Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 139 Yuan Feng fights against the Golden Immortal of Yuxu Palace

Master Taiyi and the other three saw that Yuan Feng was not giving face at all, and they gradually became a little angry.

It is simply unbelievable that some of the dignified disciples of Yuxu Palace dare not give him face.

"Yuanfeng, I have said all the good things, are you still unwilling?"

Master Yuding asked coldly.

Yuan Feng snorted coldly, his attitude already clear.

"Okay, since you don't want to, then don't blame us. We must take this person away. Hum, if Yuan Feng was in its prime, the three of us would naturally not dare to provoke you, but now your Feng clan has curled up in I want to see how much you weigh after reaching the Immortal Volcano!"

After Master Taiyi finished speaking, the three of them stood apart!

As soon as Yuan Feng saw it, he knew that the matter was not easy to solve, so he had no choice but to take action.

She looked at the three of them without any fear. The Phoenix Clan's Nirvana Technique was no joke.

"Yuanfeng. If I give you a chance, do you want to get out of the way?"

Master Taiyi asked.

"Huh, get out of the way? You can just dream. Since the three of you are seeking death, don't blame me for not giving Yuanshi Tianzun face. Killing his three disciples is also a warning to your Yuxu Palace!"

After Yuan Feng finished speaking, a stream of flames spurted out.

The three of them were enveloped.

"Bold Yuan Feng, the two junior brothers, take action together to conquer Yuan Feng!"

Taiyi Zhenren shouted loudly.

Throw the Universe Circle in your hand directly.

Suddenly it turned into a beam of light and hit Yuan Feng.

Not to be outdone, Master Yuding swung the Immortal Sword directly and shot it out.

And the last True Lord of Qingxu Morality was heading towards Yuan Feng with a Hunyuan Banner in one hand and a flying electric gun in the other.

At this moment, Yuan Feng has transformed into his own phoenix body. The surrounding temperature continues to rise, and it gradually feels like it is about to explode.

But the spiritual treasures of Taiyi Zhenren and the other three people have already been killed.

When Yuan Feng saw it, his expression changed slightly. These three people had four or five magic weapons in total!

Moreover, there are people who are killing very powerful spiritual treasures, so I am afraid that I cannot be careless.

Yuanfeng didn't dare to be careless, so he dealt with it carefully.

Now that they are both in the quasi-sage realm, although Yuan Feng's strength is slightly higher, they can't stand up to the three of them joining forces, let alone the many spiritual treasures they have!

Seeing Yuan Feng struggling to deal with it, Master Taiyi's face turned cold, and he shot out the Huntian Ling in his hand.

In an instant, it turned into a silk curtain that filled the sky, wrapping Yuan Feng.

Seeing this opportunity, True Monarch Qingxu Daode raised his hand and drove the Heart Nail towards Yuan Feng's chest.

Yuan Feng was a little embarrassed at this moment. There was Huntian Ling, Qiankun Circle, and Hunyuan Banner in front of her, which were constantly consuming her.

Then there were Immortal Swords, Flying Electric Guns, and Heart Nails attacking her.

Even though Yuan Feng transformed into the Phoenix body, it was still a little difficult to deal with it!

She kept flying around in the air, and countless flames were shot out around her, but they were all shot down by Huntian Ling.

"Work harder, Yuan Feng can't resist it anymore!"

Master Taiyi saw Yuan Feng's current state at a glance, shouted loudly, and shot out two streams of spiritual energy from his hands.

Master Yuding and Master Qingxu Daode did not hesitate, they took action directly!

Yuanfeng's pressure doubled instantly.

She felt like she couldn't hold on any longer.

One person faced three people, and there were so many spiritual treasures!

It's a shame that Yuan Feng doesn't have any spiritual treasures to support herself.

"Yuanfeng. If you don't surrender to Pindao, I will conquer you this time. It just so happens that Pindao lacks a mount!"

After Master Taiyi finished speaking, a trace of excitement appeared on his face.

Now Yuanfeng can no longer hold on.

She was afraid that she could only hold on to one stick of incense at most.

And I and my brothers and sisters still have a lot of spiritual treasures that we haven't taken action on yet.

I didn't expect to be able to subdue Yuan Feng this time. Thinking that I was riding on Yuan Feng, and the chiefs of the three major Feng clans actually became my mount.

Taiyi Zhenren has already had wild imaginations.

I have to say that the idea of ​​riding Yuanfeng is too bold. If it can really succeed, it will be comparable to the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot of my master Yuanshi Tianzun!

When Yuan Feng heard this, he was absolutely furious.

He, a junior, actually wanted to surrender himself and become his mount.

It's too much to bully others! It's too much!

Yuan Feng had already made up her mind. If the three of them pushed her too hard, she would be reborn in Nirvana.

When Master Taiyi saw that Yuan Feng was still resisting, he couldn't help but sneered. He raised his Yin and Yang swords and used the fire-tip spear.

Two killing spirit treasures instantly came to Yuan Feng's side.

Yuan Feng secretly said bad, now there are several killing weapons, even if she has three heads and six arms, it is difficult to take them all.

Yuan Feng waved his hand, waved his phoenix tail, and roared directly towards the sky.

In an instant, the entire Immortal Volcano shook.

The people of the Feng clan heard the clan leader's cry and all came out to kill them.

But sometimes it doesn’t work when there are too many people!

There are not many masters from the Phoenix Clan.

When Lingfeng and the other three saw that the situation was not good, they were about to take action to rescue Yuanfeng when the True Monarch Qingxu Daode who was standing beside him took out the five-fire bird fan and waved it at everyone in the Feng clan.

Suddenly there was a strong wind and flames flew everywhere!

Immediately, Lingfeng and the others did not dare to step forward.

Immediately afterwards, the eight-sided bright silver hammer of Qingxu Daodezhenjun was directly hit.

There was a turmoil in the earth, and a chasm appeared.

The unlucky Phoenix clan member fell down.

Yuan Feng's last hope was shattered at this moment.

He is currently resisting the spiritual treasures and attacks of the three Taiyi masters.

And the people of the Phoenix Clan are still suffering from extermination.

"It's all you who forced me, okay, then I'll die with you!"

Yuan Feng felt angry in his heart, and the entire Phoenix body flashed with an extremely bright light.

She is going to Nirvana and be reborn!

Under Nirvana, Bijiang will explode with intense power.

I am afraid that none of the three Taiyi masters can resist. This is the reason why no one in the Feng clan has dared to provoke them for so many years.

Under the angry nirvana, I don’t know how many enemies I will take away.

But after Nirvana, Yuan Feng may not be able to regain his strength.

Even if there are more Five Elements Beads, it won't work.

Just when Yuan Feng made up his mind, a stream of light flew directly over.

"Mother, no!"

A young man with golden wings, a big Kun head, starry eyes, and leopard eyes came to Yuan Feng.

He held Yuan Feng's arm tightly.

Yuan Feng looked at the young man, and all the power he had just gathered dissipated in an instant.

"Why are you here? Go back quickly. Mother, I will try my best to protect you!"

Yuan Feng's face was full of love.

The young man shook his head.

"Mother, let me follow them. The Phoenix Clan cannot live without you! If your strength is greatly reduced after your nirvana, what hope will there be for our Phoenix Clan? I was captured by them, and they are already thinking about me. Of course you won’t let me go! Even if you kill these three people, there will be others in Yuxu Palace!”

The young man's words made Yuan Feng feel mixed emotions at the moment.

Reason told her that the young man was right. But how could she let Taiyi and the others succeed?

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