Liu Ming raised his head and looked in front of him. It didn't matter. He was suddenly surprised.

In front of him, an old Taoist was sitting on a futon, and the immortal energy around him was condensed, making him look a little hazy.

Liu Ming blinked and took a closer look. Let me go. Is this Hongjun?

Liu Ming suddenly woke up and looked around hurriedly.

This time he took a serious look at it.

This place has such a fairy spirit, it must be the Zixiao Palace.

And just when he looked at Hongjun through the immortal energy, the shining jade plate above his head made him completely sure.

It is Zixiao Palace, and the jade disc is the legendary jade disc of creation.

While Liu Ming was looking around, Hongjun, who had closed his eyes tightly, also opened his eyes at this moment.

When Liu Ming just woke up, he already knew.

The reason why Hongjun didn't open his eyes immediately was that he wanted to see Liu Ming's attitude. Secondly, Hongjun had been observing the jade dish of creation.

Obviously, the jade dish of good fortune had a manifestation when Liu Ming was awake.

It can be seen that Hongjun knew that his judgment was correct.

This prince of the demon clan does have something to do with the heavenly secret covered by heaven.

"Have you seen enough?"

Suddenly, Hongjun's voice came down from the high platform.

After Liu Ming heard this, he suddenly sobered up.

"I've met Daozu!"

Liu Ming hurriedly saluted Hongjun.

Hongjun waved his hand and dispersed the immortal energy around him.

At this moment, Liu Ming saw a complete and clear Hongjun.

"Well, you are not bad either. You have recovered from your injuries in just tens of millions of years. Not bad!"

Hongjun glanced at Liu Ming and already knew his physical condition.

"Thank you, Dao Ancestor. This is why Dao Ancestor brought me to the Zixiao Palace, a perfect place with abundant spiritual energy. If not, it would be difficult for me to recover from my injuries!"

Liu Ming said respectfully.

Don't reach out and hit the smiling person. I'm afraid Hongjun won't embarrass you if you say something nice.

"Haha, you are sharp-tongued. It seems that it is not unreasonable for Emperor Jun to protect you so tightly. In the future, the demon clan may have Emperor Jun ready to rely on you, right?"

Hongjun really laughed!

"Dao Ancestor is ridiculous. That junior is just opportunistic. The Demon Clan has no ambitions now, and whoever is in charge of the Demon Clan has no idea!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he glanced at Hongjun, who raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Do you know why Pindao brought you back to Zixiao Palace?"

Hongjun suddenly asked.

When Liu Ming heard this, he knew that something serious was coming. He shook his head. He really didn't know, but Liu Ming vaguely felt that maybe Hongjun had discovered his secret.

"Come and tell Pindao, where did the move you used against Yuanshi Tianzun come from?"

Suddenly, Hongjun asked in a serious tone.

There was an air of no doubt in the questioning tone.

Deal with Yuanshi Tianzun?

Liu Ming instantly remembered, Chaos Slash!

And Hongjun's purpose of bringing himself to Zixiao Palace is also clear.

His secret was exposed, and Hongjun was already aware of it.

But Liu Ming had no choice. If he hadn't used Chaos Slash, he might have been killed in the hands of Ran Deng and Tai Yi. Secondly, he might have been destroyed by the Four Saints when they dealt with the demon clan.

"The Dao Ancestor is asking about my Chaos Slash!"

Liu Ming said it directly, and now Hongjun already knew it. Hiding it would only make Hongjun more and more curious.

It's better to tell him directly!

"Chaos Slash? What a domineering name. It kills chaos. Haha, it really didn't belong to prehistoric times. Tell me, where does this kind of skill come from!"

Hongjun pressed him directly, but Liu Ming had already felt the oppression and threat from the surrounding immortal energy to him.

"Daozu. I got this by accident. I got it in Wuyi Mountain. When I was wandering in Wuyi Mountain, I accidentally discovered a technique. I didn't pay attention to it at the time. As a result, it entered my body by itself, and I slowly practiced it on my own. It got up, and when I found out later, it had already mastered the first form!"

Liu Ming said slowly, his heart not beating and his face not red.

There are many treasures in the ancient world. As long as I can make them up perfectly, even Hongjun will not be able to know them all!

After hearing this, Hongjun frowned, Wuyi Mountain?

But it's possible. Most of the prehistoric treasures are located in Buzhou Mountain and Wuyi Mountain.

Because these two mountain peaks were formed when chaos first opened.

As a good place to survive and build a dojo, I am afraid that many treasures will be left behind.

"How did you know that Wuyi Mountain has such a technique?"

Hongjun asked again.

Liu Ming couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

I have already said it, I got it by accident, you got it by chance, you still ask a question!

However, Liu Ming knew clearly that Hongjun was testing whether he was lying, and also trying to find out whether he had known such skills for a long time.

"Replying to Dao Ancestor, I found out that there were Taoist cultivators Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao in Erxian Ridge of Wuyi Mountain, and they went there for the treasure money in their hands. As a result, I found a cave on the way, and inside was That spiritual guide of the Chaos Slashing Technique, I just memorized the practice method in a daze!"

Liu Ming racked his brains to make up the story of how he got the Chaos Slash.

After hearing this, Hongjun said nothing and just looked at Liu Ming.

Liu Ming tried his best to stay calm and not let Hongjun see any clues.

At this moment, the light in Hongjun's eyes is getting stronger and stronger!

"You have extraordinary talents, pure blood, and the body of a three-legged golden crow. Why is your state stagnant now? There must be some reason!"

Hongjun suddenly asked.

Liu Ming looked up at Hongjun in astonishment.

Your own realm?

It is already the peak of Daluo Jinxian!

That’s it!

Could it be that now that he has become a saint, he is worthy of his talent and bloodline?

No, Hongjun couldn't be so bored, he was testing his own secrets.

He knew the reason why Liu Ming couldn't break through Daluo Jinxian, and that was because he had no roots!

The root bones and Tao foundation of a practitioner are particularly important.

Basically, they place their souls on the way of heaven and follow the will of heaven to achieve enlightenment step by step!

If you have the opportunity to understand the way of heaven, you can become a saint!

If you don't have the opportunity, you can only practice slowly under the will of heaven.

But Liu Ming was different. After he was promoted to Daluo Jinxian, he did not place his soul on the way of heaven.

So now his level cannot be improved!

Just like that rootless duckweed!

But the problem is that Liu Ming has no intention of placing his soul in the way of heaven.

After practicing Hongmeng Hegemony and Chaos Slash, and what Liu Ming saw from Chaos Slash was a scene he could not forget, he no longer wanted to place his soul on the way of heaven.

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