. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he saw two old acquaintances!

"We have all met the prince of the demon clan. In the future, we will work together to contribute to the heaven. Haha, why should my heaven be unhappy!"

Haotian finally felt a little happy when he saw that he now had his own team.

Although there are some shortcomings, at least they can listen to themselves, which is much better than the people of Sanqing.

"Emperor of Heaven, these two are Taoist friends Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao from the Erxian Ridge of Wuyi Mountain!"

Liu Ming suddenly asked.

Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao have cursed ten thousand times in their hearts, huh, you took the treasure from them, and now you are pretending to be confused.

Haotian's eyes showed a glimmer of light. The grievances between Liu Ming and the two of them had been discussed when they came. How could Haotian not know about it, but Liu Ming pretended to be confused, so Haotian acted with him.

"Yes, these two are the two immortals of Wuyi Mountain. They come to serve in my heaven. It seems that you have also heard of their names, or do you think you know them!"

Haotian asked, waiting for Liu Ming to respond.

After Liu Ming heard this, he sneered, "Know?" We know each other very well, but right now, it’s better not to know him.

To deceive others, you have to deceive them to the point of death.

"Oh my, I don't know you! I've just heard of your names. You don't know that my father said at the beginning that the two people from Erxianling have great magic power and great luck. It's really amazing!"

Liu Ming suddenly looked envious, and Haotian was instantly speechless!

And Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao both had dark faces. They didn't know how much they weighed, and they still got the emperor's praise. This Liu Ming was praising the two of them in front of everyone.

"His Royal Highness, you are joking. How can we two fall into the eyes of Lord Dijun? Haha, we are just little people being bullied in Wuyi Mountain!"

Cao Bao looked at Liu Ming and replied directly.

Haotian watched the two men's confrontation with Liu Ming with great interest.

Liu Ming glanced at the two of them, "You are right, you are really small people, very small people, remember this in the future, don't pretend to be a big-tailed wolf for me!"

Liu Ming's sudden change of attitude made the two of them furious, but it was hard to express them, so they had to endure it!

Haotian and Yaochi looked at each other, and the meaning in Haotian's eyes was clear.

He didn't understand what Liu Ming did.

"Okay, okay, we are all a family, we are all working for the heaven, why bother to spoil the atmosphere, haha, the prince of the demon clan, now that you have come to the heaven, tell me, what position do you want, I will not be stingy! "

Haotian glanced at Liu Ming with a smile.

If you want Liu Ming to work for him, how can you not give him some benefits?

As a result, Liu Ming rolled his eyes after hearing this, thinking that Haotian could reward eight or ten spiritual treasures.

Give me a position?

Tsk, do you care about it? Not unusual!

He is the prince of the demon clan. When the demon clan was in charge of the ancient times, he was the prince of heaven.

The status is not much lower than Haotian, okay?

Seeing Liu Ming not speaking for a long time, Haotian thought Liu Ming was embarrassed.

"You can say that, don't be embarrassed, as long as it's suitable, I will give it to you!"

After Haotian finished speaking, Liu Ming rolled his eyes and had an idea.

"Emperor of Heaven, I came here to assist the Emperor of Heaven in controlling the order of the ancient world, but now, with all due respect, the Heavenly Court is still not strong enough!"

Liu Ming stopped mid-sentence and looked at Haotian.

Haotian's face instantly turned gloomy upon hearing this. Liu Biyan despised him.

He is also looking down on heaven!

"Bold, you dare to question the Emperor of Heaven!"

After holding it in for a long time, Cao Bao finally found an opportunity to vent his dissatisfaction.

As a result, just after he finished speaking, Cao Bao suddenly felt an irresistible force coming in front of him.

Just as he was about to raise his hands to resist, his expression suddenly changed and he flew out.

Xiao Sheng saw Cao Bao being beaten like this. As soon as he made a move, Liu Ming raised his hand and locked him in place.

"Hmph, this prince and the Emperor of Heaven are talking. Is it your turn to talk too much? The next time, I will definitely kill your soul with fear and prevent you from being reincarnated!"

Liu Ming said and waited for Cao Bao fiercely. He did not kill them at first. He originally thought that they would play some role later, but he did not expect that these two troublemakers actually went to heaven.

Still going against yourself everywhere!

But it's okay, I'll keep him clean up from time to time, so that Haotian and the entire heaven understand that I'm not someone to be trifled with.

As soon as Liu Ming took action, Haotian's heart twitched, and he took action in his own heaven again!

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