Yaochi changed the topic directly.

"Hey, I was planning to rest for a few days, but now it seems that I'd better continue on in the wilderness. After all, the situation in the wilderness is still a bit chaotic. Secondly, I don't want to look at some people's faces in heaven, because I'm afraid that I won't be able to bear it. Let him stay with Xiao Sheng, then the Emperor of Heaven may be a little dissatisfied, so it's better to go out and hide for peace!"

Liu Ming gave a helpless smile.

When Yaochi heard this, he nodded and didn't know what to say.

Yaochi knew the meaning, but it was difficult to explain clearly.

After chatting for a while, Liu Ming took Sun Wukong and left.

After leaving Yaochi, Sun Wukong glanced at Liu Ming.

"Master, why don't you want Haotian's reward?"

Sun Wukong asked doubtfully.

Liu Ming is not someone who doesn’t get cheap deals!

"Didn't I say that? Because I feel guilty about Yaochi and I'm embarrassed to take it!"

Liu Ming responded.

"No, Master, why don't I seem to believe that!"

Sun Wukong blinked.

"Humph, if Haotian has something good in his hand, he will reward me. But if he comes with some useless things, he will definitely not give me the jade Ruyi given by Dao Ancestor. Why accept favors from others just for some rags? Do you believe it now? Yet?"

Liu Ming said angrily.

Sun Wukong nodded directly after hearing this, he believed it so much!

He just said that it was impossible for Liu Ming not to take advantage. It turned out that Haotian's advantage was of no use.

Not long after the two left Yaochi, Haotian came here.

He was a little confused about Liu Ming coming to see Yaochi.

I couldn't bear it anymore, so I ran over.

Seeing that Liu Ming had left, Haotian felt relieved. At least they wouldn't meet each other to avoid embarrassment!

"Emperor of Heaven, you are here for the prince of the demon clan!"

Yaochi asked after suddenly appearing.

Haotian nodded.

"I really don't know why he came to see you, so I came to take a look!"

After Haotian finished speaking, Yaochi invited him into the main hall.

Yaochi then told Haotian everything Liu Ming had said.

As Yaochi narrated, Haotian's expression became more and more solemn.

Finally, Haotian let out a long sigh and finally opened the knot in his heart.

"Hmph, then Cao Bao told me that he didn't want the reward because he asked for too much and it was for my position as the Emperor of Heaven. It's simply ridiculous!"

Haotian said suddenly dissatisfied.

"God, Cao Bao is really a villain. He has been targeted by the demon prince. Also, this person cannot be reused. He is simply a troublemaker!"

Yaochi reminds me.

Haotian nodded, "I understand, don't worry, I'm just using him to do things for me!"

After Haotian finished speaking, he left.

When he returned to Heaven, he happened to see Liu Ming approaching.

"Emperor of Heaven, since the Dragon King of the Four Seas has been canonized, it's time for me to go to the ancient world to find people for Heaven again. I would like to say goodbye to the Emperor of Heaven!"

Liu Ming said calmly.

Haotian had already learned about Liu Ming's attitude from Yaochi. He was unwilling to meet Cao Bao, so he was ready to leave.

"Thank you for your hard work. I'll reward you when I come back next time!"

Haotian said something.

Liu Ming nodded, took Sun Wukong and left.

Haotian looked at the backs of the two of them and his face became a little pensive. The demon prince was getting more and more confused!

"God, you are here!"

Cao Bao's voice came quickly.

Haotian frowned and glanced at Cao Bao.

"What's the matter?"

Haotian asked.

"Emperor of Heaven, among the heavenly soldiers and generals this time, there are many spiritual treasures that have nothing to offer, so I ask the Emperor of Heaven to reward some!"

After Cao Bao finished speaking, Haotian's face suddenly turned gloomy.

"Hmph, apart from complaining to me and asking for things, what else do you have for you? Ah, you are a loser. Do you really think that you can't replace me with another one after I leave?"

After Haotian finished speaking, he waved his sleeves and left.

Only Cao Bao was left standing there, somewhat bewildered.

Cao Bao now doesn't know how he offended the Emperor of Heaven.

Wasn't it good the past few times?

Give yourself what you want.

Cao Bao has already asked for many spiritual treasures from Haotian, and now he has some capital.

At least he's not as poor as before.

But now the changes in Haotian made Cao Bao aware of his crisis.

And Haotian said that if he leaves, he can be replaced by someone else. This is a reminder to him!

Cao Bao was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

After thinking for a while, he instantly understood that perhaps Haotian's change was related to the demon prince. After all, he was the only enemy in heaven!

"Well, you demon prince, huh, you are really hateful, just wait for me!"

Cao Bao said fiercely.

Phoenix Clan!

Immortal volcano!

Yuan Feng looked at the people in front of him coldly.

It was those twelve golden immortals from Yuxu Palace.

Master Yuding, Master Taiyi, and the True Lord Qingxu Morality!

The three people looked at Yuan Feng with some helplessness.

And Yuan Feng's expression was as cold as ice.

"Clan Chief Yuanfeng, Pindao really doesn't have any ill intentions!"

Master Yuding said something.

"That's enough. I, the Phoenix Clan, have no control over what happens to your Yuxu Palace, but now if you dare to force your way into my Immortal Volcano, don't blame me for not giving you face!"

Yuan Feng said coldly.

When the three of them heard this, they knew that Yuan Feng had made up his mind.

The three of them were ordered to travel in the ancient wilderness, but they accidentally saw a talented person, and they felt happy and wanted to take him back to Yuxu Palace.

As a result, the man refused and ran away directly. The three of them realized that no one in the world dared not give Yuxu Palace face, so they chased after him leisurely.

In the end, I didn't expect to catch up with the Immortal Volcano.

The man ran directly in, and just as the three of them were about to chase after him, Yuan Feng came out.

The three of them knew that that person was from the Phoenix Clan.

Although the three of them had already spoken out, Yuan Feng remained unmoved.

So we were stuck there!

"Let me tell you, this Yuan Feng is no longer as strong as he was before, so why should the three of us be afraid of him!"

Qingxu Daode Tianzun said directly with dissatisfaction.

Master Yuding and Master Taizi glanced at each other, and the intentions in their eyes were very clear.

"Clan Chief Yuanfeng, are you really unwilling to let us take that person away? This person is destined to my Yuxu Palace. I hope you can understand. You must know Yuxu Palace and will not treat him badly!"

Master Taiyi stepped forward and said.

"Dream, hum, I said, you can't take him away, you'd better leave me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Yuan Feng said that she didn't take these people seriously. When she first became the leader, these three people were just unknown people.

If she wasn't afraid of Yuanshi Tianzun, she wouldn't have such patience.

If you dare to threaten her now, you are simply seeking death!

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