At this moment, on the Golden Turtle Island, inside the Biyou Palace.

Tongtian's face became more and more serious.

They are both Sanqings, grew up together, and attained enlightenment together. How could he not know the personalities of Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun?

After he originally thought that both sides would suffer in this matter, he managed to deal with everyone by himself.

But in the end Hongjun intervened.

If Hongjun intervened, forget it, but in the end Hongjun actually revealed his intention.

This makes Master Tongtian very passive now!

If nothing else, Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun will definitely be able to figure out Hongjun's meaning.

If they figure out their last-minute plan, I'm afraid they won't let it go.

In addition, this time Daozu Hongjun took action and deprived the five great saints of the entire prehistoric world of part of their luck.

But I was the only one who was not included in the calculation, so I was left alone.

But sometimes being alone means putting yourself in danger.

You are all saints, why haven't you been deprived of your luck? Don’t worry about quantity, but worry about inequality!

"Hey, I made a mistake this time!"

The leader of Tongtian Cult sighed.

This incident caused even the arrogant Tongtian Cult Leader to feel troublesome and headache.

It can be seen that it is indeed very serious.

But Duobao next to him could not think as much as Tongtian Cult Master thought.

He is still thinking about becoming the most powerful person in the world besides Hongjun.

"Master, you don't have to worry. There is no chance this time. We will just wait for the next time! The Demon Clan and Yuxu Palace are already fighting to the death, so we are afraid that there will be no chance!"

After Duobao finished speaking, Tongtian gave him a cold look.

Duobao immediately realized that he had made a mistake.

"Hmph, you know nothing!"

Leader Tongtian scolded him directly.

"This, Master, this disciple realizes his mistake!"

Duobao hurriedly admitted his mistake, not saying what was wrong, but just admitting his mistake anyway.

"Okay, go down and don't cause any trouble for me recently. I'm going into seclusion. Do you hear me? Otherwise I won't let you go!"

After Master Tongtian finished speaking, Duobao nodded hurriedly and ran out.

After leaving Biyou Palace, Duobao saw Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao and summoned the four of them.

"Big brother!"

Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao saluted Duobao.

"Junior brothers and sisters, you must be aware of what happened this time. Haha, Yuxu Palace has another enemy this time, and that is the demon clan. Do you think we should be happy?"

After Duobao finished speaking, Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao were a little confused.

What's so happy about this?

"Think about it, if the demon clan and Yuxu Palace are both defeated, will we have a chance to destroy Yuxu Palace? Isn't this worth being happy about?"

After Duobao finished speaking, Zhao Gongming and the other four looked at each other in awe.

"Senior Brother, please be careful what you say. If Uncle Yuanshi Tianzun hears it, I'm afraid it will cause trouble again!"

Zhao Gongming said hurriedly.

When Duobao heard this, he felt bored and walked out directly.

"Hey, senior brother is really, hey!"

Zhao Gongming sighed helplessly.

At this moment, the relationship between the three Qing Dynasties has become subtle.

But Duobao still looks aloof, which is really speechless!

Thirty-third heaven, Demon Court!

Ever since Liu Ming was taken away, Di Jun had no smile on his face.

He was worried about Liu Ming.

After all, Liu Ming is the future of his demon clan.

He is also his most trusted and reassuring son now, the eldest prince of the demon clan.

"Brother, are you still worried about your nephew?"

Donghuang Taiyi came over and asked.

Di Jun nodded.

"Brother, actually I think Daozu Hongjun only had one purpose in taking his nephew away, and that was the power that destroyed the world and destroyed the world that we felt before. Now it seems that that power is probably coming from his nephew! After that, The move he used against Yuanshi Tianzun, although not as powerful as before, is still terrifying!"

Donghuang Taiyi said.

Di Jun nodded. As Liu Ming's father, he still knew that it was Liu Ming's attack, because that attack had Liu Ming's aura.

It is precisely because of this that Di Jun is even more worried!

That was an extremely powerful attack.

Now I think Hongjun came here just for that attack!

"That's all, it's a blessing, not a disaster. We can't avoid disasters. We, the demon clan, have really experienced too much and suffered too many hardships. Hmm, the way of heaven is unfair and treats all things as stupid dogs. We, the demon clan, have now suffered You’ve had enough, why don’t you let us go?”

After Di Jun finished speaking, Donghuang Taiyi also felt angry.

It’s just that if there is a cause, there must be an effect, the cycle of cause and effect!

Liu Ming's appearance saved the demon clan and dragged the demon clan out of the lich calamity.

And precisely because of this, the cause and effect was sown, and the demon clan suffered crises many times because of Liu Ming.

Liu Ming didn't know this at all, because he didn't understand.

Although Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi understood it, sometimes they couldn't help it. They couldn't just watch Liu Ming die helplessly!

"Okay, brother. Now that he has gone to Zixiao Palace, it is useless for us to worry. I think Daozu will not embarrass him! It's time for us to do our things!"

Donghuang Taiyi patted Di Jun on the shoulder.

Di Jun turned around and smiled bitterly, then nodded.

"By the way, I don't know what happened to the monkey. If he comes back, how should we explain to him!"

Di Jun suddenly remembered the half-dead Sun Wukong.

"He was taken away by Sage Nuwa. I think he will be fine. He was conceived with the colorful stone to patch the sky. Only Sage Nuwa can save him!"

After Donghuang Taiyi finished speaking, he suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, although the monkey is at Nuwa's place, my nephew's mount, the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle, has come to our demon tribe!"

Di Jun was a little surprised when he heard this.

Di Jun also knew the origin of the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle.

That is half the bloodline of Yuan Feng from the Phoenix Clan!

Unexpectedly, this time, instead of going back to the Phoenix Clan, the Demon Clan came.

He seems to be a loyal person too!

"Where are you now?"

Di Jun asked.

"Haha, being brought to his palace by Kunpeng, the two of them must have cherished each other!"

Donghuang Taiyi said with a smile.

Di Jun's eyes lit up, Kunpeng? Golden-winged Dapeng eagle?

"In my opinion, maybe the two of them don't just care about each other, and maybe they have some relationship with each other!"

After Di Jun finished speaking, he and Donghuang Taiyi burst into laughter.

There is no way to keep track of time since ancient times. In the blink of an eye, millions of years have passed.

Yujing Mountain, Zixiao Palace!

Liu Ming slowly opened his eyes.

He was suddenly surprised.

This place is actually ethereal and full of spiritual energy, with bursts of law power everywhere.

"This is it? It's not the Demon Court, nor does it look like the Wa Palace!"

Liu Ming was confused and didn't know where he was.

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