
A few golden feathers fell and floated down!

After a stream of blood spurted out from the corner of the flying golden-winged roc eagle's mouth, it took Liu Ming directly to the ancient land.

His wings had been broken and he could no longer fly.

Master Taiyi behind him couldn't help but feel happy when he saw it. He stepped on the Hot Wheels and chased after him.

At this moment, Sun Wukong has been besieged by Master Yuding and True Lord Qingxu Daode. The immortal sword, flying electric gun, heart-saving nail and other spiritual treasures have all fallen on Sun Wukong.

He was unable to resist with his own Sky-Strengthening Xuanhai Pillar. He had been beaten all over and was about to die.

"Kill this monkey and let's go find our senior brother!"

After Master Yuding finished speaking, the eight-edged bright silver hammer in the hands of Master Qingxu Daode directly hit Sun Wukong on the head, causing Sun Wukong to fall to the ground.

However, Master Yuding and Master Qingxu Daode ignored him and chased him directly.

Liu Ming, who landed on the ground, looked worried at the golden-winged roc eagle.

"You are so stupid, why are you resisting his Hun Tianling? Master, I can withstand it!"

Liu Ming said.

"Master, you don't have to hold on anymore. You can't sit still even when you're sitting on my back. How can you take the next blow?"

The golden-winged Dapeng Diao said with a smile, but as soon as he finished laughing, he felt a huge pain that made his face change drastically.

"Haha, I want to see how two people without strength can escape now!"

Master Taiyi said and walked over step by step.

"Taiyi, haha, you really think you've defeated me. Do you think if I fight you desperately, you can escape the blow I just gave to killing Ran Deng!"

Although Liu Ming's face was pale, he did not have any fear and was very calm.

Master Taiyi was stunned when he heard this.

He looked at Liu Ming suspiciously, trying to see whether what Liu Ming said was true.

"Haha, Taiyi, Taiyi, you are really interesting. Come on, the treasure money is here, come and get it!"

Liu Ming took out the treasure money and put it in the palm of his hand.

Master Taiyi frowned, he didn't know what to do.

He was afraid that Liu Ming would really fight him in the end!

The lessons learned from Ran Deng are still there.

"Senior brother, don't be fooled. The demon prince has no strength to fight. Why capture him?"

At this moment, True Lord Qingxu Daode and True Lord Yuding arrived.

After Master Yuding finished speaking, Master Taiyi suddenly realized that he had been deceived.

Liu Ming still has the ability to fight against himself.

"Okay, you demon prince, die!"

Master Taiyi was so angry that he immediately took action to capture Liu Ming.

Master Yuding and Master Qingxu Daode were not idle, and they directly attacked.

Liu Ming still had the strength to resist at this moment. He hurriedly mobilized his last strength and prepared himself to take the next step.

The moment the three of them took action, several flames floated from the sky.

"If you dare to hurt my son, you are seeking death!"

Mother and son are connected, and after the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle was beaten, Yuanfeng quickly sensed it.

I rushed over in a hurry, now is the right time.

After stopping Taiyi and the others, Yuan Feng's expression turned serious when he saw Liu Ming and the Golden Winged Dapeng Eagle.

It seems that things are not going well between the two of them!

"Prince, my son, are you okay?"

Yuan Feng asked anxiously.

Liu Ming shook his head. At this moment, he didn't know whether he was okay or not.

"Yuanfeng, it's you again. Hum, this incident started with you, so it should end with you!"

After Master Taiyi finished speaking, the spiritual treasure in his hand was already sacrificed.

Master Yuding looked at the current scene and his heart moved.

"Senior Brother Taiyi, Junior Brother Qingxu, you two deal with that Yuan Feng, and I'll take care of the Demon Clan Prince, quickly!"

After Master Yuding finished speaking, he was about to take action!

Yuan Feng became a little anxious. Liu Ming and Liu Ming were in danger now!

At this moment, a red hydrangea suddenly dropped from the sky.

It hit directly in front of Master Yuding.

Immediately knocked over the real person Jade Cauldron.

"Sage Nuwa?"

Master Taiyi and Master Qingxu did not dare to take action anymore, Nuwa is here!

I saw a figure in the sky coming directly to Liu Ming.

When Liu Ming saw Nuwa coming, he breathed a sigh of relief. As a result, he spurted out a spurt of blood.

In an instant, the whole person became depressed.

Nuwa's expression changed, and she raised her hand to inject her saint's law into Liu Ming's body. She found that it had no effect and actually rejected her own law.

"It's good that you injured him to this extent. Hum, Emperor Jun, Donghuang, come and see for yourselves!"

Nuwa suddenly looked up at the sky and said.

I saw two figures falling directly from the sky.

"My son!"


Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi arrived.

Di Jun looked at Liu Ming's current appearance, and his heart was extremely angry.

In this way, he is not far away from dying!

"Father, Uncle Donghuang, you are here!"

Liu Ming grinned.

"Don't worry, if I don't kill them this time, it will be unjust!"

After Di Jun finished speaking, he and Donghuang Taiyi looked directly at Taiyi and the others.

Taiyi Zhenren and the others felt a sense of fear in their hearts. Now that Liu Ming's helper was here, how could the three of them be the opponents of Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi!

"Gold Wings, go see the monkey, I'm afraid of him..."

Liu Ming relaxed even more when he saw that Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi had arrived.

At least he can't die now.

So I looked back at the golden-winged roc eagle.

Master Yuding and Qingxu Daode came, but Sun Wukong did not follow. Liu Ming already had a bad feeling in his heart.

"I'll go!"

After Nuwa finished speaking, she disappeared directly.

"Fellow Daoist Emperor Dijun, you can't blame us for that matter. We are helpless because your prince is the one who started it!"

Master Taiyi looked at Di Jun and said.

At this moment, the three of them didn't know what to do.

"Hmph, what did you call me, fellow Taoist Dijun, are you worthy? I am just an ignorant child in front of Yuanshi Tianzun, die!"

Di Jun directly enveloped the three of them.

When Taiyi and the others saw it, they took out all the magic weapons they could use.

As soon as Di Jun made a move, how could Donghuang Taiyi tolerate it? The Donghuang Bell in his hand started spinning.

Taiyi and the other three were resisting Di Jun's attack, but the top of their heads suddenly became dark.

When the three of them looked up, they were immediately heartbroken because the Donghuang Bell above their heads had been pressed down.

If they were suppressed by the Donghuang Bell, they would soon become the three souls within the Donghuang Bell.

"Humph, just die!"

After Donghuang Taiyi finished speaking. The Donghuang Bell was pressed down very quickly.

But at this moment, Di Jun's expression changed. He looked up and saw the Pangu flag shaking in the sky!

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