Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 120: With one heart for heaven, go to the banquet in Yaochi

After the last battle between Huang Long and Zhao Gongming in heaven, the shadow in Haotian's heart has not passed yet. Now Liu Ming will not be the second most popular Huang Long and Zhao Gongming, right?

After Liu Ming took action to scare the two of them, he turned back to look at Haotian and saw that Haotian's face was somewhat displeased and concealed anger.

"Emperor Heaven, it is really difficult to suppress the anger in my heart, so I am so rude. Please forgive me. This prince came to Heaven for the Emperor, not to be bullied by Xiaoxiao. Emperor, I don't want any position. I said, Heaven Now that I am not strong enough, I am willing to go to great lengths to recruit people from Heaven!"

Liu Ming said it word for word.

After Haotian heard this, his whole expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Liu Ming in surprise.

Unexpectedly, Liu Ming didn't want the position in Heaven.

"You said you were recruiting people from the wild? What do you mean?"

Haotian asked with some confusion.

"Heavenly Emperor, some of the scattered cultivators hidden in the prehistoric times are unwilling to obey the orders of Heavenly Court because there is no one to recruit them. In addition, there is no one to scare them. However, I am willing to beat them for Heavenly Emperor and let them know that Heavenly Court is revered by Heavenly Emperor. If heaven works for the emperor, then go to hell and accept reincarnation!"

Liu Ming said coldly.

The whole heaven fell silent.

This is too overbearing!

If you don’t go to heaven, you will go to hell!

At this moment, Haotian could no longer care about what Liu Ming had just done in front of him.

Liu Ming's words made Haotian's heart instantly feel warm.

It was boiling!

After he established the Heavenly Court and became the Emperor of Heaven, he has not felt the majesty of the Emperor of Heaven for so long.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Haotian was so excited that he said three good words in a row.

"Everyone, show me to this emperor. See, this is the majesty of my heaven. This is the attitude that heaven should have. He is worthy of being the prince of the demon clan. He is really domineering. I promise you, I will leave this matter to you. You, whatever you need, I will agree to it!"

Haotian was so excited that he did not forget to make his promise.

Now everyone in heaven had to re-examine Liu Ming.

With just a few words, he gained the supreme trust of the Emperor of Heaven.

"The Emperor of Heaven is too polite. I don't need anything. I just need to bring the Emperor of Heaven's trust to open up and expand territory for the Heavenly Court, so that the Heavenly Court can become the master of the ancient world and the control of order as soon as possible!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking calmly, he saluted Haotian.

Haotian looked at Liu Ming's attitude and listened to Liu Ming's heroic words for heaven, and he felt extremely excited and happy.

He felt that he might have really found a helper this time.

"Queen Mother. Thank you for your hard work. Yaochi is holding a banquet, and I want to entertain the demon prince!"

Haotian turned to look at Yaochi with excitement on his face.

Yaochi stood up quickly and nodded.

"Emperor of Heaven, having fun alone is not as good as having fun with everyone. I think you all have worked hard for Heaven. Can we go to the banquet together?"

Liu Ming suddenly reminded him softly.

Haotian is not a fool. He instantly understood Liu Ming's thoughts. This was to win people's hearts!

"Okay, I will invite everyone in heaven to a banquet, let's go together!"

Haotian waved his hand and said proudly.

Everyone hurriedly saluted and thanked him.

But in everyone's hearts, they had a favorable impression of Liu Ming.

After all, without Liu Ming's reminder, Emperor Haotian might not have entertained them.

Xiao Sheng supported Cao Bao and stood in the middle of the crowd, their faces getting increasingly ugly.

I originally thought that it would be better if I went to heaven and received the protection of the Emperor.

But now it seems that they miscalculated, and they didn't expect Liu Ming to come as well.

Let Haotian treat him with such courtesy.

Now I'm afraid the next life for the two of them will be difficult.

"Hey, okay, Brother Xiao, don't think about it, it's already like this, we can't contradict him anymore, let's find another time to talk!"

Cao Bao looked at Xiao Sheng staring at Liu Ming with murderous intent in his eyes and hurriedly reminded him.

You must know that Liu Ming is in the spotlight now. If they dare to contradict them again when they go to the banquet later, Liu Ming will probably kill them, and Haotian will not care at all.

After everything was prepared, everyone came to Yaochi.

Queen Mother Yaochi has arranged for fairies to welcome everyone at Yaochi.

"Your Highness, the Emperor of Heaven asks you to come forward!"

Just as Liu Ming found a place to sit down, two fairies immediately came over and said respectfully.

Liu Ming nodded and followed the two of them to the top.

There are only three locations on it.

Haotian is in the middle, Yaochi is next to it!

There is a fairy table placed under the two of them!

Presumably this is what was left for him!

Liu Ming sat directly over.

Haotian saw that everyone had arrived, so he directly took the cup.

"Everyone, today's banquet in Yaochi is for the great future plans of my Heavenly Court. You must keep it in mind, and my Heavenly Court will surely prosper!"

After Haotian finished speaking, he drank it all in one gulp.

Everyone responded quickly!

After Liu Ming finished drinking, he curled his lips. This wine was not as delicious as his own demon clan's. It was almost embarrassing!

"Haha, Prince, what do you think? This Yaochi wine is to your liking!"

Haotian looked at Liu Ming with a smile on his face.

"Yeah. It tastes good. It tastes good. Come on, Emperor of Heaven, I'll give you a toast!"

Liu Ming picked up the cup and said something.

The two drank it all in one gulp.

As time passed, everyone gradually became lively.

Liu Ming felt a little bored at the moment. Sitting here, he only looked at Haotian and Yaochi.

But you can’t keep staring at Yaochi!

After all, she is the Queen Mother, but what’s the point of looking at Haotian.

Liu Ming lowered his gaze and looked at the people in Heaven who were eating and drinking with some disdain. They were all a bunch of bumpkins who had never seen the world.


Liu Ming suddenly exclaimed that he had not found Sun Wukong.

This monkey obviously followed him in, but why did he disappear?

After searching, there was indeed no Sun Wukong.

Liu Ming was a little confused, where did the monkey go?

Suddenly, Liu Ming had a bad premonition.

Monkey, Queen Mother, Yaochi!

These three words made him feel uneasy for a moment. That guy would not change his ways and cause trouble in Yaochi in advance!

"Well, Emperor Tian, ​​let me go out for a moment!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he was about to leave when Haotian heard this and hurriedly called him.

"If anything happens, just arrange for the people below to take care of it. Why bother to do it yourself? Come on, you and I will continue drinking!"

Haotian pulled Liu Ming and sat down again.

Seeing how enthusiastic Haotian was, Liu Ming had no choice but to give up. Anyway, if the monkeys really started to fight later, they would lose your heavenly treasure. But he was already prepared to stop it. The key is that you don't let it!

After figuring it out, Liu Ming let go of his worries and drank with Haotian.

"By the way, Heavenly Emperor, aren't you going to see Dao Ancestor? Did Dao Ancestor already give you instructions?"

Liu Ming took advantage of the gap and asked.

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