Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 153: Monster clan crisis, Hongjun takes action

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi also understood the Four Saints' intentions at this moment.

But they had no choice but to force themselves to communicate and use more power from the stars.

I just hope the Four Saints can't hold on!

But how could the Four Saints not be able to hold on? The four of them didn't put in much effort at the moment.

The Zhoutian Xingdou Formation can deal with one or two saints with ease. Even facing a saint, the strongest blow is to seriously injure him and knock down the saint. It is not impossible.

But now there are four saints!

It is not easy to maintain it.

At this moment, the light in the eyes of Lord Tongtian who was watching the battle became brighter and brighter.

"Master, don't we take action?"

Taoist Duobao asked. At this moment, he was already a little excited.

At this moment, the six great saints of the prehistoric era are involved. When both sides are harmed, my master, Master Tongtian, will use the Zhuxian Sword Formation to take action, and he will definitely be able to wipe out the entire prehistoric saints and monster clan in one fell swoop.

At that time, Biyou Palace was the real boss of the entire prehistoric period.

After listening to Duobao's words, Master Tongtian's expression became a little uncertain.

He shook his head.

"The time has not yet come!"

That's right, the main idea of ​​Tongtian Sect is the same as Duobao, that is, he wants to take advantage of the opportunity to catch the mantis and catch the cicada and the oriole behind him!


There was only a loud noise, and after Yuanshi Tianzun Pangu's flag shattered the power of a star, he slapped Di Jun directly with his palm.

The panicked Emperor Jun quickly used his Hetu Luoshu to resist.

After Hetu Luoshu was knocked down, the entire Zhoutian Xingdou Formation suddenly became turbulent.

Without the support of Hetu Luoshu, there is very little star power that the formation can communicate with.

Di Jun's expression changed, and he hurriedly summoned Hetu Luoshu over again, preparing to communicate with the stars of heaven and earth.

But how could Yuanshi Tianzun, who had already discovered the opportunity, let Di Jun set up the formation again.

"The time has come, and we took action!"

After Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, he directly broke through the power of the stars with one hand and took the Pangu flag to hit Di Jun and others.

But Taishang Laojun did not move, he stood in front of Nuwa.

Nuwa knew that she could no longer take action, and Taishang Laojun had set his sights on her.

However, Jie Yin and Zhunti took action directly the moment Yuanshi Tianzun set off.

The spiritual treasures in the hands of the two were so powerful, and the relic became even more powerful after being attacked by the power of the stars.

The sacred pestle in Zhunti's hand sparkled with cold light.

When Di Jun saw that his Zhoutian Xingdou Formation had lost its threat to the saint, his expression changed.

Donghuang Taiyi beside him had already taken action.

"Protect the prince back to the demon clan, hurry up!"

Emperor Jun's face turned cold and he shouted loudly. With Hetu Luoshu in his hand, he thrust out the Demon Emperor Sword.

When everyone in the demon tribe saw it, they couldn't help but panic. Di Jun was already determined to die.

"Quickly, take the prince and leave!"

After Kunpeng finished speaking, he walked towards Liu Ming.

Liu Ming suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, and the current situation was already a bit crisis.

It was seen that Liu Ming broke free from the saint's suppression before Kunpeng came.

"Chaos Slash, open the sky, come out!"

Liu Ming's body suddenly erupted with a strong killing aura.

Yuanshi Tianzun, who was the first to bear the brunt, changed his expression, waved his hand and took it.


There was a loud noise, and even Jieyin and Zhunti were shaken back a few steps by the remaining power.

The surprise on Yuanshi Tianzun's face became even more intense.

Liu Ming's action actually made him a little scared.

"What a kid, you are really powerful, let's see how you can avoid me!"

Yuanshi Tianzun went directly towards Liu Ming.

At this moment, Liu Ming no longer had any strength and fell directly backward.

Kunpeng, with quick eyes and quick hands, had already reached Liu Ming's side and directly supported him.

"Take the prince and leave!"

Kunpeng threw Liu Ming directly, but Bai Ze caught him.

Yuanshi Tianzun also came to Kunpeng at this moment.

"Get out of my way!"

Pangu flag waved, and Kunpeng immediately took a few steps back.

But he gritted his teeth and stepped forward again.

When Yuanshi Tianzun saw it, he was immediately furious, and the magic power in his hand was imprinted on Kunpeng's body.


Kunpeng directly transformed into his own body, the Nine-Heaven Kunpeng Bird.

Di Jun faced Jie Yin, while Dong Huangtai faced Zhunti.

At this moment, Nuwa was also restrained by Taishang Laojun, and no one could suppress Yuanshi Tianzun's move.

The leader of Tongtian Cult in the void has become a little excited.

The light in his hands gradually condensed. He was waiting for an opportunity!

Suddenly, Master Tongtian's expression changed, and he hid the Immortal Killing Sword that he was about to use, and his whole person became calm.

"Master, what are you doing?"

The changes in the leader of Tongtian made Taoist Duobao on the side a little puzzled.

Such a good opportunity, why did it stop?

"No chance to take action!"

After Master Tongtian finished speaking, Duobao took a closer look and understood.

Suddenly the whole sky was filled with auspicious clouds.

Blossoming auspicious clouds covered the entire prehistoric land.

It is auspicious clouds at the moment, but once it changes, it will be the inevitable thunder and punishment of heaven.

Hongjun is here!

In fact, Hongjun had been here a long time ago, and he had been watching from the void.

It wasn't until Liu Ming used Chaos Slash in front of everyone that he showed up.

Yuanshi Tianzun had already placed his palm on Kunpeng's chest, but he did not press it.

It wasn't that he didn't want to, but that he felt Hongjun staring at him.

"I've met Master!"

Yuanshi Tianzun withdrew his offensive and said respectfully to the sky.

And others stopped.

Watch quietly as the auspicious clouds disperse.

"Welcome to Dao Ancestor!"

"See Master!"

Following a burst of salutes from everyone, Hongjun's figure slowly walked down from the void.

"Have you had enough trouble?"

As soon as Hongjun opened his mouth, he asked questions!

Suddenly Yuanshi Tianzun and others, including Di Jun and others, were a little stunned.

"You have ignored the will of Heaven. The saint actually took action himself. Hmm, do you really think that Heaven doesn't care?"

After Hongjun finished speaking, several thunderbolts suddenly fell from the sky, hitting Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun, Jieyinhe Zhunti, Dijun, Donghuang Taiyi, and Nuwa directly.

Except for Di Jun, who was slightly lacking in strength and was knocked back a few steps by Thunder Punishment, the others remained the same on the surface.

However, although the power of thunder punishment is not very strong for saints, there is one thing that makes them a little afraid, and that is that under thunder punishment, their luck will be shattered.

That's right, their luck and luck were almost gone.

This is the greatest threat to saints from thunder and punishment from heaven.

As soon as Hongjun took action, the entire prehistoric saints did not dare to say any more.

Yuanshi Tianzun already felt a little regretful at this moment.

But when he saw Liu Ming, he suddenly felt angry again.

This demon prince seems to be deliberately causing trouble for his Yuxu Palace!

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