Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 154: Hongjun’s decree, take Liu Ming away

After Hongjun dispersed the luck of several saints, he directly threw their luck into the wild land.

Immediately gave the prehistoric life a blessing of luck.

This is considered killing the rich and giving to the poor!

It can be regarded as a way of balance.

"Master, the prince of the demon clan almost killed me, the deputy headmaster of Yuxu Palace. Isn't it possible that the disciples can't intervene in this hatred?"

Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly looked at Hongjun and said.

He is a little unwilling now. Although the luck that Hongjun knocked down this time is not much, it was collected by his entire Yuxu Palace.

Now that I was punished by Hongjun for no reason, I lost my luck. In addition, I was wronged by Yuxu Palace in this matter!

"Hmph, the dispute between disciples has always been a battle of luck in the ancient world. You, a noble saint of heaven, actually intervened in it. Do you think it is appropriate?"

After Hongjun finished speaking, Yuanshi Tianzun was speechless.

He looked at Hongjun and didn't know what to say for a while.

The most tragic ones are Jie Yin and Zhunti.

They originally wanted to use the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun to completely destroy the demon clan.

The result was good, the demon clan was not destroyed, they were punished by heaven for no reason and lost their luck.

You know how difficult it is to collect some luck in the West!

Now both of them have been knocked down part of their luck, and they are really about to faint from tears.

The one who felt the same as Jing Yin and Zhunti was Taishang Laojun.

Hongjun looked around, looking at Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi.

"You monsters have already escaped a lot of calamity. You should have concentrated on cultivating and lived in seclusion. Now you have provoked a war between saints. Your sin is not small. Emperor Jun, Donghuang Taiyi, do you two understand?"

After Hongjun finished speaking, Donghuang Taiyi's expression changed and he was about to refute, but Di Jun stopped him with a look.

"What Dao Ancestor said is absolutely true. I was also carried away by anger. The prince of my Demon Clan was severely injured. I can't bear it, and neither can the Demon Clan. It's just that the trouble was a bit big. I hope Dao Ancestor can forgive me! "

After Di Jun finished speaking. Hongjun nodded and accidentally glanced at Liu Ming, who was already awake.

"The matter has come to this. Heaven's punishment has been imposed on you. It's time for you to go back and reflect. In the future, saints will not take action in the great wars. If there is any violation, the poor will definitely follow the will of Heaven and punish you. Do you understand? ?”

After Hongjun finished speaking. Immediately, the expressions of everyone in the whole prehistoric world changed.

The saint was not allowed to intervene in the prehistoric conflict.

That means that the quasi-sage is the number one master in the prehistoric times!

"Dare to ask, Ancestor, what should I do if someone tries to force me to do so?"

Donghuang Taiyi stepped forward and asked.

Because if the saint cannot take action, if someone makes things difficult and insults the saint in every possible way, can he just endure it?

Hongjun glanced at him, and a golden light in his hand shot into the auspicious clouds of heaven.

"In the future, if everyone in the prehistoric times dares to disrespect the saint, the saint will not be able to take action. Otherwise, the will of heaven will destroy him!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, everyone understood that if they were disrespectful to the saint in the future, Heaven would kill them, and it might be difficult for Heaven to deal with the saint.

However, all saints are just ants, and as a punishment from the sky, even a quasi-sage must be reincarnated, or even disappear into ashes.

"Tongtian, take care of yourself!"

Suddenly, Hongjun said something to the void.

Suddenly the face of the Tongtian Cult Master in the void changed, and soon he gritted his teeth and regained his composure.

"Disciple, please obey Master's teachings!"

After Tongtian Cult Master finished speaking, he took his disciples and left directly.

"You guys should go too, remember what Pindao said, don't cause trouble again!"

Hongjun waved his hand, and Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun, Jie Yin and Zhunti left.

Taiyi Zhenren and the other two people held up the lamp and hurried back.

When Di Jun saw that everyone was gone, it was time for him to leave too.

"Tao Ancestor..."

"You take the demon clan back, he stays!"

Hongjun suddenly interrupted Di Jun's words and pointed at Liu Ming in Bai Ze's arms.

The expressions of Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi changed.


"If he stays, the demon clan will leave quickly!"

Hongjun's voice couldn't help but rise a little higher.

"Emperor Jun, Donghuang Taiyi, Daozu's will is still not carried out!"

Nuwa did not leave. She looked at Hongjun asking for Liu Ming and said to Dijun.

When Emperor Jun heard what Nuwa said, he could only wave his hand. Hongjun stretched out his hand, swept Liu Ming directly and disappeared immediately.

"Tao Ancestor..."

Di Jun couldn't help shouting.

But the auspicious clouds in the sky have disappeared, and Hongjun is nowhere to be seen.

"Don't worry, as Dao Ancestor is the spokesperson of Heaven, how can he embarrass a little Da Luo Jinxian? If he really embarrasses him, I'm afraid there will be a thunderbolt heading towards him just now!"

Nuwa came over and said.

After listening to Nuwa's words, Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi were still a little worried.

"Having said that, I really don't know what Zu wanted to do by taking him away! There are so many saints in the whole prehistoric era, and countless quasi-sages, why did they take him away? Could it be that Daozu thought that he was the cause of this prehistoric war? Want to punish him?"

Di Jun said to himself.

"Okay, you don't have to guess anymore. Daozu's every move is free. Take everyone back quickly to avoid further trouble!"

After Nuwa urged him, Di Jun had no choice but to lead everyone away.

Nuwa looked at the direction Hongjun left and sighed!

He reached out and took away Sun Wukong who was lying on the ground!

At this moment, only the lone golden-winged roc eagle was left. He watched everyone leave, wondering where he should go?

"Child, go ahead. The demon clan is in the thirty-third heaven. You are the prince's mount, so naturally you have to wait for the prince in the demon clan!"

After Yuan Feng said something, the golden-winged roc eagle spread its wings and flew high towards the demon clan.

Those who stayed behind also left in a hurry.

There's nothing left to look forward to.

Zhen Yuanzi left, Yuanfeng, Zhulong, and Ancestor Minghe all left.

The battle between the Four Saints and the demon clan has ended like this.

It was finally settled with Hongjun's intervention.

But the biggest impact of this incident is not how powerful the Four Saints are, but the demon clan!

This once-largest clan has experienced great tribulations from the Lich War, the calculations of the Saints, the attacks of the Witch Clan, and now it faces the Four Saints. Naturally, it has not been wiped out.

Although he has lived in seclusion in the thirty-third heaven, anyone who continues to underestimate the demon clan is seeking death.

Hongjun Daozu has a decree, and the saint cannot take action!

The quasi-sages of the prehistoric era are masters, and the most quasi-sages in the entire prehistoric world are none other than the demon clan today!

Emperor Jun at the pinnacle of quasi-sage!

Kunpeng, the half-step peak of quasi-sage!

The top ten demon commanders in the late quasi-sage period!

There is also the Zhoutian Starry Formation that makes even saints cringe!

In this way, who dares to offend the demon clan?

It's true that Honghuang is now the most unprovoked force!

Some people are even a little confused. It seems that the demon clan is the one who finally benefited this time!

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