As soon as Pangu banner came out, Taiyi and the other two people were protected directly.

The Donghuang Bell's murderous intention was directly blocked, and Di Jun's power of time and space was instantly shattered.

"Master, Master is here!"

"There is help, there is help!"

Master Taiyi, Master Yuding and Qingxu Daode suddenly felt like they were surviving a disaster.

With the arrival of Yuanshi Tianzun, they now have their backbone.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, you want to stop me from killing people!"

Di Jun looked at Yuanshi Tianzun coldly.

Yuanshi Tianzun glanced at Taiyi and the others with a gloomy expression.

Immediately, Taiyi Zhenren and the other three shuddered.

The three of them knew that Yuanshi Tianzun was a little dissatisfied.

The four of them did not tell Yuanshi Tianzun about their trip and came down secretly. As a result, things have become big now.

"Di Jun, do you want to kill my Yuxu Palace disciple?"

Yuanshi Tianzun asked coldly.

The murderous intent in his eyes was already heading directly towards Di Jun. How could Di Jun shrink back and rush forward directly? The Donghuang Bell in the hand of Donghuang Taiyi on the side made a clear sound.

It was already a warning to Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi with serious expressions.

"You, a disciple of Yuxu Palace, actually want to kill my son. Now you still have the nerve to ask me, huh, Yuanshi Tianzun, do you really think that my demon clan has fallen to the point of being bullied by others? Huh?"

After Di Jun finished speaking, Yuanshi Tianzun's expression changed, and he glanced at Liu Ming.

He turned to look at Taiyi and the others.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

At this moment, Nuwa has come to Sun Wukong.

As a result, when she arrived, she saw that Jie Yin and Zhunti had already arrived.

Jie Yin helped up Taoist Ran Deng with one hand, while Zhunti wanted to take Sun Wukong away.

"I advise you to let it go!"

Nuwa suddenly said coldly and threw the red hydrangea in her hand directly.

Zhunti looked up, waved his hand, blessed the pestle and threw it out.

"Aren't you going to let it go? Zhunti, are you waiting for me to do my best?"

After Nuwa finished speaking, Zhunti glanced at Jieyin.

After Jieyin nodded, Zhunti put Sun Wukong down.

Nuwa directly rolled up Sun Wukong. When she looked down, her face became a little gloomy.

At this moment, Sun Wukong no longer had any spiritual power fluctuations.

He is considered dead, but his soul has not dispersed and he is still breathing.

Nuwa raised her hand and directly injected her saint's law into it, protecting Sun Wukong.


Nuwa snorted coldly and left with Sun Wukong.

Jieyin and Zhunti watched Nuwa leave and felt regretful. They wished they had come earlier.

"Thank you for welcoming the saint, and mentioning the saint!"

Ran Deng had already woken up under Jie Yin's treatment.

"Hey, your injuries are a bit serious. Forget it, you are destined to the West. How could a poor man let you get hurt like this!"

After the introduction is finished. A golden light directly penetrated into Ran Deng's body.

When the lamp was lit, the surroundings emitted a divine light.

The whole person became a little calmer.

"This is a Western teaching method. It will be very helpful for your recovery from injuries. You can practice well. Let's go. They must be busy now!"

After Jie Yin finished speaking, he took Ran Deng and Zhunti away directly.

At this moment, on the other side, Yuanshi Tianzun, Di Jun, and Donghuang Taiyi were already confronting each other.

In the void, a figure floated down.

Holding a fly whisk, who else could it be but Taishang Laojun?

"Haha, Emperor Jun, Dong Huang, we haven't seen each other for many years, and you two are here too!"

After Taishang Laojun finished speaking, he took a look at the situation at the scene.

"Hmph, if the two of us don't come out, I'm afraid someone in the prehistoric times may have thought that I was dead and dared to do such a heavy hand to my son. They must have been prepared for the demon clan's revenge!"

After Di Jun finished speaking, he turned around and saw that Nuwa was back.

She placed Sun Wukong in front of Liu Ming.

Liu Ming struggled to get up, and when he saw Sun Wukong's appearance, his expression suddenly changed.

"Monkey, monkey!"

But no matter how Liu Ming shouted, Sun Wukong didn't make any move.

Liu Ming's eyes were already red, as if the blood had filled his entire eyeballs.

"Taiyi, Yuding, Qingxu, you three deserve to die, you deserve to die!"

Liu Ming suddenly roared with all his strength.

The whole world became cold.

Yuanshi Tianzun waved his hand, and a ray of light shot toward Liu Ming.

"You dare to threaten my Yuxu Palace disciples in front of Pindao?"

Before Yuanshi Tianzun's attack could reach Liu Ming, Nuwa scattered it with a palm.

Before Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi could take action.

"Senior Brother Yuanshi, this monkey is not only his disciple, but also a member of our Wa Palace. Is your Yuxu Palace ready to bully the Wa Palace now? Very good, I want to see how many I can kill and how many can you protect. several!"

Nuwa protected Liu Ming behind her and spoke word by word.

Yuanshi Tianzun's expression changed, and he looked at Nuwa in surprise.

Nuwa, who had never been nosy, actually took the initiative now.

This made Yuanshi Tianzun have to think.

"Haha, fellow Taoist Nuwa, there may be a misunderstanding about this matter, please don't hurt your harmony!"

Taishang Laojun laughed as he spoke.

"I don't know what the misunderstanding that the Supreme Master mentioned is, I'm waiting for you to explain it to me!"

Nuwa was uncharacteristically not giving any face at all. No one can!

Liu Ming was a little surprised behind Nuwa. Nuwa seemed to be very angry this time.

However, he looks cute when he is angry!

"I never thought that one day I, Liu Ming, would be protected behind a woman's back. What a shame. Humph, Yuxu Palace, Taiyi, just wait for me!"

Liu Ming thought to himself.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun were speechless for a while, but Nuwa's attitude was now very clear.

Just want to cause trouble for them!

"Fellow Taoist Nuwa, why are you so aggressive? You are just a monkey. Senior Brother Yuanshi's deputy master almost died!"

Jieyin and Zhunti suddenly appeared with burning lanterns.

When Yuanshi Tianzun saw the situation of the burning lamp, the anger in his heart could not stop pouring out!

"Randeng, tell me, who hurt you so badly!"

After Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, Ran Deng raised his head and looked at Liu Ming. The murderous intent in his eyes could not be stopped no matter what.

Liu Ming's attack almost killed him. The key was that his Dao foundation had been destroyed, and it was probably impossible for him to prove the Dao.

I think he is extremely talented in Ran Deng. He has been a quasi-sage for a long time now. As long as he can understand the way of heaven, he can achieve enlightenment.

But now I'm afraid I don't even have the chance to understand the way of heaven.

"Master, it's him, the prince of the demon clan!"

After Ran Deng finished speaking, everyone looked at Liu Ming.

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi stood beside Liu Ming. Naturally, Nuwa was in front of Liu Ming, and she did not leave at all.

"Okay, Prince of the Demon Clan, huh, this poor Taoist has decided his fate for you!"

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