Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 152 The Four Saints join forces to defeat Zhou Tian

After hearing Di Jun shout loudly, the whole sky suddenly flashed with the light of stars.

Liu Ming looked up and saw that Kunpeng, Bai Ze, Ji Meng, Yingzhao, Gui Che, Shang Yang and others were all looking at him.

Liu Ming felt warm in his heart. He could still rely on his own people at critical times!

"Don't be afraid, Prince, we will definitely seek justice for the Prince!"

Kunpeng suddenly said loudly.

Liu Ming nodded.

Kunpeng has completely changed now and has completely become Liu Ming's confidant.

"Hmph, Kunpeng, you have such a loud tone!"

Jie Yin looked at Kunpeng and felt dissatisfied. He had been in contact with Kunpeng at the beginning, and the purpose was to deal with the demon clan. Now Kunpeng has suddenly transformed and has become a loyal person of the demon clan.

"Hmph, Jie Yin, you and I are both from the time when Taoist preached. You are not much better than me, you are just thicker-skinned!"

After Kunpeng finished speaking, Jie Yin suddenly became furious.

"Kunpeng, you and I discussed how to deal with the demon clan together. Now you have become so loyal. Haha, could it be that the demon clan has forgiven you?"

Zhunti suddenly looked at Kunpeng and said.

Kunpeng's expression changed. Only Liu Ming knew about this matter at the beginning, but now he was told in front of everyone. This made Kunpeng a little hard to accept.

Kunpeng even felt that the demon clan members around him were looking at him suspiciously.

Kunpeng felt angry, but he was helpless and didn't know how to explain it.

"Hmph, you are still a saint in vain, your methods are really dirty. When you met Kunpeng, he told me, but I asked him to use his plan to give you a head-on blow to the West. Unexpectedly, I never found an opportunity. , you still have the nerve to expose your dirty methods to the public today, it’s simply shameless!”

Liu Ming said suddenly.

When Kunpeng heard this, he suddenly felt warm in his heart. Liu Ming's words completely proved his innocence.

"Hmph, what did you say? You ignorant kid, you still dare to speak harshly, Senior Brother Yuanshi, there is no need to talk nonsense with them, just take action! The demon clan no longer exists today!"

Jie Yin directly interrupted Liu Ming's accusation and said angrily.

"Okay, today we will destroy that demon clan!"

After Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, the Pangu flag in his hand shook directly.

Taishang Laojun also took out the wind and fire futon.

Two of the Three Purities have already moved to their true form, and Jie Yin and Zhunti will not be left behind. The relics in Jie Yin's hands, the Seven Treasures Tree of Zhunti, and the blessed divine pestle are already in hand.

Liu Ming had regained a little strength at this moment. He looked at the four saints joining forces, and his brows became more and more worried.

If these four people join forces, even Hongjun may not be able to guarantee victory!

Liu Ming glanced at Tongtian Cult Leader, how great it would be if he had the Immortal Killing Sword in his hand!

Directly besieged the Four Saints!

Now I’m just thinking about it!

"The generals of the demon tribe will set up a star battle array to attract the power of the stars in the sky!"

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi directly occupied the center of the formation.

Nuwa is independent from Zhoutian Xingdou Formation!

Now the demon clan is ready.

The Four Saints also had solemn expressions. It was also the first time for them to face the Zhoutian Star Formation in person.

It is still unclear whether the formation can be broken!

In such a tense situation, everyone was extremely nervous.

Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly shook the Pangu flag, and suddenly the sky fell and the earth collapsed, and the stars were shattered.

There was a strong wind all around.

This was a signal. As soon as Yuanshi Tianzun took action, the other three saints acted directly as if they had received the order.

Seeing that the power of the stars he had just condensed was shattered, the Donghuang Bell in Donghuang Taiyi's hand directly stopped the power of Pangu Banner.

"The formation is about to start, Zhou Tianxingchen, come out for me!"

The Hetu Luoshu in Di Jun's hand flew directly into the air, serving as a medium to communicate with the power of the stars in the sky. Suddenly the whole sky was filled with bright stars, and the power of countless stars poured down.

When Nuwa saw this scene, she knocked down Taishang Laojun's wind and fire futon with the red hydrangea in her hand.

The entire prehistoric world was shaken directly, and disaster was coming.

Liu Ming was desperately trying to restore his spiritual power at this moment.

Now he can only watch helplessly, unable to do anything to help.

But he will not sit still and wait for death, because the demon clan of the Four Saints will be difficult to deal with with the help of the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation.

He is condensing his strongest attack, Chaos Slash, Opening the Sky!

The entire ancient land was smashed into ravines by the power of the stars.

The four saints in the Zhoutian Star Formation all rely on their own magic weapons and magic power to resist the power of the stars.

Now that the four of them have defended and performed well, there is no need to panic.

Instead, the four of them gradually developed a tacit understanding.

Yuanshi Tianzun used the Pangu flag to crush the power of the stars, while Taishang Laojun's wind and fire futon had already restrained Nuwa.

The relic in Jie Yin's hand was gathering golden light, shrouding the four of them in the golden light.

Zhunti's blessing pestle kept hitting Donghuang Taiyi's Donghuang Bell.

And if his Seven Treasures Tree hadn't been blocked by the power of the stars, he might have been ready to take action.

"This can't go on like this!"

A cold light flashed in Liu Ming's eyes.

These four people are now waiting, waiting for the strongest momentum of the Monster Clan's Zhoutian Star Formation to pass.

Once the power of the stars weakens, these four people may directly break through the Zhoutian Star Formation and take action.

At that time, the demon clan will be able to form an array again, but it will be difficult for them to have such powerful star power as a means of attack.

"Fellow Taoists, we don't have to go head-to-head, you just need to protect us. Although the monster clan's Zhoutianxingdou Formation is powerful, I don't believe how long it can last. When they are exhausted, it will be me. Waiting for the day to take action!”

After Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, the other three nodded.

Liu Ming had no good solution at the moment but to calm down and speed up the recovery of his strength.

At this moment, in the vast land, everyone is hiding in the void to watch.

If he had entered the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, he would have been wiped out long ago.

Zhen Yuanzi and Yuanfeng had a good relationship with Liu Ming, so they naturally became a little worried.

Others, such as Zhulong and Ancestor Styx, have nothing to do with themselves and just want to watch the fun.

Gradually, Liu Ming's worries became reality, and the Monster Clan's Zhoutian Star Formation was already weakening.

After all, borrowing power from the stars is an extremely difficult task in itself. How can the stars be so majestic that you can use their power continuously?

Even if they could use it, the three hundred and sixty-five demon generals of the demon clan would not have the strength to support their bodies to carry the endless power of the stars.

Liu Ming became more and more anxious, and his heart became more and more panicked.

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